
I just killed my rival footballer.

MamaduK · Sports
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5 Chs

Chapter IV

"Excuse me, sir" he said.

"Wha-what?" I stammered. Did he notice the body in my trunk? I was so nervous, I couldn't think clearly.

"Sir," he repeated. "Do you know why I stopped you?"

"N-No," I said. "Why?"

Calm down Ricardo. He couldn't have seen the body in the trunk unless he had x-ray vision in his eyes. I thought to myself.

"You're speeding."

I hadn't noticed. I was so busy trying to figure out how I could get rid of the body that I had completely forgotten about the speed limit.

"Yes, I guess so," I said. "Sorry about that."

"May I see your driver's license?"

"Sure," I said. I reached for my wallet.

"Wait," he shouted. "You're Ricardo Sanchez, footballer right?"

"Yeah," I said.

"I'm glad to meet you," he said. "My son is a huge fan of yours. He's crazy about football, you see."

"Really?" I asked. "Well, thank you."

"He's always talking about you," he continued. "He says that you're the best player in the world."

"Thank you," I said, smiling awkwardly. "Anyway, do I have to..."

"Oh, Don't worry about speeding. I'll take care of it," he said. "But you have to slow down. Otherwise, I'll have to write you a ticket."

"Okay, okay," I said. "I'm sorry."

"By the way, can I get your autograph?"


"My son always wanted your autograph," he explained. "Can you sign it for him?"

"Sure," I said. "What's his name?"

"His name is Pedro," he said.

I signed it. Then I handed him back the pen.

"Thanks," he said. "My son will be very happy."

"It's no problem," I answered. "Have a nice day."

Then I turned my attention back to the road. Thanks god that was over.

Soon after, I arrived at my house. I parked my car in the garage and went inside.

I opened the door and stepped into my living room. I sat down on my sofa and stared blankly at the ceiling.

"What am I going to do now?" I asked myself. I arrived home safely without being caught, but what was I supposed to do now? I couldn't leave the body lying around. I needed to hide it somewhere where no one would find it.

Think, Ricardo! Think!

Shall I dissolve his body in sulfuric acid? That would be a great way to dispose of a body without a trace. But where do I get that much acid? Shall I cut his body to pieces? No. I can't even watch gore movies properly. It's hard to imagine me cutting his body into pieces.

I thought hard, but I couldn't come up with a good way. Marcos, you bastard make me suffer even after death.