
I chose to be a barista.

"In a world ruled by OP classes, I chose to become a barista. Why? No reason. ;P" Klodian an Albanian 20 year old guy, became an enlightened one after his near death at the hands of one of the scarlet moons, saved by his guardian angel, he gets a second chance to regain all he had lost, his family, his pride and most importantly his revenge againts the demons who sent his world down a hellish spiral.

H0Nored1 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

The First Sparring

Mestinal and Amethyst looked at each-other in confusion towards Arenion. Klodian's stats weren't bad to begin with then why did he underestimate him so much?

"What's wrong with my stats for you to be so unimpressed?"

"I saw it in your eyes, the fact that your stats are quite good for you means you are satisfied. Satisfied = Less work = No growth which leads to, eventually, death."

Arenion scolded Klodian by flicking his forehead as Klodian understood what he meant… bowing down?

"I apologize for disappointing you sensei!"

The three looked in surprise as Arenion punched Klodian's head to the ground.

"Oh quit with your respect act! I want results not promises, you wanna apologize, learn and train with me!"

Arenion picked Klodian up and placed him on his feet.

"First we need to find you a weapon… Amethyst!"


Arenion shouted as Amethyst looked in surprise.

"Go to my house, inside my bedroom, you'll find a black sheathed katana with a white handle, bring it here."

"Yes sir!"

Amethyst flew away towards Arenion's house as Mestinal just stood there with Klodian trying to stop his mind from spinning.

"Why are you still here??? Go! You have duties to fulfill!"

"Yes yes I am going, lord have mercy on my soul to deal with this guy."

Mestilan flew away as Klodian finally got his mind together.

"Note to self: Always keep your guard up when I am around you."

"See you are learning!"

Arenion smiled at Klodian like a lunatic as Klodian thought of all the things that Arenion would make him go through, but while the two were chatting Amethyst arrived with the katana that Arenion had requested.

"Good, you can leave Klodian to me for now you can check on him whenever you want but it's gonna be short since we have a lot of work."

"I'll take your word for it. Klodian work hard and promise to be fed well, Arenion's diet is fully composed of alcohol."

Amethyst warned Klodian as she waved and left the two alone.

"Now that they are gone…"

Arenion threw the katana towards Klodian who catched it and slowly unsheathed it to reveal it's beautiful white blade with a black dragon going through.

"Congratulations, you now have your first weapon. But a bit of a warning. That system o' yours… It won't make you grow like crazy, it just reduces the time it takes for you to grow by ¼. So instead of 1 month to learn something you need 3."

"So it basically adds as a permanent boost to learning new knowledge and is attuned with the brain."

Klodian responded with a calculative tone as Arenion nodded.

"It is a bit of a drag come to think of it, but as your sensei, I'll give you a tip!"

Arenion put his hand on Klodian's right shoulder smiling with a murderous aura emitting from him.

"The more you fight, the more experience you'll get. A brain can achieve so much concentration and information at the same time once it enters the flow it's insanity. That adrenaline you get from a fight, you need to master it so you can enter the state of flow automatically to turn that ¼ into a 500% boost! It's a cheat code basically!"

"You are saying to learn how to control my brain's functions by immersing myself fully into combat and so I can learn more."

Arenion laughed as he patted Klodian's shoulder.

"Bingo! But I gotta warn you kid… I'll not go easy on you, so you better make every time you swing that sword count or else, I'll kill you personally."

"Got it. This'll be fun."

The two smiled as they faced opposite ways with Arenion walking away towards the forest.

"Alright then, follow me. We'll go to our training ground."

Klodian nodded as he turned around and followed Arenion deep into the forest, but quickly lost sight of him as Klodian found himself in an open space inside the forest with trees surrounding him.

Klodian was surprised as he felt something coming from behind him and fast!

He jumped up spinning onto the air as it was Arenion who was the agressor!

"Let us begin our first training lesson!"

Arenion unleashed his golden aura that made Klodian shiver a bit as his body felt heavy. This wasn't a normal use of aura, Arenion was using it as if he had authority over everything! In retaliation Klodian challenged him with his own aura!

The duo's wills clashed together and it was shown to be a draw as the two auras dismissed, with Arenion lunging towards Klodian with his sword drawn and Klodian's quick thinking helped him draw his katana on time to parry the attack.

"What you just did was an aura battle. It is a ritual that begins before a fight to test the will of a person and if they stand as an equal, if they don't, they'll be crushed by the aura and can easily be killed!"

Arenion pushed Klodian away with Klodian taken a back with a sloppy fighting pose holding his katana.

"It's time to put what I told you to good use. The system will help you grow, but it'll help you to grow faster if we spar daily!"

[He's right… The system will allow me to grow in a much faster pace but with his advice, I can grow strong enough to face that demonic bastard and kill him!]

Klodian let out a murderous intent as he lunged forward Arenion, clashing swords with him, releasing a fury of swift attacks that were sloppy due to his poor posture and lack of training.

Arenion easily dispatched all of the attacks as he tried to land a spinning kick on Klodian who dodged it but side stepping to the left trying to land an axe kick on Arenion who avoided it by a strand of hair as the kick cracked the ground beneath them slightly.

"Good, good! You are getting it!"

Klodian recovered his pose as more and more adrenaline was being pumped into his brain. Fighting was just way too much fun! The system was pumping so much information onto Klodian's brain and at a very fast rate.

His posture became more calm and better, holding his katana a bit loosely to allow for faster and swifter attacks as Arenion and Klodian lunged towards each-other again as they had both enhanced their weapons with Aura, creating a clash in the process but their weapons weren't even touching!

"That's what I like to see!"

Shouted Arenion in excitement as he increased his aura output to defeat Klodian and send him flying towards a tree as he crashed down.

Klodian tried to get back up but Arenion pointed his sword at him as Klodian looked up.

"Good. Our first sparring could have gone way for worse, but you actually managed to hold up better than I thought."

Arenion patted Klodian's head as he sat down next to him, just relaxing with Klodian doing the same.

As the two were just enjoying the peace and quiet, a system notification came up in a golden window.

⚠️Alert! New data found⚠️

⚠️A recent fight has been documented! Enlightened one Klodian has earned a new mastery! Congratulations!⚠️

Katana mastery 〖F〗Achieved!

"Welp that's a good."

"Ah please make it not appear again. Just say [System! Hide!] and it should do the trick."

Klodian did as Arenion instructed.

"Don't get comfortable, over the course of the next month we will be training harder."

"Only next month?"

Klodian looked at Arenion in confusion who sighed scratching his head.

"Kid I can only help you to raise your Aura and Strength stats, the other 3 you must get help from a mage… I heard from the golden haired bastard Mestilan that you'll get a second teacher to teach you about magic. Don't ask me who it is, since I do not know myself."

"Oh well. We have plenty of time until then to train don't we sensei?"

Arenion and Klodian laughed as they hadn't noticed that the fight took all of their evening away as Arenion took Klodian to eat and drink with him as a reward for him for reaching so much in just a day.