
Lost in Burgundy

I woke up feeling groggy. My eyes on their own just refused to open, so I layed there enjoying the extremely comfy bed. I eventually opened my eyes because I got hungry. I always keep a couple of snacks hidden around my room, so I can munch on something without having to go all the way to the kitchen (I know, I'm lazy). So my plan was to grab something from my favorite stash of mini chocolate chip cookies, hidden in my underwear drawer and roll back into bed but that plan was shot down as soon as I sat up in bed.

I'm not in my room. The two windows on either side of the bed provide enough light for me to see the room in all its burgundyness. I mean, I have nothing against the colour but this is way too much. Everything in the room is burgundy, from the curtains, to the wallpaper to the bed spread I'm on down to the circular rug in front of the bed. They all have the same swirling gold design and individually they're beautiful pieces but overwhelming when put together.

I take a peek at the floor and to my relief it's wood. From my position on the bed I spot two doors across the room both at opposite extreme ends, the one on the right is the bathroom judging by the tiles I spot through the slightly opened door. I shuffle across the room to the bathroom, it's got sky blue walls with white tiles, which eases my eyes from the burgundy. I relieve myself and then sit down on the bed with my hands on my head to figure out what happened.

I remember being pulled into the van, my kidnappers being all male and also the epic fight with Lucy, too bad we lost though.

Wait, Lucy....

I look around but she's not with me. I search the room frantically even the bathroom and she's still not around. I run to the other door and try to yank it open as it must be the way out. It's locked soundly.

Oh god no...

I begin to hyperventilate as I pace the room. I can handle being kidnapped, I believe I can take care of myself but Lucy can't. She can be annoying and sometimes demanding but I love her. She's family and she's been a source of comfort for me through tough times.

What do I do? What do I do??

I walk to the window and the view makes my heart sink further. I'm way high up so I can't escape through that way. There are trees as far as the eye can see, in the middle of the woods is a road which emerges from the circular clearing in front of the house and stretches into the horizon. I can feel panic climbing up my throat now but I still don't know what to do.

Do I scream? The place is isolated so who will hear? And yet I can't just sit still waiting for my captors. And I still don't know Lucy's fate. All this goes through my mind as I pace back and forth. I stick my head out the window to see if there's any way I can climb out when I see them.

Down in the clearing there's a group of four wolves emerging from the woods. At first glance, they could be mistaken for dogs but they're huge and menacing and their eyes glow unnaturally. One of the wolves looks up suddenly and I duck underneath the window. My heart is beating so hard I fear it'll burst. I take three deep breaths to calm myself and just when my breathing is back to normal, I hear the click of the door lock and when I look up the door swings open.

A/N: Ooh, who do you think opened the door?

Read the next chapter to find out!!(^.^)