
I chose to be a barista.

"In a world ruled by OP classes, I chose to become a barista. Why? No reason. ;P" Klodian an Albanian 20 year old guy, became an enlightened one after his near death at the hands of one of the scarlet moons, saved by his guardian angel, he gets a second chance to regain all he had lost, his family, his pride and most importantly his revenge againts the demons who sent his world down a hellish spiral.

H0Nored1 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

The more you know

It was the middle of the day, which Klodian still found the night-day cycle of the heavens bizzare as the holy books pictured it to always be the brightest sun, but this one was oddly relaxing.

"Huh, I never payed enough attention to this."

Looking at the sky as he gazed off in that beautiful cyan colour, it was truly a feeling of peace and something that would persevere for a long time even when his own light had diminished, but for now he continued walking on his own path with the sky being his guidance.

Resting his right hand on the tsuba of his katana which was sheathed on his waist as he gazed at it in curiosity.

"I still haven't given you a name..."

He told himself as he grabbed the katana and pulled it out of his waist, observing it with care at every fine detail engraved onto it. It was light, quick and powerful... Like a dragon.

"I think this name will befit a katana of your potential and power... Umbral."

Klodian named the sword after the latin word for "Darkness," which was a symbol to his dark aura and mana that now exsist in harmony with each-other.

As Klodian put the katana back into his waist, he made his way towards the forest as the flat path with stones got cut in between the enterance of the forest and the way to the training camp. 

He entered the greenish gates formed by the trees, as he could feel the cold and fresh breeze of the forest blow past him and his hair, with the trees casting beautiful shadows under them as the light pierced through like a golden ray of hope.

The more he walked, the more fresh the air felt, but in that moment, he felt a disgusting aura that was emitting bloodlust not too far off from his location as he rushed to find out the source.

When he arrived, the view that he saw could only be described in one word. A slaughter. Broken fragments of blades scattered throughout the bloodstained grass, bodies of what once were demons burned beyond recognition as the trail of the bloodshed continued towards the lake, in a worry for his teacher he rushed towards the lake with his blade drawn!

As he bursted through the trees, all he saw were more bodies pierced through now from the ice spikes that were coming from the lake, as in between those spikes was found Ophelia about to end another demon with her staff as she raised it to kill the demon using the lower end.

Klodian charged towards Ophelia with high speed, grabbing the staff with his left hand! Shocking Ophelia as she saw Klodian with the bloodlust in her eyes slowly fading away.

"Ophelia, No!" He commanded!

Ophelia who's coat and face had been covered in the blood of the unholy, calmed down as she dazed off for a moment losing her balance with Klodian catching her and laying her on the soft grass.

The demon who was "temporarily" saved by Klodian, began to crawl away slowly as Klodian chased, what seemed to be a female demon assassin as Klodian grabbed her by the hair and lifted her head up as she was injured and hurt from the fight with Ophelia.

"I'll make you an offer. You come with me for interrogation and I swear on my mother's name, I will let you go. Or. I can just kill you right now and diminish your soul for good." 

As Klodian spoke, a murderous aura was being emitted for him as the demoness tried to respond to his offer as she looked at his shining white blade that was etching to kill.

"I-I'll talk! I promise, I'll talk! I beg of you, do not kill me!" The demoness pleaded as fear could be felt in her tone.

Even those who had already seen death and walked to hell, still feared it as if it could end them again forever. Klodian lifted the demoness' head up as he karate chopped her in the neck to knock her out. Grabbing both Ophelia and the demoness, Klodian exitted the forest and walked towards the training camp, meeting Arenion to whom he explained what had happend, calling a meeting between the strongest angels in charge of the camp as well as Klodian that would happen in 2 hours.


As the time of the meeting came, with the demoness slowly waking up as she was tied to a chair, Mestinal, Arenion, Ophelia and Klodian all were sitting in a round table, discussing around her, with her looking in a panick at the angels around her and the human who gave her the golden ticket to leave with her head intact.

"She woke up."

The voice of Mestinal was heard as all the other inside the room turned to the demoness, all with menacing auras and looks being emitted but only Klodian's was tamer than the rest.

