
I chose to be a barista.

"In a world ruled by OP classes, I chose to become a barista. Why? No reason. ;P" Klodian an Albanian 20 year old guy, became an enlightened one after his near death at the hands of one of the scarlet moons, saved by his guardian angel, he gets a second chance to regain all he had lost, his family, his pride and most importantly his revenge againts the demons who sent his world down a hellish spiral.

H0Nored1 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


While hell had now planned our their next move, the next day had come around for our team with the winner of the previous day being Ren who was swiftier and more decieving than the others even in ping pong.

 The dark veil of the night took place soon after the golden rays of the sun had disappeared with the team getting ready for combat.

Jin Ae was cleaning his revolvers as Ren approached him with two hidden blades that were similar to Assassins creed.

"You cannot rely on those two revolvers forever, so as a safety measure."

Ren helped Jin Ae put them on as he smiled with excitement! He was a die hard fan for the assassins creed series!

"Thank you Ren-Nim!"

Jin Ae shouted in happiness as he felt excited to try them out, with Klodian meditating with his katana in front of him as Maria and Jane were talking.

"Sooooooo... What did you and Klodian say to each-other, hmmmm?"

"Nothing that might interest you Jane."

"Awwww come on!"

Jane asked but got met with no answers from Mary and due to her bri'ish mentality, Jane didn't wanna give up so easily.

"Are you two perhaps... Dating?~"

Jane asked with a teasful tone as she got met with a flick on her forehead from Mary.

"The day I date that guy is the day I die or he dies."

"Isn't that a bit poetical though taking into account how we all almost died from the first wave of attacks?"

Maria wanted to response to Jane's logic but saw no flaw in it but before she could say anything else, Klodian's aura intensified with the team looking towards him.

"Klodian, you aight there mate?"

"Yes... I just felt a weird murderous intent towards me, it was in a short moment, but I think it's nothing."

As Klodian finished his sentence out of the main door came Yzavil, walking inside as the team appeared in front of him bowing down.

Yzavil sighed a bit as he smiled.

"Yes... I think I cannot change this behaviour from you children. Then, I'll cut it short."

Yzavil said with a playful tone as he looked towards the team with now a serious gaze as the team looked up with confidence burning in their eyes

"Abbysal wings, your official mission as the first team divised of only enlightened ones! You'll be tasked with taking out an command post and gathering information about a suspected attack on the african continent. This mission is search and destroy every demon in the radius without mercy and to bring back vital information!"

As Yzavil finished saying that, a golden portal formed behind him with a grin forming in his face.

"Good luck."

The team ran past him as they all jumped into the portal with Yzavil closing it as he opened his wings.

[Let's see how you'll perform... Abbysals.]

Yzavil flied away towards the HQ of angels, patiently waiting to hear for the team's succsess.


Meanwhile with the team appearing in an oasis under the silver rays of light coming from the moon shining down on them as they all felt a demon patrol coming towards their position.

"Ren if you don't mind."

Klodian whispered with Ren nodding as he disappeared into the shadows with the patrol getting closer as Klodian walked out of his hiding spot with the demons wanting to attack him with Klodian pointing behind them.

In that split of a moment, Ren had decapitated all the 5 patrol members as the team moved north towards the command post arriving there 10 minutes later.

As they arrived, they positioned themselves on top of a field with Jane pulling out her sniper and observing the post to see any cracks in their defenses.

"Your observation Jane?"

"Sealed off better than a damn can of picles on a sweaty summer day. There's only one enterance and those bastards are heavily guarding it."

Jin Ae asked Jane as she gave her observation with Klodian thinking.

"Ren, do you think you can infiltrate if we cause a distraction?"

"With ease my friend."

"Then that's what we'll do, a frontal assault. Mary you and I will draw their attention, Jin Ae you stay here and guard Jane and lastly, Jane. If you see the commander, aim for the leg and arms, we need him alive for information."

