
I chose to be a barista.

"In a world ruled by OP classes, I chose to become a barista. Why? No reason. ;P" Klodian an Albanian 20 year old guy, became an enlightened one after his near death at the hands of one of the scarlet moons, saved by his guardian angel, he gets a second chance to regain all he had lost, his family, his pride and most importantly his revenge againts the demons who sent his world down a hellish spiral.

H0Nored1 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Keep Going Forward

As the time past, Klodian slowly began to open his eyes as he saw Ophelia's face looking down on him, resting.

He panicked and wanted to move quickly, but this would turn bad as Ophelia could wake up and attack him. Even though she was a mage she could retaliate.

Looking around he noticed that a notification window from the system had been sent! Rewarding him with his second mastery, The mystical arts!


Klodian shouted in a low tone as he dismissed the notification being happy as he looked up towards Ophelia who was smiling at him.

"So, are you enjoying your rest on my thighs?~"

Ophelia smiled at him with a teasing gaze as Klodian jumped up sitting straight and blushing.

"I-I apologize! I didn't have any knowledge of this."

"Alright alright, leave it mister chivalrous. I put your head on my thighs and we both rested, not like we slept together."

Ophelia chuckled with Klodian looking at her blushing more!

"Lady Ophelia, please refrain from saying things like that!"

"Don't tell me you are like 20-23 year olds and still a virgin!?"

As he heard that Klodian looked down, defeated and embarassed.

"You are good looking! What's the catch here!? How come you didn't date anyone!?"

Ophelia said in surprise as she demanded an answer with Klodian murmuring.

"Speak up!"

"I am not technically a virgin! I have lost my virginity but I am not proud of how I lost it and I am not gonna disclose any info on how it happend!"

Klodian pouted embarrassed as Ophelia sighed and let it go. Walking past him patting his shoulder.

"Come on, we have something to check within you."

"Yes Ophelia…"

Ophelia walked towards the lake as she sat down crossing her legs with Klodian following suit. 

"I want you to meditate and reach your mana core, once you are there, you'll be met with a flow that will seem warm and ticklish but don't get decieved. You were able to put it under control previously thanks to you converting your aura to subjugate it, but this time you'll have to accept it in it's own natural."

"I will do as you say."

Klodian nodded as he began to calm himself and re-enter his mana core, this time, he will adapt to it naturally.

"A tip. Let the mana flow through you, when you enter the cores, you'll enter with your spirit and if you can adapt your spirit to your flow, your body will follow suit. So technically a domino effect."

[I must commend the kid for pulling out something like that without any knowledge of mana… Converting his aura to draw out a small portion of mana in that split moment and one who clashed with one of my fireballs, it was truly impressive… He could be considered a prodigy, but his body alone tells me that isn't the case.]

Ophelia smiled as she patiently awaited Klodian's return with a smile on her face, resting her chin on her fist.


As Klodian entered his mana core for the second time, he got met with a spark of black lightning coming towards him which he narrowly dodged.

He looked towards the direction where the lightning came from to see his mana core being completely unstable!

He tried to approach it but he kept getting met with more attacks of Ice, Lightning and Fire as he dodged them all continuously, not being able to even approach the core.

"Shit… This is bad! Is this a result of me converting my aura to forcefully draw mana from the core!?"

Klodian said with a grim tone as he looked towards his core who was beginning to crack, sending a sharp pain towards his body and soul, making him kneel down and grasp for air.

"Oh no… I gotta reach it and fast or else it'll destroy my body from the inside!"

Klodian got up and instead of running or forcefully approaching the core, he took a different path.

He calmly began to walk towards the mana core and didn't dodge the attacks coming at him, he got hit with ice spikes piercing through his arms and torso, fire that burned through his skin and lightning that shocked his whole body but as the attacks continued they began to lessen.

After 10 minutes of continuously getting barraged with attacks from all 3 elements, he reached the core and gently touched it as the attacks stopped. He felt a warm and ticklish feeling coursing through his soul.

"I know I forced you to do something you didn't wish… So please forgive me for this once, eh?"

Klodian spoke with a soft tone as he sat down with the orb beginning to heal itself. Maybe it didn't have a consciousness but it could feel it's holder's regret as Klodian woke up into the real world.


He woke up with Ophelia's tending to him as he had blood leaked onto his clothes from his mouth and nose.

"You got faced with retaliation from your mana core didn't you? It is now stable so that's 50% of the job done."

"You knew this would happen?"

Klodian asked in a curious tone gazing towards Ophelia wanting an answer.

"Yes. I commend you for trying to do something that ballsy, but you also forced it too soon. But now that's half the trouble done!"

Ophelia smiled as Klodian got up, still being a little shaky.

"Ye… You could say that."

Klodian's head still was a little bit dizzy as he felt Ophelia's hand onto his chest.

"Hold still."


Before he could finish, Klodian felt a sudden burst of energy pierce through his torso as fell onto the ground with a sharp pain.

"What the hell!?"

"I see…"

Ophelia said with an interested tone as she looked at her hand with Klodian getting up as he felt, better?

"What did you do?"

"I did away your mana fatigue and pain by striking the area where your mana core was located, to put it back in its place. Just because it's not seen by the naked eye, doesn't mean it's invincible nor invisible. But for now, I am looking at what your mana flows are and I am intrigued."

Klodian was confused at Ophelia's statement as he decided to follow by a question.

"What do you mean `Mana flows`? Didn't you say there's only one mana flow that goes through the body in balance with Aura?"

"I did but I left out a fine detail. Your mana core can adapt and subjugate other mana flows, so in simple terms, you can have one main mana flow which has subjugated another mana flow to create a hybrid of the two. And from what I am seeing as of right now, your mana flow has subjugated 3 others."

Klodian was surprised and excited but that was cut short when Ophelia flicked his head.

"Don't get excited so soon. These mana flows may have been subjugated, but you still have no control over them and not even your main mana flow. So we have a lot of work to do."

"Ow! What's with you and Arenion always flicking, kicking or punching me in the head!? THIS IS ABUSE!"

Ophelia looked at him and then turned that look into a lunatic's gaze as she began laughing.

"Boy, we haven't even begun training! You'll see what I'll make you do!"

Ophelia unleashed a murderous intent that could cut you just by being in the presence of it as Klodian was taken a back!

"But for now, I'll tell you your mana flows. Apparently your main mana flow is darkness and the other 3 being Fire, Lightning and Ice. But because the three got subjugated and forcefully merged with Darkness, they turned into: Shadow Flame, Black Lighting and Abbysal ice."

"I mean those are cool names but don't you think they are a little bit edgy?"

Ophelia looked at Klodian with a dissatisfied look.

"Don't blame me. These are your mana flows, mister edginess itself. You still haven't gone past your emo phase huh? Well it doesn't matter, let us go eat something. I am hungry."


Klodian shouted as Ophelia walked away waving her hand with him gritting his teeth following her as he pouted.

The two would begin a horrendous training over the 2 months, so Klodian's work has now doubled. Being trained by two of the craziest and most student abusing couples known across the heavens.