
I chose to be a barista.

"In a world ruled by OP classes, I chose to become a barista. Why? No reason. ;P" Klodian an Albanian 20 year old guy, became an enlightened one after his near death at the hands of one of the scarlet moons, saved by his guardian angel, he gets a second chance to regain all he had lost, his family, his pride and most importantly his revenge againts the demons who sent his world down a hellish spiral.

H0Nored1 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

The first Sensei

As the next day had come around, the golden rays of light shined through the mosaic window of Klodian's room, lighting it up in beautiful colors as Klodian woke up from his sleep.

He rubbed his eye off of the sleep crust that had accumulated, this wasn't no novel where the character's faces remained young and pretty.

"Goddamn, these sleep crusts will get into my eye one of these days."

Klodian sighed as he got up, grabbed a pair of fresh clothes from the wardrobe and went to the bathroom located right next to the door that lead him outside, walking in and taking a shower for around 20 minutes.

As soon as he finished showering, he got dressed and went over to his bed and got in his meditation pose to check on the current state of his aura.

The dark aura had settled in nicely for now with Klodian's body, with a stable flow coursing through his body until he heard the door be kicked open!

He immediately jumped from the bed ready to fight with Amethyst walking as Mestinal followed her back!


Klodian scolded the two as they both rubbed their heads nervously.

"Sorry Klodian! We were sure you'd be awake by now!"

Amethyst chuckled as Klodian had a disstatisfied looked on his face but then gazing with curiosity towards the two, wondering what they needed to come so early in the morning to him.

"Can you atleast explain what you guys are doing here so early in the morning?"

The two looked at Klodian with a slight smile on their face as Mestinal walked 2 steps forward.

"We come with good news Klodian! You will finally begin your training as an enlightened one!"

Mestinal shouted with cheers as Klodian's face turned from one of confusion to one of a lunatic as a wide grin was formed.

"About! Motherfucking! Time!"

Klodian's eye burned with determination as Amethyst punched him in the head!


Amethyst said as she grabbed him by the cheeks pulling them hard.

"Ow ow ow! OK OK I AM SORRY! OW!"

Amethyst let him go as Klodian grabbed his cheeks with Mestinal laughing at the site.

"Alright then, let us go!"

Mestinal led way proudly as Amethyst and Klodian followed him.

Once outside the room, Klodian got met with endless white corridors with golden decorations like curtains, vases, paintings and many more. He was amazed, his eye let out glitter by the beauty of the paintings as Amethyst pulled his ear and dragged him away.

"You can admire art later, come on we got things to do!"

Amethyst scolded Klodian who was sad to get removed from the painting he was observing, as the trio walked outside, they got met with the glorious shine of the sun.

The look and the fresh hair was mesmerizing and had drunken Klodian as he could see everything! He had put his hands on top of the white balustrade, looking down to be met with an amazing sight.

Other humans! They were probably enlightened ones as well! Klodian's excitement could be sensed as Mestinal patted his shoulder.

"Let's go meet your first teacher. I am sure he will be ecstatic to meet you!" [Hopefully, I hope that the drunkard isn't well… Drunk.]

Mestinal proclaimed with a proud tone as in his mind a slight ray of hope was there to keep himself from getting embarrassed.

As the trio walked down the many stairs that separated the ground from the entrance of the palace, they entered the beautiful concrete path towards the training camp where many Enlightened ones were training. Some in magic, some in swordsmanship, bowmanship and marksmanship and some even practicing their auras against instructors.

Klodian was amazed looking at them.

"I am sorry to inform you that you won't be training with them Klodian."

"But why!?"

Klodian asked with a surprised gaze towards Mestinal.

"Your aura cannot be handled by warriors of their level and your understanding of it could put them at greater risk."

Mestinal explained with a cold tone as they continued walking with Klodian lowering his head with Amethyst patting his back.

They walked outside of the training camp, towards a jade colored forest as on top of one of the trees, someone was seen to be sleeping.

"And my greatest fear has been realised… OI ARENION!"

Mestinal kicked the tree as Arenion fell from the tree and hit the ground face first, waking up looking at Mestinal.

"Whattttt!? I was just napping!"

The man with black hair and blue colored eyes looked at Mestinal throwing a fit as they both were about to go off at each-other, Amethyst grabbed them both by their ears.

"I am afraid you two idiots are forgetting the real reason why we are here!"

"OW OW OW! Alright let our ears go!"

The two shouted as Amethyst let them go with Klodian looking at the flowers as Arenion was approaching.

"So this is the kid, eh?"

Arenion said with a smirk as he lunged towards Klodian unsheathing his sword, swinging it from the bottom left towards Klodian, who narrowly dodged!

"Oi oi oi! That's cheap teach!"

"Cheap? Kid, If you consider this cheap, you'll be nothing but broken when I am done with you!"

Arenion and Klodian lunged at each-other, clashing as their auras reinforced their arms, it was darkness vs golden.

Mestinal and Amethyst were watching on the sidelines as they were familiar with this. Arenion had his own `special` way to test out those who were candidates to become his student.

He would judge based on decision making, creativity, power and mastery of their body, intelligence and will but as it was being shown, Klodian was lacking in some areas.

Klodian's attacks were quick, swift and powerful a grinded down to the bone martial artist, his decisions were spot on and almost hit Arenion a couple of times but in terms of strategizing and intelligence he wasn't showing much promise.

A warrior without a strategy is equal to a blind man attacking everything in the dark as Arenion grabbed Klodian by his arm pulled him in to land a nasty knee to the stomach as he kicked Klodian away making him land on the grass.

"Boy I have so much work to do with this kid…"

Arenion would sigh to himself as he turned to Mestilan and Amethyst.

"Has the kid activated the system yet? I hope that answer is yes, or else It's you guys' turn next."

Arenion said with a displeased tone as he sheathed his sword with Mestinal sighing.

"The circumstances regarding Klodian's physical body weren't right-"

"My ass. The kid has the body, will and power to awaken the system, you two just forgot admit it."

"... We did…"

Amethyst said with shame in her face as she had forgotten something so important as Klodian had walked towards the group.

"You sir, have a nasty knee!"

"That's what my last student said, now he's a captain fighting. Grow up, you'll experience it a lot more!"

Arenion laughed mocking Klodian as he looked towards Mestinal who shrugged.

"But kid we don't have time for this whole `bonding thing`, I need you to activate the system. Chop chop, do it!"

"Say system in your head Klodian that's how it'll appear."

Arenion bended his body back in boredom and annoyance.


Arenion shouted as he jumped back looking more irritated but at the same type, Klodian had said system inside his head!

A golden window appeared in front of him, with a golden border but a black frame as text appeared on it.

⋘ 𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡... ⋙

⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙

〖 Loading Completed!〗

〖 Enlightened System: Fully operational! 〗

The golden window showed the golden hand written text as a bright light was formed that almost blinded Klodian on his only eye. But as the light disappeared he got met with his status window.

☯𝓑𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓮𝓿𝓮 𝓸𝓷𝓵𝔂 𝓲𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓓𝓪𝓻𝓴☯

Name: 〖Klodian Shkembi〗

Age: 〖20〗





Tranquility: 〖2〗




〖Wing Chun + Taekwondo Mastery 〗

⚠️Alert! Due to the user posessing two martial arts, a hybrid combination of the two will replace them!⚠️

⚠️The combination has been successful!⚠️

Wing Wondo Mastery. 〖A〗


Aura Mastery. 〖C〗

Klodian was amazed at his stats but Arenion wasn't impressed and just sighed looking at Klodian.

"Buckle the fuck up kid… We have a lot of work to do."