Klodian suggested with Jin Ae being a little disappointed that he wouldn't be apart of the action since the beginning with Jane patting his shoulder.

"Try not to draw attention towards the cliff and use magic to silence the bullet sounds. Klodian, Ren and I will go."

Mary added as the team nodded to each-other, with Klodian and Mary sliding down the hill they were located at, drawing their weapons as they charged through the main gate with Ren entering his shadows to slide past their security with the diversion caused by Klodian and Mary.

As the two walked in, there were near 200 Demonic soldiers but due to them wanting to converse energy, Klodian unleashed his aura which cut through the demons in half, leaving more than 80 of them dead as some of them were petrified from the power that was within Klodian.

Mary then charged forward slashing the demonic soldiers with her own moveset without even bothering wasting aura or mana on them as they were nothing but cannon fodder with Klodian holding his eye as a demon warrior tried to sneak attack him just for to be parried by Klodian.

"So you think you are sneaky huh?"

Klodian swiftly slashed him in half as the organs of the demon spilled out in the ground as he looked down on the pile of blood that was left looking around him, seeing as he was surrounded by no less than 60 demons.


He said with a blood lustful aura as the demons charged forward to kill him with Klodian's blade shining bright as he was ready to face them off.


Meanwhile inside the fortress, Ren was searching around for any kind of meeting room, studio or command center when he felt the presence of 10 demons coming towards him, he created 2 shadow smoke knives with the demons now running towards him while being armed he threw the two shadow knives as they bounced around the corridor piercing through the hearts of 9 demons stabbing the last one in the head with both daggers as he kept walking forward unfazed.

As he continued walking, he entered a studio which looked like the demon commander's personal room, he began to look around until he found a letter as he unfolded it, he got met with a crimson writing.

"Gather your troops and be prepared. The invasion of Africa will soon commence and all demonic warriors must prepare for a frontal combat with the forces of heavens."

Shocked by what he was reading, Ren gritted his teeth, grabbing whatever he could storing it inside a shadow storage as he left the room just to be met with a powerful punch to the face that sent him flying through the walls of the corridor as he bursted outside towards the front yard of the post where Klodian and Mary were fighting.

With a demon wanting to finish him off just to be catched by Klodian who infused his hand with aura and pierced through the demon's heart throwing it's body away and crushing it's heart, as a giant figure came outside the hole created from Ren as Mary came to check on him.

"Damned humans! You dare attack us!"

The figure let out a bloodlustful aura and scream that did nothing but tickle Klodian who had turned to face him.

"So you must be the captain... What a joke."

Klodian completly crushed even the captain in an aura battle as he kneeled down with Klodian approaching him further.


Klodian was seen to be smiling as he crushed the captain into the ground with his aura alone as well as making the other demons die from the overwhelming amount of pressure as Klodian stopped, walking towards Mary and Ren which had gotten up holding his jaw, bleeding from his nose as he looked towards Klodian.

"K-Klodian I-I am sorr-"

"You aren't to blame, whatever happend must have caught you under surprise because even you could have easily disposed of that weakling."

Klodian pointed at him as the demon captain had lunged towards Klodian with murderous Aura as he got his arm shot by a silent bullet sent by Jane over from the hill who shot 3 more bullets towards the captain's heart and brain to finish him off for good.

Klodian turned towards Jane as she saw the smile forming on his face with her scope, smiling as well, as Jin Ae was finishing off a demon by using his revolver's tip to strike the demon on his chin making it turn it's back towards Jin Ae who shot him through the heart.

Back with Mary Ren and Klodian, Mary and Ren began to leave the post walking towards the cliff as Klodian created a dark magic circle behind him to cause a ginarmous flame that engulfed all of the outpost as it disappeared in dark particles of mana.

This wasn't just a mission well done, but it was also a message for the demons that now the humans would fight back as a crimson rune burned, it caught a glimpse of Klodian as he left.

The Abbysal Wing team's first mission report: Succsess.