
I chose to be a barista.

"In a world ruled by OP classes, I chose to become a barista. Why? No reason. ;P" Klodian an Albanian 20 year old guy, became an enlightened one after his near death at the hands of one of the scarlet moons, saved by his guardian angel, he gets a second chance to regain all he had lost, his family, his pride and most importantly his revenge againts the demons who sent his world down a hellish spiral.

H0Nored1 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Friendships bloom

As the 5 had sat down each in their own respectable place on a beautiful white and golden leathered wingbacked chair, they had begun discussing about various topics, each with their own opinion and point of view, with Jin Ae suddenly asking a question.

"If we are to be a team, wouldn't it be best to know each-other's stats? Knowing our weak and strong points can prove to be quite an advantage for us in life or death situations."

The other 4 looked at each-other in agreement, with Ren then adding.

"It would also be best to cut it short, as time isn't on our side, so let us summarize our stats through speech rather than having us view each-other's stat windows individually. We must only say our: Class, Stats and masteries alone."

Ren said with a confident tone as the team then agreed to start from the oldest to the youngest.

"Alright then."

Jane said with a smile and confident look on her face as she got up from her chair.

"Class: Sniper [A]."

"Strength: 23 ; Intelligence: 40 ; Tranquility: 26; Mana: 60 ; Aura: 30."

"Masteries: Marksmanship [S] ; Magic [B] ; Strategy [A]; Mystical Arts Mastery [A]"

The others were amazed as they gave her a round of applause with Maria now going next.

She gently got up and spoke with a soft tone.

"Class: Goddess of Sword [S]"

"Strength: 50 ; Intelligence: 28: Tranquility: 28 ; Mana: 50: Aura: 70"

"Masteries: Swordsmanship [S] ; Kung Fu [A] ; Aura mastery [A]; Mystical Arts mastery [A]"

The other applauded her as well, with now being Ren's turn after Klodian gave up his turn for him to go first.

Ren spoke with a cold tone but there was no negative emotion in it, as that could be just how he spoke.

"Class: Assassin [A]"

"Strength: 40 ; Intelligence: 29: Tranquility: 31; Mana: 50; Aura: 45"

"Masteries: Assassination [S] ; Espionage [A]; Aura mastery [A] ; Mystical Arts Mastery [A]"

With Ren finishing his turn, the others were quite pleased as their curiosity peaked for Klodian and Jin Ae's stats.

Klodian spoke softly and carefree as he didn't want to hide anything.

"Class: Barista [S]"

"Strength: 50 ; Intelligence: 26 ; Tranquility: 21 ; Mana: 60 ; Aura: 100."

"Masteries: Wing Wondo [A] ; Shadow Martial arts [B]; Aura mastery [S] ; Magic [A] ; Katana mastery [S]"

The others were quite surprised, Klodian seemed stronger than what his stat showed, could it be that he didn't finish his training before coming here, but right now it was Jin Ae's turn as Klodian sat back down.

Jin Ae spoke softly and a bit shyly.

"Class: Gunslinger [A]"

"Strength: 20 ; Intelligence: 45 ; Tranquility: 40 ; Mana: 50 ; Aura: 31."

"Masteries: Marksmanship [S] ; Tracking [A] ; Trickery [B]."

As Jin Ae finished his turn, the others looked at each-other before they all chuckled slightly, all of them had short comings.

"Damn lads! We barely have any areas we lack at!"


Jane said with a loud laugh as Klodian added with Ren, Maria and Jin Ae following suit.

"I am not gonna lie, when I saw Jin Ae and Ren together I thought to my self: `Damn! Things must be in the real crap if a Korean and a Japanese males with super powers are both present at the same time! Feeling like I am in a novel or something!`" 

Klodian said with a smile on his face laughing, with the group following suit as Jin Ae added!

"Let me go grab my birth certificate and change my name to Sung-Jin-Woo and get some much needed power up!"

The group laughed harder as they all were manga, manwha and novel readers but as the laughing and the joking came to a halt, Jane turned to Klodian.

