
I chose to be a barista.

"In a world ruled by OP classes, I chose to become a barista. Why? No reason. ;P" Klodian an Albanian 20 year old guy, became an enlightened one after his near death at the hands of one of the scarlet moons, saved by his guardian angel, he gets a second chance to regain all he had lost, his family, his pride and most importantly his revenge againts the demons who sent his world down a hellish spiral.

H0Nored1 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Your power

As Amethyst and Klodian were completely taken over by their hug, Mestinal walked in to talk to Amethyst but was surprised by the sight in front of him!

"So he finally awakened from his coma."

Mestinal said with a warm tone followed by a chuckle as Klodian looked at him with Amethyst following suit.

"He did! Look at him Mestinal, ain't he the cutest!"

Amethyst grabbed Klodian's face and dragged it towards Mestinal as Klodian's face said `Please help me.`

Mestinal laughed at the sight as he walked towards the two, patting them both on their shoulders gently.

"Yes, yes. I am glad to witness such a heartwarming sight but Klodian, I would like to ask you a couple of questions."

"But he is-"

Before Amethyst could answer, Klodian cut her off nodding his head.

"Very well then, I hope you can take it. But first: Do you have any knowledge of why you were attacked?"

"I do not know. What I know is that the demon killed my family and kidnapped my sister…"

Klodian said with a defeated tone as he gripped the bed sheets with his right hand as Mestinal noticed his frustration.

"Fear not Klodian, we will bring her back I swear on my name."

Mestinal said with a confident gaze as Klodian agreed with some of his determination returning.

"Onto the second question: Do you have any knowledge as of to what is happening?"

"All I know is that, hell got bored and decided to wage war againts earth and the heavens up to this point. Which makes senses if you think about it. If my country got attacked, then so did the world which also includes you, the angels."

"You are correct, we are now in a state of war and are gathering warriors from both heavens and earth, with the humans having something bestowed to them."

Mestinal responded coldly as Klodian gave him a curious gaze.

"What do the humans have that can help them fight against those demonic bastards?"

"A system."

Excuse me, what? A system? Like the novels and mangas Klodian used to read? Mestinal looked serious but he was taken aback by the untrusting look on Klodian's face.

"Pardon my language, but are you joking? A system like those in novels??"

"I do not know what novels you speak of, but yes?"

Amethyst was facepalming at this point as the two had struggles to communicate due to the different worlds they've been living.

"I told you this before sir Mestinal. The humans were already familiar with the system because of writings and drawings from other humans in forms of books and pictures."

Amethyst gently explained as Klodian pointed at her for the amazing explanation with Mestinal nodding profoundly!

"I see! Then yes, the system is built around that knowledge!"

"Ok that's good to know, how do I activate it?"

Amethyst and Mestinal punched Klodian in the head for that was too bold of him to say with that body of his.

"You have a body equal to that of a stick ready to break, you aren't yet ready to see the system!"


The two were towering over Klodian with the fire of rage burning in their eyes with Klodian holding his head from the pain.

"You two hit like trains goddamn…"

Klodian cursed under his breath but then the two angels sat down, looking at Klodian in both curiosity and worry....

"What's wrong? Why are you two looking at me like that?"

Klodian said dumbfounded by the looks he was getting, until Mestinal got up.

"The last question for you Klodian… Can you control your aura?"

Mestinal said with a serious tone and cold gaze as Klodian had no idea what he was referring to, until he remembered the weird sensation he felt during his fight with that demon looking at his left hand.

"No… I cannot. I experienced it once, but… I cannot control it."

Klodian claimed as Mestinal and Amethyst sighed but Mestinal calmly explained afterwards.

"Can you please get into a meditating pose, do not worry about the holy water being pumped into you as it won't be an obstacle."

Mestinal requested with Klodian agreeing as he crossed his legs and overlapped his hands in front of his stomach, concentrating.

"I want you to look inside of your heart and find the source of a tickling sensation. Aura moves just like your blood and so does Mana, but as I am not a mage, I cannot teach you about that as of yet."

Klodian followed Mestinal's guidance as he and Amethyst backed away from the bed where Klodian was meditating.

As Klodian managed to reach a full immersion in meditation, he got met with a dark space as he saw someone far away.

He began to walk slowly as each step felt like he was walking on water that could take him down to it's depths if not careful and when he arrived he got met with someone who had dark wings that were darker than that of the abyss.

Klodian tried to speak, but he got met with a wave of killing intent and intense aura.

As he was trying to stand on his feet, the wave of mixed aura and killing intent were making him kneel.

"Not yet… You are not ready..."

The figure proclaimed as Klodian was awakened panting heavily, he saw the room covered in slashes that had caused a considerable amount of damage on the room as he looked around for Mestinal and Amethyst to find they were both safe.

"Thank god…"

Klodian proclaimed letting out a sigh of relief with the two approaching him hastily.

"What happened?! Your left eye opened and a wave of killing intent and aura followed suit causing so much destruction."

Amethyst asked with Klodian looking at her.

"There's something- No, there's someone chained down in me and all he said was `Not yet.`" 

Amethyst and Mestinal looked at each-other in curiosity as they had no idea who this was.

"Can you describe him to us?"

"I didn't get much of his looks, but I know for a fact, that his wings were darker than the deepest abyss."

Mestinal and Amethyst were both shocked by this answer at the same time amazed as Mestinal approached Klodian grabbing him by the shoulders tightly.

"We have discovered something Klodian! I beg of you, as you are healing, try to reach contact with that person!"

"We cannot explain everything right now, but we will as soon as we see you are ready! So please work hard for your big sis here."

Amethyst proudly said as Klodian was at a loss for words but smiled and nodded to them.

"I now sadly have to go, but please Klodian, keep up trying to reach your aura core as this could be a tiebreaker for the war!"

Mestinal proclaimed as he left the room with Amethyst petting Klodian's head as she smiled.

"Try to not destroy the whole room while you are at it, ok?"

Amethyst said with a cheerful tone as she waved and left the room.

Klodian was happy. In just a day all the damage that was done to him spiritually and physically for the past 3 weeks seemed like a bad nightmare, even though he knew it was real, he was more focused into trying to figure out how to reach that man and not be met with the killing intent.

He took a look at his body and not only was his body weak but it was also still recovering, so he would have to get back into shape both mentally and physically to hold a candle to that man.

In terms of resilience and will, Klodian was one of the few people who would give up only at death, if weddings had their vows "Till death do us apart," then Klodian's case would be "Till death stops me from reaching what I want."