"Before we start, I'd like to let you all know that I swore to give her freedom if she answered honestly and without trickery." 

Klodian proclaimed as Ophelia was about to retaliate, she felt Arenion's hand on her shoulder subtly telling her to trust in Klodian's purpose.

"So demoness, you know the deal we made, you tell us what we want to know, we let you go, as simple as that." 

Klodian smiled at the demoness gently who nodded her head rapidly in agreement.

"Y-Yes yes! I'll tell you everything I know!"

The demoness said with her face emitting a ray of hope for her salvation as Klodian showed happiness towards that respond as he crossed his hands on the table.

"First of all... Who's call was it for Ophelia to be your target? We are in the middle of a war, I doubt this was planned as a vendetta or for personal reasons now was it?~"

Tilting his head to the right as Klodian's smile could be seen with his right eye looking at the demoness.

"Yes! You are correct! W-We were sent by the queen of lust, Kiara! She knew that the Dragon Mage would be somewhere in heaven but as we didn't know the location, we were seperated to search every corner of heaven in secrecy!"

The demoness responded as Mestinal punched a hole through the table, shouting at the demoness as pieces of wood flew in the air from the impact!

"Impossible! You couldn't possibly enter heaven without having to face the gate guardians! Even then we would have been alerted!"

Before the demoness could respond, Klodian was heard chuckling towards Mestilan which pissed him off further.

"If that is true, then we have a little rat in our ranks~"

Mestinal, Ophelia and Arenion looked in shock, who could have been the culprit who allowed such thing to happen!? But Klodian was more focused at the demoness as he spoke again softly.

"Can you tell us who is the spy, because trust me, I promised you freedom but as easily as I can give it I can just as easily kill you and save us precious time. Mestinal, please do alert the camp and the guards as this location has been compromised."

Klodian requested of Mestinal who thought that this wasn't the normal Klodian... He felt as if something dark was waiting to be unleashed upon the demoness. But as of now he couldn't request answers, his duty was to alert the camp and the enlightened ones to be prepared to move.

"I-I don't know!"

The demoness claimed with a loud tone as Klodian got up, walking from the left side of the round table towards the demoness as he slowly and elegantly unsheathed his katana.


The demoness pleaded with tears in her eyes as Klodian was standing behind her, he slashed through the ropes that were keeping her tied up.

"I am a man of my word, I will let you go."

Klodian smiled gently, as the demoness was happy and wanted to walk away immideatly, with Arenion and Ophelia looking in shock, was he serious!? But as they were about to speak, Klodian swung his katana again, cutting the demoness head clean off.

As her body fell and hit the table to then be laid on the ground, her head got sent flying sideways with blood spurting all over Klodian as Arenion and Ophelia looked in shock.

"I gave her freedom, just not the one she wanted." 

Klodian said with a cold and emotionless gaze as he swung his katana to the side to remove the blood of the demoness from it's blade as he sheathed it.

"Klodian, you..." 

"Did you really think she would make it out alive? Trust me, you were about to kill her in a more brutal way than I did the diffrence being, if they run out of use for me, I will dispose of them."

Interrupting Ophelia, Klodian began walking towards the exit as he stopped.

"I don't think we have time to train anymore, we have a culprit in our ranks and the more we wait around, the more we can expect an attack right under our noses."

Klodian claimed with a cold tone as he left the room with Arenion and Ophelia looking at each-other in worry, could a person change so much in just one encounter with their enemy?


Meanwhile, in an office, a tall man with broaded shoulders and a well built physique with golden hair and a pair of golden wings that shined like the sun itself was looking at some documents when he heard a knock coming from the door.

"Come in."

The man said as an angel with black hair and turqoise eyes came in the room bowing down.

"I am here as you requested... Sir Yzavil."

"I am glad to see you... Irelio."

Hello dear readers and viewers of my novel. I am the author of "I chose to be a barista" as you may have noticed, this chapter was written in a diffrent style than the others. The reason for that is simple, I want to increase the quality of the novel by experimenting, everyone who supports this novel and is too shy to write me, please do not be!

Creation is hard, cheer me up! I would love to hear your thoughts!

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