
I chose to be a barista.

"In a world ruled by OP classes, I chose to become a barista. Why? No reason. ;P" Klodian an Albanian 20 year old guy, became an enlightened one after his near death at the hands of one of the scarlet moons, saved by his guardian angel, he gets a second chance to regain all he had lost, his family, his pride and most importantly his revenge againts the demons who sent his world down a hellish spiral.

H0Nored1 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

The bright side of things

"It's been 3 weeks…"

A soft female tone was heard that longed for something that she missed.

"3 weeks since you last opened your eyes that were deeper than any ocean…"

Her voice began to crack as a tear drop could be heard fall on top of someone's body. As the first light of the sun began to shine through a mosaic window to create a beautiful pattern of colors to reveal a equivalent to a royalty room, with a king's bed, a small library next to the king's bed, a table together with a set of wingback chairs in white colors.

As a few rays of light shined through, we could see a female with long white hair, dressed in a noble victorian era coat and a buttoned shirt. One would lie to say her beauty wasn't equal to that of a goddess.

"I knew you were bold, I knew you were brave… But please, for this one time, heed my plea and wake up from this accursed coma…"

As the golden rays of light shined through the mosaic window to enlighten the whole room, she was seen to be holding Klodian's hand!

On his chest, a golden coloured tube was pumping a mysterious liquid but frankly, all his previous injuries had been healed? Even his arms!?

As the angel continued to hold Klodian's a gentle knock was heard coming from the door with it silently being opened with the angel turning her back to be met with another one of her kin.

This time a golden haired male angel who was wearing a golden armor and armed with a golden sheathed sword in his waist as the female angel went to greet him.

"He still hasn't awakened yet?"

"No… It's been 3 weeks… Even though his body is mostly healed, I fear for his mental state…"

The female responded with worry on her tone as the man patted her head, the height difference could be seen.

"If he was brave enough and had enough resilience to face off against a foe that powerful and survive… He'll be back stronger than ever. We just have to show patience Amethyst."

"Yes, Sir Mestinal."

The female who we now know is named Amethyst nodded with a faint smile on her face as Mestinal smiled as well.

"Please, do follow me. We have duties to attend to, Klodian must rest for now."

As Mestinal began to leave, Amethyst followed suit behind him, giving a look of worry towards Klodian as she exited the room, closing the door behind her slowly as it creaked. 

Even though the sun was burning bright and the day seemed to carry new hope, within someone's mind another was was taking hold in the dark.

A swift punch came from the abyss as our friend Klodian was again in a state worse for words. His body had bruises, cuts and was bleeding at an alarming rate.

He was facing an illusion of the same person who put him in that sorry state, broken and shackled, that's what his soul had become. Trying to attack and strike back, but to no avail, the demon constantly tortured and tricked him with images of his sister and parents, until he couldn't go on anymore…

He had fallen to the ground as a fire was burning behind him, a dark flame that was hidden within the abyss as the demon wanted to cease it from existing anymore.

He had been fighting for 3 weeks without rest, he didn't even know why he was fighting anymore, he wanted to rest forever… 

But then a memory of his sister flashed in front of his right eye making him grit his teeth and get up as the demon was almost ready to diminish his soul!


Klodian shouted with a smile on his face as he still had some of his energy left in him to continue fighting grabbing the demon's attention who lunged at him with high speed, punching him in the gut and sending him flying to crash into an invisible wall.

Klodian had fallen on his ass with his back to the wall as the demon wanting to make sure this time he would stay dead, lunging again at him, was about to strike Klodian at his torso.

But then a mysterious light casted the abyss that was covering them and replaced it with a blinding shine as the demon diminished in the light.

As Klodian tried to look up towards the blinding light, he only felt a hand pet his head.

"Not yet… My sweet child."

The light said in a feminine sounding tone as Klodian only got a glimpse of what she said but as he tried to look at her, he woke up.

Panting heavily as sweat had accumulated over time, he had returned back to the land of the living! If it could be called that…

He looked around in panic and saw the beautiful set up royal like room quickly noticing a container on the right side of the bed along with a tube that was pumping golden liquid, as he traced it with his eye towards his torso.

In a state of panic he tried to remove the tube but as he grabbed it and removed it slightly, his body felt like breaking down on the spot! What was more surprising to him, was that his body had almost fully healed!

His arms which were cut were there again and his left side of the body was ok as well! He gently reintacted the tube back onto his torso and laid on the bed, trying to calm himself down.

"Where am I… How long have I been out for…?"

As this questions danced around his mind, he was yet too tired to be acting so irrationally with his body as he slowly drifted back to sleep…


Approximately 5 hours later, Klodian woke up to the cold feeling of a towel on his forehead, as he opened his right eye slightly to see a… Angel?

[A-Am I dead!?]

He thought to himself in a panic but then why would he have a tube pumping that liquid onto him and this angel taking care of him.

[Let me just, do a little bit of trolling. =)]

Klodian had a devious smile shown within his mind, as the female angel, turned out to be Amethyst.

As she was about to touch Klodian's forehead, he jumped from the bed grabbing her arm and looking straight into her eyes!


Klodian said with a smile as Amethyst slapped him in his right cheek strongly enough to shake his whole brain as she breathed heavily and almost screamed.


Klodian shouted in slight pain holding his cheek with tears in his eye but then he felt a warm embrace enveloping him as he felt tears fall on his shoulder.

"You woke up… YOU WOKE UP!"

Amethyst broke down in crystal tears as Klodian felt as if he was being ripped apart from her cry.

"Yes, yes… I am alive and kicking. I am here now."

Klodian hugged her back gently as she was beginning to calm down and sitting back on her chair looking happy but slapping him again on his left cheek this time!



"You do have a point…"

The two looked at each-other in awkwardness as if they were each-other's reflection.

As that was happening Amethyst gripped Klodian's hand tightly with him looking down at it.

"You haven't let go of my hand at all… Are you o-?"

"No I am not… I have so much to explain to you, so please, prepare yourself…"

Before Klodian could finish his sentence Amethyst interrupted him with pain and regret in her voice.

"Klodian… Do you have this strange feeling as if you know me but never met me…?"

Klodian nodded with Amethyst sighing.

"The reason for that is… I am your guardian angel."

Klodian looked at her with a curious gaze as his mouth opened wanting to speak, but nothing came out, what could he say except.

"Finish your story at full, then I will say what I think…"

He said with a calm tone wanting to know more about his `Guardian angel` and how he got here.

"Alright… I know this will be too much but please, bear with it…"

Klodian nodded in understatement preparing himself mentally for what was about to come, smiling at Amethyst to make her a bit more comfortable.

"As I said, I am your guardian angel appointed to you since your birth. I've been watching over you and even been a part of each journey you embarked on with the exception of looking over you from the shadows. I watched you grow and train your body to it's absolute limit when you were learning martial arts, I saw you become a barista and open up your bar to bring smiles to people who came to visit… But when the attack happened…Oh god I am so shameless… I left you to go stabilize things here in heaven but when I heard what and who you faced. My heart dropped, our relation could be considered to be as close as that of siblings but when I found you in that state… I-I couldn't look at myself anymore in a mirror. I-I am sorry-"

Hearing her explanation with diligence Klodian hugged her gently to him in a warm embrace.

"What I faced doesn't matter, even if you were there… It would be better for only one of us to die instead of both. You have no idea how glad I am to know you didn't face that bastard who put me in that sorry state."

Klodian said with a tendering and warm tone as Amethyst hugged him back crying quietly as the two gave in to each-other, one who was broken from combat and lost their everything and one who couldn't protect their human…