"Klodian, your stats are a bit monstrous mate, what kind of training did you get?"

Jane asked with a curios gaze as Klodian laughed a little bit.

"I got trained by Ophelia the dragon mage and Arenion the golden sword, those two knew how to set someone straight ."

"What happend to your left eye if I can ask...?"

Jin Ae's eyes were filled with curiosity and grimance towards Klodian.

"This came as a result of fighting with one of the scarlet moons... The same bastard who almost killed me and took my eye."

The other 4 looked in a bit of a shock, to have faced one straight on without having the system, some would call it suicide!

"I concider myself lucky to have lived so I can find that bastard and tear his heart from his body with my own bare hands."

Klodian would unleash slight murderous intent as the group was about to try and calm him down, the door opened with a strong presence emitting from it. Enough to make the whole team feel pressured down and barely standing up.

A golden haired man walked through with his golden wings and halo shining through like the sun was about to enter. It was Yzavil! The 5 kneeled down and greeted Yzavil.

"No need for such formalities children. Now that you all are here, please do raise your heads."

The group raised their heads as they stood in a line with Yzavil looking at them with a curious and pleased look.

"To think you were born into earth when you could have easily become some of the strongest angels on heaven. But that is not the case, as you all know, you now are the 5 members of the Abbysal Wings squad and as such you'll train, communicate and work together for the missions, I, personally will bestow upon you."

Yzavil explained as he stopped in front of Klodian.

"Your comrade here, Klodian. Gave us a valuable piece of information."

The other 4 had curious gazes towards Klodian for a short moment as Yzavil began to speak again.

"We have a traitor within our ranks."

As Yzavil felt that, the other 4 were shocked by this revalation, who would betray heaven itself!?

"As for who it is, we will be working to find him, as for now, I want you all to get comfortable with each-other in the upcoming month. The reason I am giving you a month, is so you can train and grow with each-other while also growing attachments due to the fact that people tend to work better if they know their partners and comrades. I will be leading you to your new estate that isn't far from the city, but I will request of you one thing..."

The team looked ahead as of to what would be their leader's first request as Yzavil turned to them with a murderous intent that could cut you to pieces by just being in the presence of it if you were a demon, but luckily to them it just made them tremble and struggle to keep their balance!

"If you find the traitor... Bring him to me." 

Yzavil requested as the murderous aura stopped with the team breathing heavily trying to recover from the aura storm that hit them with Yzavil walking away.

"Now please do follow me to your shared estate."

Yzavil smiled as the group looked at each-other, saying in a choir to themselves.

[What a monster!]

The group nodded and followed Yzavil, they were in the presence of the strongest archangel to exsist as their underestimating of Yzavil turned out to be almost fatal.


Close to 30 minutes later as the team had walked across the white concrete streets of the beautiful city that was filled to the brim with angels and soul of the dead who had yet to become one, they arrived at a forest that was drenched in golden leaves.

The beauty made all of their jaws drop as Yzavil kept walking inside the forest with the team following him, the sun and the golden leaves danced in harmony to make golden rays fall upon the bodies of the team who all felt a sense of relaxation they hadn't felt in a long time, it was a true blessing...

It was saddening that this feeling wouldn't last long as they had exited the forest shortly after, just to be met with a mansion built up from the ground up with white concrete fitting the modern style of mansions that the team would only see in their wildest dreams!

The mansion had everything! A training ground, a pool, countless bedrooms, studios, dining and kitchen! Yzavil smiled and entered with the team towards this paradise.

"Oh please, act like if I am not here, I want you all to appreciate this."

Yzavil said with a calm tone as the team scattered around exploring the house for themselves with Yzavil chuckling.

[Ah if only we could communicate with humans again outside of this dammned war... It is truly heartwarming they can experience this much happiness in a single moment through something that was given to them.]

Greetings to the readers of the "I chose to be a barista." I am the author, Ronin. I would like to express my gratitude for following the series thus far, but I sadly will have to announce a temprorary one week break to rewrite all the previous chapters up to chapter 11. I express my deepest apologies and ask for your understanding. See you as soon as possible!

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