
Black fan

Study room, Chowdhury mansion

A tall man of 1.9 meters sitting on a chair with his head down and the icy eyes under those gold-framed glasses are staring at the computer screen with his lips tightly pressed.

Suddenly, "Stupid, Why do you have to go back again to die?" Aashik angrily roared.

At that time Ishan who was playing games on his mobile was startled by the roar.

"Brother can you stop being so angry at a paper man, it's just a story," Ishan said a little angrily.

Ishan was about to win that level and suddenly missed hearing his brother shout he missed the shot and loss.

He doesn't know why his brother is normally very calm and mature otherwise he will not be at a position where he is right now but whenever he reads a romance novel he will scold the author for writing nonsense.

"Is it my fault or the author's fault for making the protagonist stupid. The male lead told the girl to leave and call someone for help but the girl stupidly didn't go.

Now both of them are in danger. Not only did the male lead not get angry he also felt moved. Is his head full of water.

Who would be moved if someone dragged them down. I don't know why people read these rubbish novels." Aashik wondered.

"Aren't you reading this too?" Ishan asked jokingly.

"Do you think I am reading this to enjoy, I just want to scold those stupid people who think love is everything." Aashik said angrily.

There is another reason Ashik is so angry at this writer. (It will be told later)

"Brother you can't completely say that. Think about it if your girlfriend is in danger will you leave her alone?"

"I don't have a girlfriend." Aashik looked at Ishan as if he asked a stupid question.

"Brother I said if you had, okay forget girlfriend, if uncle is in danger will you leave him alone?"

"Are you cursing my father?" Aashik squinted.

"No, no, brother why do you always think in different directions."

"So you mean my thinking is not correct?" Aashik asked Ishan.

Ishan was speechless, he shouldn't have tried to teach his brother love. I don't know with his brother's poisonous mouth, will any girl fall in love with him?

The girl will be miserable then, Ishan silently prayed for that girl in his heart.

At the girls dormitory of Capital University,

"Gia, What are you laughing at?" Gia looked at her roommate and said ,"I was reading a fan's comment."

"You have so many fans, do you have time to read them?" Gia and Rinky have been best friends for years and also they are roommates now in college.

Rinky knows most of Gia's secret that nobody knows even her parents.

Gia has been secretly writing on-line novels since junior high school and now she is the number one romance novel author online.

"Well, not everyone's comment but this fan is quite special. He should be my first fan not only my first fan but also first black fan." Gia said with a smile.