
I chose to be a barista.

"In a world ruled by OP classes, I chose to become a barista. Why? No reason. ;P" Klodian an Albanian 20 year old guy, became an enlightened one after his near death at the hands of one of the scarlet moons, saved by his guardian angel, he gets a second chance to regain all he had lost, his family, his pride and most importantly his revenge againts the demons who sent his world down a hellish spiral.

H0Nored1 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

The Mystical meeting

Over the course of the next month, Arenion and Klodian trained to the maximum. The training regime went as follows: 2000 laps around the whole camp including squats, situps and pushups, running an obstacle course that was used by the newbies to train their reflexes but because Arenion is a bitch and a half, he put it to the maximum level for Klodian to absolutely sharpen his instincts then ending it with a sparring match between the two.

Klodian's stats had grown quite nicely during that time,as he was sitting on top of a tree waiting for Arenion to come by. While waiting he decided to give his stats one quick look.

☯𝓑𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓮𝓿𝓮 𝓸𝓷𝓵𝔂 𝓲𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓓𝓪𝓻𝓴☯

Name: 〖Klodian Shkembi〗

Age: 〖20〗





Tranquility: 〖4〗




Wing Wondo Mastery. 〖A〗


Aura Mastery. 〖B〗

Katana Mastery 〖A〗

He was pleased with the results as Arenion's method heavily focused on one's mentality, by injecting the brain with heavy amounts of: norepinephrine, dopamine, endorphins, anandamide, and serotonin. The brain of a person could achieve a permanent flow state, The longest time Klodian could hold the flow state for was for around 10 minutes.

As he dismissed the status window, Klodian's body could be seen that it had been heavily scarred from the heavy training but he didn't pay much attention to his body as he had faced much worse…

It had been some time since Arenion promised to come and he was a man who respected people that were worth his time so Klodian jumped down from the tree and began to walk towards the camp calmly.


As he walked outside the forest, he saw Amethyst running towards him!



Klodian hugged Amethyst trying to calm her down.

"I-It's Arenion! He is fighting against a mage! We don't know what happened they suddenly!-"

"Ok ok Relax, where are they?!"

"At the inn of golden halos!"

In a split of a moment, Klodian sprinted towards there as Amethyst followed suit flying after him as she noticed he had gotten faster than she could fly!

Once he arrived outside the Inn, Klodian was met with a sight he wouldn't have thought possible to see within his lifetime… His sensei had been defeated! A black coated mage aimed a fireball at him which was taking the form of a dragon as it got sent towards Arenion to finish him off!

Klodian's quick thinking managed to arrive before the dragon could make contact with Arenion, swinging his katana infused with his aura to cut it in half!

The dragon exploded forming a cloud of smoke that luckily didn't cause any damage, but the newbie enlightened ones backed off. Klodian had gained a reputation for being in the places where bad things happen.

But the latter now pointing his sword towards the black coated mage who had hid their face behind a mask.

"I don't know who the hell you are, but you better start praying cause I'll sent you to hell!"

Klodian emitted a blood lustful aura towards the mage but then, Mestilan and his angelic guards came to deal with the situation!

"Klodian stop! She isn't an enemy!"

"She!? I don't care what she is! She reduced my Arenion to that sorry state, that's plenty enough reason for me to send her to hell!"

Klodian then felt someone grab his shoulder as he turned around he got met with a punch to the stomach.

"Sorry Klodian, but there are things you shouldn't interfere with…"

Klodian was taken a back by the hit even though it didn't damage him much.

"I want you to calm down and listen, that woman… Is actually my ex-wife."

Klodian looked at him in shock and then at the woman and then at him.

"I can understand drama… BUT FOR HER TO ATTACK YOU LIKE THIS-"

"It's too deep of a family drama for you to understand… So please understand her… As she will be your teacher as well."

Klodian looked at him in shock and surprise.


Klodian shouted in rage!

"She makes my sensei who has trained me dead for a month almost face death! AND YOU ARE TELLING ME SHE WILL BE MY TEACHER!? ARE YOU DRUNK AGAIN!"

