
I chose to be a barista.

"In a world ruled by OP classes, I chose to become a barista. Why? No reason. ;P" Klodian an Albanian 20 year old guy, became an enlightened one after his near death at the hands of one of the scarlet moons, saved by his guardian angel, he gets a second chance to regain all he had lost, his family, his pride and most importantly his revenge againts the demons who sent his world down a hellish spiral.

H0Nored1 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Unchained Wings

As another day came, Klodian was napping on top of a tree branch unshaken by the life he took the previous day, gently holding umbral ontop of his torso being awakend by the soft voice of Amethyst.

"Klodian, get down here! There are orders from the headquarters for you!"

Klodian gave her a curious gaze as he grabbed Umbral by it's tsuba, jumping down from the branch as Amethyst handed him the envelope that contained the new orders.

"Let us hope they give us some more vacation days for our hard-work."

Klodian chuckled as Amethyst sighed at his bad sarcasm wanting to see what orders were to be given to him.

"This could be anything, since the report that Mestinal sent contained..."

"The truth of what happend and valuable info, we may have caused disarray in the headquarters, but it's better than having that rat run around."

Klodian returned to her with a cold tone as he gently ripped through the top of the envelope to read the contents, the letter was written in a beautiful handwriting followed by a golden ink that gave out a soft light akin to a miniscule sun.

"The contents of this letter are confidental and must be read in absolute secrecy and mustn't be disclosed to anyone except the one who is the rightful reciever of this letter."

Klodian and Amethyst looked at each-other with confused looks which soon turned into sighs as they already failed the first command of the letter as they continued reading.

"Enlightened named Klodian due to your recent achievements and exponential growth you have been chosen along with 4 others to be apart of the first Enlightened strike team code named "Abbysal Wings." You are to report to the commander-in-chief of the 5th army of Light, Yzavil at your earliest notice. Ignoring or avoiding this will lead into a punishment."

The letter's contents were that of a recruitment as Klodian gazed with a fire of happiness in his right eye as a wide smile followed suit.

"Finally... Now I can finally act without my morale being in the way!"

Klodian shouted loudly as his happiness could reach the heavens and strike terror onto the demons with Amethyst sighing.

"You are an idiot... Come on, we have to dress you appropriately, you cannot show up like this towards the commander-in-chief."

"Yes mommmmmmmmmm."

Klodian said in an annoyed and mocking tone as he hated to dress casually with his face showing disgust as Amethyst grabbed him by the ear and began to drag him away towards his room.


After a couple of hours of going back and forth with the Amethyst being a fashionista and perfectionist, they both finally came to a conclusion.

Klodian slowly walked out in a black and blue striped suit, in the style of dark indigo and light gold of the neo-victorian era with subtle use of shading from of a dark blue.

Amethyst's eyes shined bright as if she was a big sister looking at her little brother getting ready for his first prom date with Klodian looking like a model straight out of a fashion magazine.

"I look ridiculous..."

"SHUSH! You look perfect!"

Amethyst shushed him as Klodian sighed, with the both of them exitting the room and walking outside the giant doors of the castle they were stationed, with the trio of Mestinal, Ophelia and Arenion awaiting for him.

Klodian gave them a soft gaze followed by a soft chuckle.

"What's wrong? Got attached so soon to me, I feel touched."

The trio looked at Klodian with an annoyed look washed all over their faces as Ophelia was the first to speak.

"This is your first duty and your training wasn't complete we came here to warn you in advance along with some tips."


Arenion affirmed as well stepping forward with a serious gaze in his face.

"We forbid you from neglecting your training. The system will be of help, but you also need to work on your own self as it won't be there to save you."

"As well as training your Magic, Swordsmanship and martial arts!"

Ophelia added along with Arenion's statement as Mestinal walked between them and just put a hand on Klodian's shoulder.

"What we are trying to say is. Be careful, the demons won't show mercy just like you didn't yesterday, remember to train diligently and rest whenever needed. Our time was short, but I swear we will meet each-other at the battlefield fighting along side with each-other as soon as the training of the other enlightened ones is done."

Mestinal said with slight worry in his tone as Klodian patted his arm.

