
I chose to be a barista.

"In a world ruled by OP classes, I chose to become a barista. Why? No reason. ;P" Klodian an Albanian 20 year old guy, became an enlightened one after his near death at the hands of one of the scarlet moons, saved by his guardian angel, he gets a second chance to regain all he had lost, his family, his pride and most importantly his revenge againts the demons who sent his world down a hellish spiral.

H0Nored1 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


With the dinner being over and the team now resting in their rooms as the dark sky and the bright moon had taken the day's place, Klodian was still up meditating inside his mind to calm himself for something was disrupting his peace.

While he was meditating he got met with the image of the demon who took everything away from him, agitated, Klodian's aura unleashed slashing the room slightly with him controlling him and placing his hand over his left eye.

"When I find you... I'll rip the flesh from your bones and hang your horns as a trophy!"

Klodian's eye was filled with a murderous intent as his nerves began to pop up from the rage.

All night he stood awake staring at a window trying to contemplate any plan, idea or anything at all to find out a way to gather information and strike the demons where it hurts! As the first rays of light shined through his room, Klodian got up from his bed and got dressed in his equipment, leaving early towards the HQ of angels to talk to Yzavil.

While he walked down the stairs, a bullet came his way with Klodian swiftly spinning and cutting it in half with his Katana.

"And where might you be going so early in the morning and armed?"

It was Jin Ae pointing one of his revolvers towards Klodian who sheathed his katana.

"It is not a matter of your concern Jin Ae."

"You wanna act like a lone wolf? That's unlike you."

Klodian sighed as he opened his left eye unleashing enough aura to make Jin Ae bow down.

"I am sorry for this my friend but I don't have anymore time, find it in your heart to forgive me later on."

Klodian's aura knocked out Jin Ae who dropped his revolver with Klodian placing it on top of him as he left for the HQ.


Walking inside the HQ, many angels were worried that something had happend for him to be armed as Klodian knocked on Yzavil's office coming in with Yzavil looking at him in a curious gaze.

"Klodian? Why are you in your battle equipment? You had no mission for today..."

"I am here to ask a very selfish favor, I want you to send me in a solo mission."

Yzavil got up and looked at Klodian with an interested look as he walked up to him with the two being face to face.

"And what may the reason for that be? You aren't irrational nor are you stupid, so you may have a purpose and plan."

Yzavil said with a calm tone as Klodian tightly gripped his hands.

"I need to find someone... Someone who you might know."

"... No. I won't allow you."

Klodian was surprised by this answer as Yzavil walked back.


"Going into enemy territority will put you in great risk without the right set of information."

"Then let me gather that information! Europe is a bloody warzone, I can help there and gather the information I want while helping the heavens regain control!"

Klodian shouted in retaliation as Yzavil turned to him with a disappointed look.

"Klodian you are one of the best enlightened ones, but revenge is clouding your vision and making you neglect your team but as a sign of trust, I will give you one solo mission, one chance."

"Yes I'll do anything!"

Klodian's eye burned with determination as anything would work towards his growth and finding out the bastard he was so diligently hunting.

"You are to go to Berlin immideatly, thin out the forces there which are estimated to be 100-120K demon warriors present with two commanders leading them. Accomplishing this will give you rewards but failure will be recieved with punishment. Are you will to take this gamble, brat?"

"Always bet on me, angelic bastard, you won't regret this."

The two looked at each-other with lunatic smiles as they were testing each-other in terms of will and trust between them. A cooperation between an Arch-Angel and a decendant of the dark truly is something to be wary of.

Yzavil lead Klodian towards the portal but before he could leave, Yzavil gave him something.

"I don't like losing bets and because you are now in your rebellious phase."

Yzavil threw Klodian a white sheathed katana with golden engravement in it's tsuba and blade with a pendant on the cross guard.

"Let's make your chance of winning better shall we?"

Klodian smiled as Yzavil teleported on top of a 11 story high building.


Klodian overlooked the city soaring with demons as the crimson sun shined down on him with him turning to catch a glimpse of the now corrupted star.

"You have fallen from grace and I'll put you back into it."

Klodian said while unsheathing his now dual katanas looking at them both side by side as they oddly looked related.

"Let's see if you two have a hidden secret like OP weapons part of bigger set of equipment!"

Klodian laughed as he jumped down from the building, landing in the middle of a street sorrounded by demons all around him.

"I am giving you all a fair chance! Give me the information I want and I'll let you all live! Simple as tha-"

Before he could finish his sentence he felt a killing intent behind him as he infused his light tsuba katana with aura and black thunder, sending a huge slash that took out around 500 demons slashing through a building.

"Taking that as a no. Meh, more fun for me!"

Klodian's excitement and bloodlust together with his aura emitted from him as he went on a killing spree, killing demon after demon without mercy, destroying the city in the process of his onslaught even Klodian wouldn't be invisible as some lucky demons managed to land some strikes onto him before dying.

Less than 3 and a half hours of constant fighting from all sides, Klodian had finally cleared around 60K demons in the city with the armies of heaven coming to clean out the rest as Klodian was about to rest, he saw a demoness crawling away with a wound in her chest as the trail of blood it was leaving behind lead Klodian right to her.

Klodian walked in front of her crushing her hand with his boot as he picked her up, looking at the demoness' eyes having no fighting will and just wanting to survive.

"P-Please, s-spare me... Please..."

The demoness plead with Klodian throwing her down, kneeling down to face her as she held her chest wound with a sharp pain.

"I'll make you a deal. You tell me what I want to know, I let you live, you don't tell me what I want to know, I'll kill you."

The demoness with blue hair and sapphire eyes looked up to Klodian with her battle costume torn apart revealing parts of her body, thought as she looked in Klodian's only eye.

"I-I accept..."

"Outstanding! Now te-"

Before Klodian could finish his sentence, a rose light came out of the demoness' chest with Klodian grabbing it as he pulled out a rune under her armor with the demoness blushing from the sudden soft touch of Klodian.

The rune showed an image of Mirian, ordering the demons to evacuate from Berlin and focus on counter-attacking. As soon as the message finished, Klodian crushed the rune with the demoness feeling fear with Klodian looking towards her.

"His name all I want and you'll be under my protection."

The demoness looked with a little bit of hope in her eyes as she tighten her lips.

"H-His name is Mirian, the death artist... I-I cannot tell you much more... Please, make my death painless..."

The demoness closed her eyes hoping that Klodian would finish her as she requested with Klodian luaghing and petting her head.

"I told you, I'd protect you and keep you alive if you tell me what I wanted. But now you'll have to forgive me for this."

The demoness looked confused as Klodian striked her neck to knock her out, placing her on top of his shoulder and leaving Berlin victorious.