"Surprisingly no."

Arenion said in a goofy sounding tone as to make a joke but Klodian ran out of energy rubbing his forehead as he felt another hand touch his shoulder as he turned around but this time he wouldn't get hit!


But what he got met with the female removing her mask as her beautiful black hair waved on the air as she shook her hair, with her crimson pupil eyes looking into his eye as if she was piercing right through his soul.

"This kid… is broken. He bares too much hatred , pain and suffering."

Klodian got irritated at her answer as he gripped his fist and bit his lips tightly until blood came out.

"What the bloody hell do you know…?"

"I know... I know… Mestinal, I'll take the kid with me. Forgive me for causing so much damage."

The female mage said as Klodian could feel the pain in her voice as she said those words, with her bowing down and leaving, waving her hand for Klodian to follow her.

He was reluctant to follow her but he had no better choice as she was appointed to be his sensei in magic. Throwing a fit as a child wasn't only insulting but also dishonorable to him.

The two again began to walk towards the forest as it was the only place in all the training camp that could minimize the damage if there was any.

They walked through the beautiful lush green leaves and tree branches reflecting the golden rays of the evening sun as they finally reached the crystal clear lake.

But before they could enjoy the view, the mage threw a fire ball towards Klodian which he swiftly dodged.

"Your first lesson shall begin now… Young one."

The mage said as she formed more fireballs behind her with Klodian looking in shock and getting ready to dodge.

One after another he narrowly dodged the fireballs with the mage looking dissatisfied towards Klodian, finally shouting.

"Do not dodge the fireballs! attempt to counter-attack with your own!"

The mage didn't stop throwing fireballs at him while Klodian tried to retaliate but to no avail, he still hadn't found the mana core!

The mage facepalmed in frustration but then she inhaled softly looking at Klodian.

"Try to find your mana core! It should be the opposite of your aura core young one, look deep inside you!"

Klodian heard her as he calmed himself down, due to his recent month of training aura, not only had he raised it's max output by 25% and now being able to control 30% of his aura, he had also found a string that lead towards his mana core!

He followed that string diligently until he got met with his mana core! As he approached it, he found it to be extremely unresponsive as if he could feel 4 elements trying to push him away so to retaliate against the stubbornness of his own mana core, he drew energy from his aura core to tame and subject the mana core which awarded him his mana flow!

In the real world though, he had stopped moving as the mage held her fireballs back for a moment, waiting for Klodian to return to his senses. The moment he did return, the mage continued her barrage, sending 3 fireballs his way!

But this time, Klodian managed to retaliate, forming his own fireballs but these ones… They were dark? As the 6 fireballs clashed with each-other a beautiful rain of colors got formed, surprising both the mage and Klodian.

"You did it…"

The mage began to chuckle softly as she approached Klodian who was still amazed by what he was seeing, gently patting his shoulder.

"My name is Ophelia… And from now on, I'll be your teacher of magic."

Ophelia softly smiled at him with Klodian smiling back bowing down to her.

"I apologize for the way I acted before, miss Ophelia."


Ophelia chuckled as she punched him in the head!

"I am still too young to be called Miss! Have you not been taught manners!? I am still a beauty!"

Ophelia retaliated, lifting Klodian up, grabbing him by the collar with him measly raising a finger.

"I should… have expected this from Arenion's ex-wife… Aughh…"

Klodian was down with now Ophelia being surprised as she let him go and made him fall on the soft grass with her sitting down and sighing looking at Klodian.

"This kid certainly has the discipline… But damn did he surprise me today with that light show…"

She softly chuckled to herself as she petted Klodian's hair and simply awaited him to wake up.

Unknown to her, a ding from Klodian's system came in secret.

⚠️Alert! New data found!⚠️

⚠️A recent fight has been documented! Enlightened one Klodian has achieved a new mastery! Congratulations!⚠️

Mystical arts mastery〖F〗Achieved!