
I just killed my rival footballer.

MamaduK · Sports
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Chapter III

I had killed my rival, Marcos.

In the end, it was all my fault. I had been thinking about the past, instead of concentrating on the present. I had been dwelling on the defeat against Sevilla, when I should have been thinking about the match ahead. And I had been imagining that my teammates were lazy, when they were actually working hard to give their best.

So now, I had killed Marcos. And I was responsible for his death.

What am I going to do now?

I had never killed anyone before. And I certainly had never murdered someone. I had been playing football for twenty years, and I had never even been sent off in a match. Now I had killed my rival footballer.

And the worst thing is that I enjoyed it. I loved the way his body moved under my feet. I liked the feel of his flesh beneath my fingers. His blood was warm, and it smelled good.

It was as if my whole life had become a nightmare. It was as if everything I believed in had been shattered. Everything I had worked for was ruined. My life was at an end.

I had to think fast. There was no doubt about it: I was guilty. I was going to be arrested at once. And I knew there would be no mercy for me. The judge would send me to prison for life.

I couldn't spend my whole life in prison without any trophy. No. I had to find a way to continue my career as a professional football player.

I quickly put Marcos's body into the trunk of my car. I have to get rid of it somewhere else. And I'll bury it later.

But there was another problem: Were there any witnesses? I could burn my clothes and get rid of the evidance, but there might be someone who saw me kill Marcos.

I looked around. There was no one around. But if someone had seen me beat him to death, he or she would have called the police. so I had to get out of there quickly.

I got into my car and started the engine. I drove away from the stadium, and then I headed toward my home. It was hard to concentrate on driving because the body in the trunk was bothering me. All I could think was that I should hurry home and dispose of the body.

About halfway through, a police officer on a motorcycle stopped me.