
Unexpected Proposal


This house is huuuge.

I'm walking quietly behind him, along the corridor of the floor of the Burgundy room. The corridor is spacious, with all the doors leading to rooms on the left. Tall, slim, evenly spaced rectangular windows were on my right, illuminating the corridor.

The day was coming to an end and the orange glow of the setting sun poured in, making the turquoise blue wallpaper and art on the left wall gleam. It was so pretty I felt like I was in a fairytale castle.

"Your home is really pretty."

He turned to stare back at me in surprise.

"Thank you." he said with a smile and blew his hair out of his twinkling eyes.

'Well, you're better looking.' I said. Almost.

"Over here." He pointed out the stairs at the end of the corridor, on our left, one leading up, the other down.

He headed down the stairs and I swallowed the compliment and followed him. We head down two flights of stairs and end up on the ground floor of the house which smelled delicious like cinnamon and chocolate. The wafting scents and the sound of male laughter lead into a modern kitchen which has tones of canary yellow and woody accents, with a homely feel. Two guys are seated around the square grey marble island in the middle of the kitchen. One with buzzcut blonde hair groaning while nursing an ice pack on his face, the source of laughter being from the other guy with shockingly white hair the color of snow.

Something long and orange catches the corner of my eye.


She's right there on the floor nibbling fish.

Guess I didn't need to worry...

She comes to dance around my legs and I pick her up. Awww, she abandoned her fish for me. I honestly feel so special right now.

My accidental kidnapper clears his throat as I hide and peek from behind him. The silence lasts for about 3 seconds before Snow bursts out laughing even harder than before.

"Well Cayson, I knew you had shit for brains but this is shocking even for you."

So his name is Cayson.

"Seriously, how could you have stolen a girl?"

"It was a mistake.", my abductor finally grounds out.

"A mistake that cost me my beautiful face." I peek around to see that Buzz cut Blondie is the complainer and end up snorting.

This was the guy Lucy shredded into.

All eyes in the room turn to me and my giggle bursts into full on laughter.

"She's still here?!!!"


I open my eyes and start laughing again at his comical expression with the ice pack.

White hair gets up, gently guides me to his seat and my laughter starts subsiding into teeny hiccups.

Buzz cut forgets his ice pack and starts firing off questions.

"What did you give her?"

"What the hell does that mean?"

"Well how else could she find this funny?"

How could I not?

I went out walking with my cat, got kidnapped by a gang of guys in a mini van, my kidnapper tells me it was an accident and I'm presently in the middle of nowhere.

If I don't laugh, I might cry and I absolutely refuse to do so. The guys in front of me are now fully arguing making my mind even more chaotic. Squeezing my hands together, I close my eyes and take in calming breaths to fight off the anxiety growing in my chest. Light taps on my shoulder bring me out and Snow's smile is the first thing I see.

"Here, orange juice." he says while handing me a cup. I gulp it down and realize I'm actually hungry.

"Thanks." I reply and return the smile.

We hear a derisive snort and tour towards the source which is our Icepack wielder.

"I know, its ridiculous, it's crazy but do you have a better option? I mean I didn't really think it through but now I have the option, why not take it?", all of this is from Cayson.

"Yeah, it doesn't really matter what you think. The real question is will she accept?"

At this, Cayson turns to me and crosses his arms.

"Well, will you?"

"Will I what?" I ask thoroughly confused.

"Will you pose as my fiancée?"

You've got to be kidding me...