
I chose to be a barista.

"In a world ruled by OP classes, I chose to become a barista. Why? No reason. ;P" Klodian an Albanian 20 year old guy, became an enlightened one after his near death at the hands of one of the scarlet moons, saved by his guardian angel, he gets a second chance to regain all he had lost, his family, his pride and most importantly his revenge againts the demons who sent his world down a hellish spiral.

H0Nored1 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


As the Abbysal Wings returned to their mansion, they gave each-other looks of victory in their eyes as Klodian and Mary were the most bloodied up ones.

"Hey mates, is this just meself or was this mission too underwhelming?"

"I do not think so, I think in the past month we had grown way beyond their level thus subconsciously giving us the feeling of being underwhelemed."

Jane asked with a curious and displeased tone about the mission with Jin Ae explaining that during the past month, their power had grown beyond normal commanders and captains.

"I would not worry about that, Miq [Friends in Albanian.]. Ren and I will go to report to Yzavil, you all clean up and rest."


Klodian said with a calm tone as he and Ren left the mansion, running towards the HQ which they would reach within 5 minutes. As for the others, they all followed Klodian's order without much of a objection.


Arriving at the HQ, Klodian and Ren were calmly walking through the corridors.

"Klodian, I want to apologize."

"Hm? I told you already, you got surprised and someone managed to land a hit. No biggie."

Ren gripped his hands as he was clearly frustrated with himself due to his sloppiness and what could have left to his death by having his skull bashed open with Klodian patting his shoulder.

"Remember, we are still humans and thus imperfect. Making mistakes is unavoidable the best we can do is minimize them, but now that you have done a mistake, I know for a fact you'll grow from it. Failure isn't the end, it's just a question that you'll answer the same every time. Try again."

Klodian chuckled as he walked forward with Ren stopping with a surprised gaze towards Klodian he snapped out of his space out and following Klodian again, as they knocked on Yzavil's office, entering and kneeling down.

Yzavil looked at them with surprise as Klodian and Ren both had bloods on their clothes as he got up and stood in front of the two, crossing his hands behind his back.

"It's been only 2 hours and 30 minutes since I sent you in that mission and you already have returned? Was my mission perhaps too underwhelming for you?

"With all due respect sir, we cannot comment on that as there are far bigger threats for now."

Yzavil said with a pleased tone followed by Klodian who gently kicked Ren's shoulder as he got up and handed Yzavil the letter from the demon main command.

As Yzavil read the contents of the letter he gritted his teeth as the letter combusted in golden flames.

"Damned bastard, continously attacking without mercy! Sinners!"

Yzavil's rage was accompanied by his golden aura which shook Klodian and Ren to their cores as it slowly disappared with Yzavil taking control of himself.

"Klodian, Ren, you two and the other Abbysals have far surpassed my expectations for you have given us a valuable piece of information. Tomorrow you'll get a new mission but remember, it won't be the same as this one."

Yzavil said with a cold gaze towards the two as they nodded, bowing and left Yzavil's studio with him sitting down with a worried look appearing in his face.

[I fear for their safety... Demons are known to retaliate and with Klodian, they'll become a primary target...]


Meanwhile with Ren and Klodian who had walked inside the mansion by now saw the trio of Mary, Jane and Jin Ae making a fuss in the kitchen.




Mary and Jane were arguing about who would make the drinks for the dinner with Jin Ae taking Mary's side as Klodian punched Mary and Jane on their heads, flicking Jin Ae in the forehead.

"I leave for 10 minutes and you all do this? Let me take a shower and I'll make the drinks, but be patient, it takes a bit to take care of this body."

Klodian smiled with his ego being inflated from his looks as the three held their heads and forehead looking at Klodian wanting to punch him when they looked at Ren, laughing quietly at them.


The three shouted as Ren lifted his head up seeing the trio coming towards after him. He panicked and began to run across the mansion with the trio giving chase as Klodian sighed and went to his room to take a shower.

Entering the bedroom he undressed and entered the shower looking in the mirror to find his scars that would never go away together with his missing eye...

"I swear on my bloodline's name, once I find you... I'll rip your yee and use it as my own."

Klodian said with a murderous aura engulfing him whole as the fire of revenge still burned bright within his heart.

30 minutes after Klodian walked out of the shower wearing a white buttoned long sleeve shirt with black pants as he walked towards the kitchen, finding Ren tied up from the trio with him muffling towards Klodian with his eyes begging for help.

"Untie him, before I make you all eat with your legs instead of your arm cause I will break them like a chicken's bones."

Klodian said with an annoyed tone as Jin Ae and Mary untied Ren who gasped for air with Jane and Klodian getting to work to make the dinner.

After around 1 hour and 30 minutes, Klodian and Jane had finished up making their contribution towards tonight's dinner with Jane making a Ceasar Salad, Beef Wellington and a chocolate cake followed by Klodian's exotic cocktails of peaches, mangos and pineapple.

Ren, Mary and Jin Ae all looked hungry and wanting to devour them all with saliva dripping down their mouths as Klodian and Jane served the dinner sitting down and enjoying some good food, with Klodian raising a toast.

"For our first successful mission and here's to 1000 more!"


The team cheered on as they began eating, drinking and talking, but somewhere else, the same cheerful atmosphere wasn't present.


Down beneath the green earth inside the hell castle of the demon king Interitus, a bloodied scream could be heard!

Mirian had been knocked to the ground with his arms ripped off and bleeding heavily as he looked towards Interitus!

"Pathetic bug... You cannot even finish a child correctly and now, our plans of an offensive are ruined."

"Your majesty, I swear this isn-"

Mirian tried to plead but got met with a kick to his face sending him flying towards a wall!

"What kind of pathetic excuse can you come up with to save your skin."


Mirian had truly gotten a beating as he got met with Klodian's image back then gritting his teeth as he got up, kneeling down towards Interitus.

"O mighty' monarch of carnage, please do allow me to redeem myself in your eyes, for I... Will make sure to kill that child the next time we meet. I swear on my life and soul."

Interitus looked at Mirian and saw that his blood lust was growing at a rapid rate.

"You get one chance Mirian... Even though failure will lead to your death, not by my hands, but by his."

Interitus said with a cold tone as the footage of Klodian slaughtering the demons of the command post he and his team attacked, scorching that location down to nothing played with Mirian looking more enraged as he walked outside the room with Interitus sitting on his throne.

[Let's see your worth... Descendant of the dark.]

Interitus thought to himself looking towards the footage of Klodian's first mission againts the demons as now he had become wary of his exsistance and hoping that Mirian's abilities will be enough to deal with a unnurtured threat.