
Meet My Kidnapper

Is it just me or did it suddenly get hotter in here?

I'm currently on the floor, underneath the window facing the door and staring across at him.

His hair is wavy, chocolate brown in colour with dark auburn highlights. His jawline so sharp, it could cut glass. His eyes, framed with finely arched eyebrows, are mesmerizing, a color blend of amber and orange and honey. I could stare at them all day long.

Then I realize, he was the

one who grabbed me into the car.

He's my kidnapper.

My incredibly attractive kidnapper.

We both stay still staring at each other before he clears his throat. He takes a step forward and I shift back into the wall. I quickly consider my options. I could try to fight him and run, I'm sure the lamp on the bedside desk could do some damage to his skull.

But then what?

His colleagues could be any where around the house, which seems to be large by the way. Even if I did manage to find an exit, how far could I go in the woods?

Mother Nature and I have a pretty simple relationship. I watch her and all her glory from TV and through car windows. But anytime I dare step foot into anything more outdoorsy than a park, it never ends well. From simple scratches by trees to poison ivy, to getting skunked and my personal favorite, being attacked by a raccoon. I've learned that the only way for me to safely experience the wonders of nature is through a screen, so jumping headfirst into an unknown forest is not the best option. Not to mention the wolves I saw earlier.

I think I'll take my chances with the guy in front of me, who is now scratching the back of his head awkwardly. He sighs suddenly and speaks up.

"So... Welcome to my home."

I blink at him.

"I know you're probably scared but I'm not going to hurt you, nobody is. This, entire thing is just a major mistake made out of utter stupidity and I'm incredibly sorry. "

"Oh. " I return stupidly.

Who kidnaps someone accidentally?

"Yeah", he replies. And then silence. I'm looking at him and he's looking at the ground like he'd rather be anywhere than here explaining this bizarre situation.

"Where's my cat?" I ask suddenly, as I get up.

"Follow me", he replies with a smirk and my breath catches.

Well, my kidnapper is extremely sexy.