
I Have An Alien Mining Ship

Zhang Heng got a mining ship from an alien civilization! From then on, the rich minerals buried in the deep sea became his possession! Iron ore, copper ore, coal mine, rare earth ore, etc.! Oil, natural gas, and combustible ice that cannot be mined by human technology at present! Mining, mining, nothing to say! There are rich mineral resources in the waters of the island country? In front of the mining ship, it belongs to Zhang Heng! In addition, a large amount of metals can be processed and refined into rare metals and alloys! … This is a translation of a Chinese novel , don't scold me for any racism or nationalism or ccp brainwashing in the novel , just shut off your brain and ignore all that bullshit, I just translate this shit so more ppl can read and maybe someone gets inspired and writes some better stuff , Original name 都市:海洋采矿舰 Author : Braised Eggplant 03 From faloo

Cardinal_Sin · Others
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Chapter 158: The Commitment Of The Two Major Aircraft Groups

"Aren't you taking off your pants to fart?"Mr. Chu was fed up and started to get angry. He really couldn't stand this ambiguous answer: "What we want to know now is whether Hengyuan Mining Group can produce high-quality titanium alloy. If there is high-quality aluminum alloy, it would be the best."The implication!I just want to get an accurate answer, no reasons, no excuses, no evasions, and more importantly, a 100% affirmation.Zhang Heng heard this and couldn't help but smile bitterly.He could guarantee this kind of thing 100% because he had a mining ship and could get it out at any time, but others didn't know.If he dared to guarantee it 100%, many people would probably doubt him: "Old, you are also an authority in materials.Who dares to guarantee 100% in this area of ​​materials?""Especially... If I'm not wrong, the titanium alloy you want to use is definitely not some titanium alloy available on the market. Even if it is defined as a high-level titanium alloy now, it can't meet your requirements, right?""What you really need is the kind of titanium alloy that exceeds the advanced level. Do you think I can pat my chest and guarantee that I can make it? What if I can't make it in the future?"Zhang Heng finally asked a counter-question.This time, 317 was speechless.That was the problem.He was too anxious.He had to be anxious.It was about the sixth-generation fighter.Many domestic material research institutes, including their own material research center, always lacked a little.Otherwise, it would not be like this: "Okay, I was too anxious." "But there is nothing I can do." "To be honest, our chief designer has almost driven me crazy during this period of time.All the scientific researchers in our entire material research center are almost driven crazy." "Well, I still hope that your Hengyuan Mining Group can do its best to try to make a better titanium alloy.If it meets our requirements, then I can assure you on behalf of Chengfei Group that we will kick Huati Metal Group out of our supplier list." "I wonder if you are satisfied with this?"Mr.Chu calmed down and asked the last question with a joking smile. "We Shenfei Group can also promise that Huati Metal Group is also our titanium alloy supplier.If it can be replaced and is better than them, we will kick them out of the list without hesitation."Ai Lao also spoke up, and an inexplicable smile flashed across his face: "Your relationship with Huati Metal Group is not a secret in the industry. It seems that you young people are jealous, but I feel that Zhang's father and son are really nothing."" Zhang Heng was a little overwhelmed. Why did the topic seem a little off?"Mr.Zhang...Just two days ago, Central South University had already investigated Zhang Yang.During his university years, many things happened, which had a very bad impact.Central South University has issued a notice to cancel Zhang Yang's academic status and degree, etc. "Colonel Qin originally did not speak a word, playing the role of only having ears but no mouth, but at the last minute, he still spoke: "Over the years, Huati Metal Group has relied on their technology and used a lot of tricks, including raising prices for the same supplier many times on the grounds of limited production capacity.Although it is a normal business activity, it is morally excessive and very bad behavior."Okay!Now I understand.Huati Metal Group seems to have angered the public."I'll try my best!"Zhang Heng did not change his position because of this matter.He still maintained his original statement.He did not refuse to give a positive answer, but he relaxed a little: "What I can guarantee 100% is that at least we can produce the highest quality titanium alloy with the same quality as Huati Metal Group.""As for the aluminum alloy you mentioned, Mr. Chu, my research in this area is still at the surface. I just have some ideas, but I haven't done any experiments. I will work hard in this regard. I wonder if you are satisfied with this answer?" Zhang Heng spread his hands and said helplessly."Of course I am not satisfied."Mr.Chu seemed to have a temper tantrum.When he said this, his voice was very low.This topic ended here.He changed the subject: "Regarding the new engine, the design ideas were provided by you, and there are also rough design drawings.In this regard, we have made some optimizations to your design, which is indeed good.""But after we trial-produced it, we found that our optimized version looked much better, but we always felt that something was missing, that is, we felt that there was still a lot of potentialYou are also one of the protagonists in this regard. Do you have any suggestions?" Mr. Chu could not come for a single thing."That's... hard to say!"Zhang Heng felt that Mr.Chu had come to him today to find problems.He had optimized the design according to his design ideas and the rough design drawings he provided.More importantly, he had no physical objects and optimized new design drawings to show him, so he had no way to make suggestions: "How about, wait until I'm done with my work for a while, visit Cheng Fei, and then take a look?""X↑..."Mr. Chu also knew that they were asking too much, but they also had their own difficulties. It was about the new aeroengine of the sixth-generation fighter, not to mention taking it out of the factory, even taking it out of the R&D center was not possible: "In terms of time, can you tighten it up?""One month, at most, I'll go there in one month."Zhang Heng gave a timetable and explained more: "It's mainly because I'm busy too. Three large factories have been built, and the production lines have been ready for a long time. The only thing left is installation. We can't just leave it there, right?""Among them, two factories are for smelting, with multiple production lines, including titanium alloy production lines. This really can't be delayed!"Zhang Heng finally said so."Okay, we'll wait for you!"Old Chu didn't say anything more. His goal had been achieved. He was not dissatisfied with this. To be honest, he had no obligation to do so. Even the design ideas and rough design drawings were given away for free: "Then there is the last thing on our side, which is about metal glass.""We already know your original intention. It was an accident to make metal glass, but this accident happened to be suitable for the aviation field. It is stronger than the previous aviation glass.But you know, the aviation glass installed on the fighter is different." Old Chu didn't say anything more, because he knew Zhang Heng could understand the meaning.Strong aviation glass.It has been tested that at high altitudes and at ultra-high speeds, even if a bird hits it, it will not cause too much damage to the glass. It is impossible to be completely intact, but if it is not broken, it is already a qualified product among qualified products.Because as long as it is not broken on the spot, it can fly back. What you earn is not only a pilot, but also a fighter worth tens of millions or hundreds of millions. It can be seen how precious this piece of metal glass is.But even though it is so good, it also has its shortcomings. The biggest obstacle is the ejection, which is a life-saving link.