
I Have An Alien Mining Ship

Zhang Heng got a mining ship from an alien civilization! From then on, the rich minerals buried in the deep sea became his possession! Iron ore, copper ore, coal mine, rare earth ore, etc.! Oil, natural gas, and combustible ice that cannot be mined by human technology at present! Mining, mining, nothing to say! There are rich mineral resources in the waters of the island country? In front of the mining ship, it belongs to Zhang Heng! In addition, a large amount of metals can be processed and refined into rare metals and alloys! … This is a translation of a Chinese novel , don't scold me for any racism or nationalism or ccp brainwashing in the novel , just shut off your brain and ignore all that bullshit, I just translate this shit so more ppl can read and maybe someone gets inspired and writes some better stuff , Original name 都市:海洋采矿舰 Author : Braised Eggplant 03 From faloo

Cardinal_Sin · Others
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Chapter 159: Solution To Metal Glass Ejection

Fighter planes are very safe!But at the same time, they are also very dangerous!This has nothing to do with technology, but is determined by countless factors, such as climate, air pressure, bird strikes, etc., which are all unexpected factors.In addition, there is also the tailspin at a certain speed? And some aircraft postures that cause black vision of the human body, etc., may cause the fighter plane to lose control, and thus ~accidents.On the technical level, it is naturally impossible to achieve 100%.After all, a fighter plane is composed of countless parts.There is no problem.They have all been verified to be safe and reliable.But when you are flying, or after flying for a period of time, the parts are aged, and there is systematic wear and tear, etc.Some of them are still invisible to your naked eyes. Even if the ground crew is very careful and there are many detection equipment, they may not be able to find all the problems.So, some accidents and emergencies are normal.This requires ejection.Fighter planes are very expensive, but life is priceless."I have already thought about this aspect. It is based on metallic glass, which has a layer of metal mesh inside, and it is conductive.Zhang Heng had the idea when he was making aviation glass, and this idea is also valid: "When manufacturing, keep a port, which is connected to the ejection seat.When ejection is required, press the ejection button, turn on the power, destroy the glass from the inside, shatter the glass, and achieve a non-injury ejection. ""Of course, this still needs some experiments to ensure that there is no risk and 100% safety. Zhang Heng emphasized the importance of a 100% success rate for safety."Mr. Lin, you are professional in this area, you can do it!" Mr. Chu threw this question to his colleague who came with him."This theory is valid, there should be no problem!"Mr.Lin had never spoken before, and those who didn't know him would think he was dumb, but he didn't take on too much responsibility, and turned to the side: "Mr.Wu, you have made great achievements in air flow.If this method is used, and the glass is shattered at high altitude, will the fragments cause harm to the pilot?""This question..."Mr.Wu had never spoken before, and now he was asked, he was a little embarrassed.In a very short time, he imagined a lot and deduced it in his mind, but he didn't dare to draw a conclusion: "It seems like a small problem, but it can be a big problem.It involves many aspects, including airflow, and the shattering itself.Is it shattered outwards or in other ways?""If it is shattered outwards and at high altitude, then the shattered glass fragments should overflow and scatter under the high-altitude airflow. It will not cause any harm to the pilot, but it is not 100%."In addition, what if the fighter plane is in an inverted flight?""Also...in terms of time, from shattering the glass to ejecting the seat, there is only a few tenths of a second in between. Can it be done? This is another issue that needs special demonstration.Mr. Wu was extremely rigorous, which was a quality that a scientific researcher should have and must possess. He asked many questions, and every ten questions went straight to the core."This... I was a little careless!"Zhang Heng had to admit that after hearing the questions raised by Mr.Wu, he also deduced in his mind and found that there was indeed a problem.Fortunately, he had more than one idea: "Still keep one of the ports and still use electric shock, but increase the power to achieve the effect of shattering, and the procedure to shatter, so that all problems can be solved.""It also includes the interval time from pressing the button to the actual ejection." Zhang Heng was very serious."If this effect can be achieved, all problems will be solved!" Mr. Wu thought for a moment and nodded to express his opinion."If so, I think there is no problem." Mr. Lin also nodded and developed his opinion."In this way, we need to take some samples back for experiments!" Mr. Lin made a request after his two colleagues expressed their opinions."Okay!"Zhang Heng did not refuse. This stage was unavoidable. He had only produced a piece of car window glass before, and the experiments he could do were very limited: "I will prepare two copies, each of which will be more than 100 yuan, for your two groups!""Okay!"Mr. Chu smiled, looked aside and asked: "Mr. Ai, one for each of us, no problem?""No problem on our side!" Mr. Ai also smiled."Okay!"Mr. Chu made a summary, and then smiled and said: "There is basically no problem on our side, and the rest is up to you. Come here, I think there are more or less things to talk to Zhang Heng, and the next time is up to you."0.***......."Okay!""We have been waiting for a long time.""Hahaha!"We can't keep talking about serious matters and important matters in a dull atmosphere. We can't be careless.Even the next things are big things. It's better to have such a transition and slow down the atmosphere.But it didn't take long!Someone stood up."In fact, there are many questions.Lao and Hou have already asked them before, and we have also got the answers.The rest are just minor details.Let me throw out some ideas."An old man stood up and fired the first shot: "From the overall planning map of your Hengyuan Mining Group, you can see a lot of things.I think in your plan, Hengyuan Mining Group wants to become stronger and bigger, and not limited to a certain material, but wants to include many materials, including minerals, alloys, etc., right?" "Yes!"Zhang Heng never hides his ambitions.He said it truthfully when he mentioned it: "In addition to these, it is possible to make composite materials in the future, including the research and development of some new materials.As long as there is value, we want to try to do it." "After all, we are a commercial group with profit as our goal, and as long as a material has a market, it is worth doing.As for the use of this material, it depends on the characteristics of the material. "In my imagination, if it is a high-strength material with high-end application fields, it will definitely be given priority to domestic units in need. ""If it is some ordinary materials, then we will push them into the civilian market to promote industrial development.After all, materials are the foundation of the entire industry and can be regarded as the foundation of the industrial building.Without the foundation, the building cannot be built."Zhang Heng's words were a bit obscure, but there was no fool present who could understand.Materials with good properties and high strength must be listed as military materials, and the supply targets are also related.If it is a little worse, we will go for commercial operation and push it into the commercial market, which can be regarded as both good and bad."Well, let me ask a question!"An old man stood up at this time. His face could not tell anything, but his eyes were full of meaning. I think the question he wanted to ask was not a good one.....