

Rinky was puzzled, "how? your first fan was me. "

"You remember my first novel?" "It was so long ago besides Who would remember that boring story." Rinky jokingly said to Gia.

Gia immediately slapped her with the book that was in her hands. "Is it how you support your best friend,"

"Sorry, sorry, I am wrong okay." "You better be." Gia warned. "Anyway what happened to the fan, why did he start to dislike your story?"

It was a long story, Gia said mysteriously. "Then make the long story short."

"You know when I first started writing novels not many liked my novels. Even you thought it was too ordinary. It doesn't excite people." Gia said while reminiscing about the past.

"Then I stopped writing for a while. But one day I got a message inbox from this fan,

Five years ago,

"Gia, come down, it's time for dinner," said Mrs. Shen.

"Coming, mom,"

As Gia was about to get up, he heard the system notifications from her computer.

"Who is messaging me this time," As Gia took a look and she was surprised.

"Hello, I am your fan. You didn't update the story past week, Are you unwell?"

Ashique sent this after a long time thinking and editing. He lives abroad and is rarely free. On his free time he would read some books and accidentally found this novel.

From the writing it can be seen that the writer is new, but his story is very good and informative. It can be seen that the writer has done his research and has some unique idea. He must be a student in business or finance studies.

He really liked the story and was very curious about what happens next but the author stopped updating it.

Out of curiosity he sent this sms to the author.

Oh my God, I have a fan, thinking so Gia hurriedly replied, "Thank you for you concern, I am glad that you like my story, but I decided to stop writing this story."

"If it's not personal, may I know the reason?" Does he have any financial problem, should I help her, Ashique thought.

"It's not a big deal, it's just I don't think my story is that good,"

"No, your stories are very good. Otherwise I would not like it,"

This fan is quite narcissistic. Gia thought to herself and asked,

"Then why don't many people like my story, even my friend said it's boring."

Because he is blind, Although Ashik thought so but didn't write that,

''it's may be because it's not their cup of tea. This type of stories are not very popular but that doesn't mean it's not good.

So you should continue, don't stop writing novels because some people don't like it but write it for people who like it. Even if it's a small amount of population but they are the one who genuinely appreciate you."

"Thank you for your encouragement, I will definitely continue writing,"

"You should, remember even if no one reads you story there is one person who will read your stories and like them,"


"Of course it's you. You like your story, right than you are also a fan of yourself, you should write for that fan too and also me, please update quickly for me too,"

"Hahaha, I will write because I like it and of course for you too, my fan.'' Gia was really happy talking to this fan.

I replied that because my story is not good.