
I chose to be a barista.

"In a world ruled by OP classes, I chose to become a barista. Why? No reason. ;P" Klodian an Albanian 20 year old guy, became an enlightened one after his near death at the hands of one of the scarlet moons, saved by his guardian angel, he gets a second chance to regain all he had lost, his family, his pride and most importantly his revenge againts the demons who sent his world down a hellish spiral.

H0Nored1 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


In the days that followed after his awakening from the slumber he was put in, Klodian had begun to train his body and regain his strength. During that process, he still tried to reach his aura core, which had resulted in failure after failure for more than a month.

Mestinal and Amethyst continuously visited to check on his health and guide him to find a better way to achieve control over his aura control, but on a golden day like today, he decided to finally do it. His body had recovered and thanks to that 1 month of constant training, it had even surpassed its previous state.

"Klodian, be wary of this, your aura will begin to act irrationally if you try to force your way towards it. So try to remain stoic."

"Don't worry, my body has turned regained it's former glory and possibly even."

Mestinal instructed Klodian with a worried tone, for the past month there was slow progress but to make a bold move like this was so Klodian like.

"Be careful Klodian and try not to agitate whoever is locked inside of you."

"Oh you worry too much big sis."

Over the course of a month, Klodian and Amethyst's relationship had developed to that of a brother and a sister, with Amethyst sighing at Klodian's calm demeanor when the past attempts resulted in a lot of damage.

As the discussion between the three had concluded, Klodian got into his meditating position as Mestinal and Amethyst both backed off from him to avoid receiving any damage. inhaling and exhaling softly as Klodian tried to reach the space within his heart where he had first met with the person.


Inside of his heart there was nothing but a white void a sight he had gotten used to for the past month as he calmly began walking.

What felt like a distance which could be only traversed for hours, was done in mere minutes as he got met with the same man who was guarding a orb of mana, enchained with golden chains as the man slightly sighed.

"Took ya long enough brat…"

"Awfully talkative now aren't ya?"

The man was hindered by how Klodian spoke as he unleashed his powerful dark aura towards Klodian, who this time stood his ground without even so much as shaking.

"Seems like you have grown in just a short month, what a true monster you are eh?"

"Blame my family, we aren't last named rock for nothing."

The two had locked gazes as the aura diminished with the man sitting down with his legs crossed resting his chin on his fist.

"Well then, I guess you truly are worthy… You can take the orb, but before you do, I'd like to talk with you."

"... Really? We aren't gonna fight? You are not gonna make me take a test of will or anything???"

Klodian gazed in confusion as the man had an uninterested look on his face related to things Klodian was asking waving his head.

"I am way too tired to deal with you, besides… You would win. Your observation skills are lacking but take a good look at me, do you think I'd stand a chance?"

As Klodian gave him a closer look, the man was seen to be weak physically and seeing as he had no will to fight Klodian decided to sit down and listen to him.

"You made me go through a hellish 10 hours a day of physical training, just to talk?"

The man chuckled in amusement as a way to mock Klodian who didn't retaliate as his body was far better than it was 1 month ago.

"Yes that is true but now look at you. You have enough strength to break down a wall."

"Guess I'll have to thank you for that."

The man and Klodian laughed a bit together as a few moments after, as Klodian was studying the man's physical appearance, he got met with a weird sight.

He didn't pay much attention to the man's looks for the previous month as his aura made him crash down and never take a good look at him, but now things were different.

The man looked to be in his 40's with long white hair and blue eyes wearing a black armor drenched in dents and scars from countless battles.

"Kid listen to me…"

Before Klodian could finish his analysis of the man, he got met with a cold tone.

"This aura that you have… Is dangerous if not put under control and as you are right now, you can only hold up to 5% of it without your body suffering the backlash of aura overload."

The man explained with an expressionless look as Klodian could feel the shivers going down his spine.

"I had left a piece of my soul here to guide you and warn you about this fact, that's why I request of you one thing, do not stop training. Grow mentally and physically to uphold this power as it will not accept you that easily as I did."

The man calmly said as Klodian nodded, but the two shared many similarities in terms of look, besides their hair length, they were almost a copy of each-other.

"Can I ask you one thing…?"

"I guess I owe you that much for putting you through that forced training."

The man chuckled as Klodian requested only one answer.

"Who are you?"

The man was a bit surprised but smiled in a pleased gaze towards Klodian.

"I am… Klerin, one of the 10 dark angels and… As well as your ancestor."

As Klerin finished saying what was proved to be shocking for Klodian with a surprised and confused gaze, he tried to speak but Kerin's body began to disintegrate into golden dust.

"I guess my duty is fulfilled… I wished I could talk to you for a bit longer, but remember… The power within you, is something you gotta work for… Something, you gotta earn kid. I wish you good luck."


Klerin said with a weaker tone as Klodian shouted trying to grab him but by then he had already disappeared with Klodian being left alone with the orb.

Klodian sighed with sadness in his eyes and gaze… Losing another family member, even though one from the distant past, hurt. When he looked at the orb, he approached it carefully, as he remembered Klerin's voice.

"5%... Yea 5%, I will take your word for it ancestor."

Klodian sighed with a smile on his face as he felt the orb slowly merging with him as he could feel the warm sensation, even though 95% of it's power was locked, he felt like he had achieved some kind of cheat code.

The aura was flowing throughout his whole body adjusting itself to match the body's flow as it was nearing it's end a blasting light sent Klodian back to the outside world!


Klodian was seen panting as it had been close to 30 minutes since he was gone within his soul.

Mestinal and Amethyst approached him with haste looking at him in worry as Klodian got up from the floor he was sitting on waving at them with both his hands.

"I am fine! I am fine…"

Mestinal and Amethyst stopped in their tracks as Klodian was just catching his breath.

"Did you do it? Did you defeat him?"

"What happened in there for you to return like this!?"

As the two questioned Klodian, he had regained his posture covering his arm in the dark aura.

"I did it… But not in the way we expected."

The two looked in confusion at each-other as the trio sat down with Klodian explaining what happened, down to every last detail.

But when the two angels heard the name of Klerin, they both jumped from their places.



The two angels asked simultaneously with Klodian sighing in being tired of this.

"He told me this and THIS ONLY… He is or was apparently, my ancestor."

Klodian said with a calm tone as the two angels sat down looking at each-other then at Klodian.

"So that explains why you have the dark aura…"

"He said it was powerful and warned me about the risks and I followed his advice. The old man was awfully weak and fragile, but I would like to fight him at his full power."

Klodian's tone showed dissatisfaction but Mestinal and Amethyst looked at each-other.

"We have got to report this to the HQ… Klodian, from now on, you'll be training as an Enlightened one, but due to your circumstances, we'll figure something out for you."

Mestinal said with a warm tone as he got up and left the room.

"Try to control and practice your aura on the meantime, we'll see you tomorrow."

Amethyst got up as she gave Klodian a hug and petted his head, with her leaving as well.

Klodian was now left alone sighing and holding his head, this whole day had gotten a whole lot more complicated as he went towards his bed and layed on it, falling asleep from exhaustion.