"You all worry too much. If you underestimate me that much as to be defeated by some fried chickens below us, then I am nothing but hurt. You'll hear of my doings soon enough."

Klodian affirmed and comforted the three with a chuckle as the 5 made their way towards the center of the camp where Klodian would be transported to the Headquarters.

As they arrived they were met with 4 great pillars with runes placed on top of them and engraved on the circle area that was meant to be the center as the center activated with the runes both on the pillars and engraved within the circle activated, a golden light was ready to take Klodian away.

"See ya later!"

Klodian waved as the magic took him away, heading towards the headquarters to meet his teammates and getting appointed to his first duty.


As soon as he arrived at the headquarters, he was greeted by a female angel as she bowed down.

"Welcome, sir Klodian, please follow me."

The angel spoke in a soft and gentle tone as Klodian could see on how much disarray the HQ was.

[Is this state caused by the information I gathered?...]

Klodian thought to himself but quickly brushed it off as unbased suspicion, plus the heavens were in a war and this could be concidered normal during times of war.

As he was lost in his thoughts he almost bumped into the female angel that lead him to a door on his right.

"Please enter this room, Archangel Yzavil will soon arrive to discuss with you and your fellow comrades."

"Thank you for guiding me here and with an easy arm." [A/N: Albanian saying so the job of a person goes by smoother and calmer.]

The two bowed and left as Klodian inahled and exhaled deeply as he entered the room which turned out to be larger than what it appeared to be, with 5 seats around a table in the middle with bookshelves filled to the brim with leather covered books as he was met with 4 people.

A golden haired girl around his age, dressed in a white noble costume for a guard with black pants and boots with a golden sword sheathed in her waist reading a book titled "The Beginning after the end."

Two black haired guys, dressed in black victorian era clothes just like him discussing with each-other as they were both armed with diffrent weapons. One of the people had two pistol hostlers carrying two black and gold coloured revolvers while the other had two short blades in his waist in white sheathes.

As Klodian was about to study the other person, he got met with her face to face.

A reddish haired woman in her later 20's was looking straight at him with a sniper rifle at her back as she was studying Klodian as well. The two were locked staring at each-other eye to eye... Literally. With the woman then smiling and turning to the others.

"The 5th has arrived, mates!"

The woman said with a cheerful tone as the other 3 turned towards her, looking at Klodian.

"So he is the 5th..." 

The golden haired woman exhaled as she walked up to him and so did the other two, with the woman extending her hand for a handshake.

"I am Maria Kaiser."

"Klodian, Klodian Shkembi."

Klodian accepted the handshake but then Maria tightened her grip with aura forcing Klodian to retaliate the same way as the two wouldn't remove their eyes from one another with the red haired women hitting them both in the head.

"Oi oi lads! We ain't here to cause trouble ye'?!"

The red haired woman exhaled as the two's heads were bulging, her punches were tough.

"Ye ye sorry, Jane. I wanted to try him out and he is truly strong, my hand is still itching."

"Same can be said about you."

The two complimented each-other as the two other males sighed and walked up to Klodian.

With what looked to be the youngest extending his hand for a handshake.

"I can promise I am not the same as Maria over there, my name is Jin Ae. Pleasure to meet you."

"Pleasure to meet you as well."

Jin Ae smiled as Klodian did the same with the other male approaching to greet him as well.

"Greetings, I am Ren Kuroki."

"Klodian, an honor to meet you."

The two shaked hands as Jane pushed Ren away to shake Klodian's hand with glitter coming out of her eyes.

"Greetings there lad! I am Jane!"

"H-Hi Jane."

Klodian smiled as Jane's excitement could pierce through the roof as she removed her hand and walked towards the chairs.

"Let us sit and get to know each-other ye! We will be on the same boat from now on!"

Jane smiled as the 4 looked at each-other in confusion as of to how someone who looks so mature could be so childish, but they brushed it off as they sighed with relaxed and cool faces as they sat down.

The Abbysal Wings' first meeting had gone smoother than most expected as they now could get to know each-other to enhance their bonds and even a newly blossomed friendship.