
Uncle Samir

"Then what happened next, how did he become anti fan?"

"Well it's because...."

Gia become solemn and leaned closer to Rinky, "I will not tell you."

"No, Gia you can't do this, tell me, tell me otherwise I can't sleep," Rinky started running after Gia.

Suddenly the door opened, "Oh, you two why are you fighting," said Lia, their another roommate who just came from outside.

"Lia, you are back so soon? Where is Asha,"

Asha and Lia went to shop together.

"Well she is with her boyfriend, she may not come today." As she said,she giggled.

"By the way you guys were having trouble. "

Gia denied but Rinky started complaining to Lia, Lia also accidentally knew about their roommates hidden identity.

She has been a crazy fan of Wei Zhi since high school. Wei Zhi is the name of Gia which she used to to write novels secretly.

Lia has read every one of her stories, She has also noticed this genre shift. But she didn't think there is anything wrong with that.

Many author write different genres, shift from one genre to another.

"I also noticed your previous novel are very different from the novels you write now, Is there a history of that?"

" I am not telling you that."

" No, please Gia I also want to know,"

Lia and Rinky both started to pester Gia to know the story. Suddenly a phone call rang. it's Gia's phone.

" Leave me now, Dad is calling,"

" You are saved for today."

Gia laughed and then picked up the call.

"Hello, Dad, how are you doing?"

Her Dad on the other side of the phone replied happily,

" I am quite good, dear. How about you?

"I am very good, I just miss you. You sound very happy today, Dad."

"I have a good news to tell you."

" Good news? What is it?"

" Your Uncle Samir is coming back. He will come tomorrow."

"Really that's great. If you have time, you come back home. Your Uncle also wants to see you."

" Of course I will go tomorrow."

" I will pick you up tomorrow then. "

"No need Dad pick up uncle from airport. I will drive home."

" Well, be careful then. Have you had dinner?"

"Not yet."

" Why didn't you eat dinner until now?"

" Chill Dad it's only 7:00 pm."

"No have dinner before 8:00."

"Okay, Good night Dad.Take care."

"You too dear."

After the call was finished, Gia's mother asked his husband, "What did she say? Will she come."

"Of course she will come. Hope she doesn't become angry about the arrangements."

Gia's parents said with concern.

"Gia why are giggling in the phone, Did something good happen?"

" Yeah, my uncle is coming back from abroad. I really hope he settles here this time."

" Uncle Samir? Is he back? What about his son? He is not coming back?" Rinky also remembered Uncle Samir. He was very amiable man. But his son was a devil.

"Oh, I forgot to ask that. I have seen uncle several times after he went abroad but I have never seen his son. I even forgot that he has a son." Gia said with a slight complain.

"I remember he was very close with you when you were young." He always used to guard Gia and stare at her like a thief.

"Yeah.... " Gia started reminiscing about the past.

"Gia don't run do fast, you will fall."

Before he finished saying the whole sentence Gia fell to the ground.

He immediately ran towards her.

"I told you to be careful. Why didn't you listen."

Gia remembered she started crying and begged him to hug her. "Brother, hug. Gigi hurts."

"You know it hurts now." He was angry but still comforted her. So many years have past. His face started to become blurry in the memory.

"I don't know how is he." Gia sighed.