
I chose to be a barista.

"In a world ruled by OP classes, I chose to become a barista. Why? No reason. ;P" Klodian an Albanian 20 year old guy, became an enlightened one after his near death at the hands of one of the scarlet moons, saved by his guardian angel, he gets a second chance to regain all he had lost, his family, his pride and most importantly his revenge againts the demons who sent his world down a hellish spiral.

H0Nored1 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

The prodigies

Yzavil got up from his seat and walked on the right side of his table, looking outside of a window within his office which was filled with artifacts of the past, books and even a beautiful golden sword as he gazed away into the beautiful sky and city before him, seeing angels exhausting themselves to keep balance within heaven and as the soul of the dead did everything they could to help.

"Humans are truly interesting creations from our father."

Yzavil softly spoke with a cold look on his face.

"It's truly shameful that we as angels cannot guide all of them towards the pearly gates. Don't you think so my old friend?"

Yzavil tilted his head to the right to ask Irelio for his opinion with the latter simply chuckling at the answer.

"They truly are interesting, the way they clinge to live life below us out of fear we may bless or damn them based on their life. It's uneasy yet makes me feel... amused."

He responded with a smile on his face as Yzavil turned and walked to him with soft steps that didn't even made the slightest of noises as if he was a ghost.

"To have the power to decide the fate of souls. Bless the saints and punish the sinners, is an amusement in and off it's own. I am glad this duty was handed to you my friend."

Yzavil turned around and as he was walking, he asked Irelio a simple question.

"How is the training of the enlightened ones going throughout the prepared training camps?"

Yzavil asked sitting on his desk crossing his hands and looking at Irelio patiently waiting for an answer.

"There are many powerful ones in their ranks, some are barely 18 and some have just reached their mid 20's, but a few names stand out."

Irelio dilegently and softly responded as Yzavil's eyes burned in a golden light as if he was summoning the sun itself to show his happiness as in his face a smile was formed.

"Do tell me more my friend, I want a list and the names of those who stand out the most."

Yzavil said as the golden rays of the sun shined through the window, giving light to the whole room as the news was told with Irelio nodding accepting Yzavil's request.

"The names of the Enlightened who we see fit and ready for combat are as follows."

"Maria Kaiser - 21 year old - German."

"Jin Ae - 18 year old - Korean."

"Ren Kuroki - 20 year old - Japanese."

"Jane Anderson - 27 year old - British."

Yzavil heard the names and with a curious filled gaze but before he could speak, Irelio cut him off.

"Klodian Shkembi - 20 year old - Albanian."

Irelio finished his list with the 5 strongest enlightened ones up to this point with Yzavil laying back on his chair sighing with Irelio picking track of this and chuckling.

"You really underestimated him so soon?" 

Irelio asked with curioisity and a smile on his face as Yzavil sighed.

"I thought that he would have wasted his potential, the fight that he went through and the pain he suffered could break any man and angel."

Yzavil said with a relieved tone as the door suddenly barged open, with a female angel coming in with a leathered envelope!

"Sir Yzavil, 1000 apologies for barging in like this! A report just came from the training camp #38!"

Irelio and Yzavil gave each-other a look of confusion as the female angel handed the envelope, bowed and left.

Yzavil gently wore one of his nail guards and ripped the top part of the envelope gently as he got the report off of it.

The report reads as follows:

"Sir Yzavil, this is Mestalin, the head angel guard of the 38th training camp for the enlightened ones. This report comes as the aftermath of a demonic attack on our camp."

As Yzavil read the letter up to that point, his face turned to one of rage as he got up and punched through his table, sending pieces of it flying in the air, making a mess in the room.


"Calm down my friend! Finish the report... Then we can decide to curse those who were cursed already."

Irelio softly spoke trying to calm down Yzavil from his rage to finish the report and learn what truly had happend in the camp as Yzavil picked up where he left from.

"The demons were a group of assassins sent by the queen of lust, Kiara due to a vendetta againts the dragon mage, Ophelia. Klodian one of the enlightened ones managed to capture one of the assassins and interrogate them to gain this valuable piece of information: That within our ranks, there is a traitor. The camp will be moved for security and nurture of the enlightened ones. The status of the demon is now deceased as it was murdered by the sword of Klodian after promising it a fake lie of freedom for information."

As Yzavil finished the letter, he looked calmer and more composed than he was a moment ago, with Irelio being curious as of to the contents of the letter to make Yzavil so calm again.

"What were the contents that followed my friend?"

"... Seems like my prodigy has grown enough. As follows with the content, he not only captured but also executed a demon but the way he did it... Reminds me of `Them`, how he gathered information so valuable is truly commendable, but now we have a bigger issue."

"And what may that be?"

Irelio asked with an interested tone as nothing was an issue for Yzavil as far as he had known him for, which went way back to millenias before with Yzavil returning a cold gaze towards Irelio.

"We have a traitor in our ranks."

Irelio got shivers down his spine when he heard this information as he gritted his teeth.

"Impposible, who would dare betray the heavens!?"

"To answer that, we'll need to find the one who disregarded their duty and forsook the gift of heaven. Until then, send a letter to the 5 you mentioned before, it's time for them to finally get their revenge for what the demons did to their world."

Yzavil said as he used his golden magic to repair the broken table with Irelio nodding and exitting the room to go towards his office.


As Irelio walked inside and closed the door, he punched the wall next to him cracking it enough to make it not seem visible to the outside eye as his left hand covered half his face.


Irelio screamed inside his head in a fit of rage as he heard of the utter defeat the demons the queen sent! Make it worse, one of them got captured and revealed information that they shouldn't even dare to move their lips!

Irelio then removed his face off as the frustration in his head could be seen, but he still had to call those monkeys to for Yzavil. 

[The heavens have been stained by the presences of these lower beings who's sole purpose was, is and will forever be to be treated as toys for demons and angels alike! But once I will gain Yzavil's position... I'll cure the heavens from this infectious disease!]

Irelio chuckled to himself with his eyes looking upwards and a wide grin forming on his face... As he began writing the cursed invites for those stupid brats to present themselves to him and Yzavil.

[Truly the fall of an angel of so much purity as of my own...]

Not even the brightest of lights... Can extenguish the presence of a demon in a disguise.