
I chose to be a barista.

"In a world ruled by OP classes, I chose to become a barista. Why? No reason. ;P" Klodian an Albanian 20 year old guy, became an enlightened one after his near death at the hands of one of the scarlet moons, saved by his guardian angel, he gets a second chance to regain all he had lost, his family, his pride and most importantly his revenge againts the demons who sent his world down a hellish spiral.

H0Nored1 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


After the team had explored the mansion they all had gathered in front of the entrance where Yzavil was staying as his golden eyes shined through with a smile.

"I see that you liked this place and now I do believe it's in good hands, I'll come to see you again in one month for you to get your own mission. Train with each-other, just like your teachers did to you."

Yzavil spoke with a soft tone but the team got chills and scratched their heads in discomfort when they thought of what kind of hellish training they went through with their teachers.

"W-We will sir. We all thank you for giving us this residence."

"Thank you!"

Jane said as she bowed down with the others following her example, thanking Yzavil who softly chuckled.

"Don't thank me, call it an investment, I truly hope to see you grow further children. I hope to see you again soon enough."

With that Yzavil opened his wings and flied away as the team watched him go as they all suddenly dropped to the floor in exhaustion.

"Man being in his presence is extremely draining."

"Right? It felt like I could be killed at any moment."

Klodian and Ren expressed their intimidation by Yzavil as the others agreed as well.

"To think we are called strong by other angels, yet we weren't able to hold a candle to sir Yzavil."

"That's pathetic from us."

Jin Ae and Jane spoke up as the group felt down, if they couldn't even keep their cool under the presence of Yzavil then imagine the moons and demon royalty they would face.

"Tch… Why are we all acting so pathetic! We are now a team and have a month's time to become stronger than we are now! Our goal is to stare at Yzavil face to face, showing him we aren't some cowards but actual warriors with will and a back bone!"

Maria shouted as the group got up from the floor and walked inside the mansion with smiles of determination in their faces all of them were agreeing with Maria.

"The strongest… Will be me!"

That's the thought that was rushing through their minds, team work was one thing but being dependant on that same team, they would much rather die!


In the month that followed the team not only bonded, but trained for most of the day for 12 hours straight without stop. Sharpening their bodies, minds and souls for the upcoming battles, coming up with a system that would help them all in one way or the other.

Klodian was tasked with teaching the others about aura as he had the highest of them all. Making them face him with their own auras against his, even though they grew exponentially, Klodian still remained the strongest in that factor. But his left eye was more peculiar, as he tried to open it once using aura from it but once it came out it was deadlier and more destructive than his normal aura, cutting a number of trees with his aura alone so the team decided to make Klodian face the enemies in terms of an aura battle.

Jin Ae and Jane taught the team on how to devise efficient strategies and created patterned systems for them to switch their strategies up. Devising them into numbers for each move and tactic that was to be used and forced them to memorize them all. 

Ren on the other hand taught the team on communication and how to conceal themselves while also preparing for the worst case scenarios like being captured, torturing and much more. Ren's teachings even though cold would prove to be useful in those scenarios.

Maria together with Klodian, set up training regimes and work out routines while also teaching them close quarter combat even though the others were either range combatants or assassination, but that didn't imply they should be weak physically and the methods that were implied from Klodian's automatic flow method and Maria's Kaiser egoism, their bodies weren't the same.

The team was now just hanging out in the lounge area of the mansion with Klodian approaching them with drinks as they all looked towards him with envy.

"Give us a drink, Klodian! That's why we keep you around!"

"Keep me around? Do you forget I can wipe the floor with y'all!?"

Jane said laughing and saliva dripping out of her mouth for Klodian's drinks who retaliated towards her claim.

"Aye aye, relax you two! Let us drink, today's the big day after all!"

"Truly, our growth is shown not only physically but also mentally."

Ren and Mary diffused the situation by switching topics while complimenting everyone's progress! 

Klodian served them all his masterfully made drinks thanks to his barista class as Jin Ae was just cleaning his revolvers as Klodian gave him a drink.

"Oi, you must be the most cheerful here, why are you being so anti-social with us?"

"Oh! Sorry Klodian-Nim, I was just cleaning my revolvers and they be squeaky clean for our first mission together! I want them to look good for their first time!"

Jin Ae chuckled nervously with a smile as the group looked at him and then laughed making a toast as they all finished their drinks.

One hour later as they were talking, they finally heard a knock as Yzavil entered with the team greeting him by bowing down.

"Welcome Sir Yzavil."

Yzavil looked at them sighing while this time, he had been accompanied by Irelio who was curious to see at the enlightened ones… Or the monkeys as he called them.

"I told you to drop the sir, children. But as I said, I have come to check on you all's progress, so…"

Yzavil said as he unleashed his golden aura with Irelio not being affected too much as he could handle Yzavil's aura.

"Let's see your growth!"

Yzavil was using close to 40% of his aura as the team seemed unshaken by this with Klodian lifting his head and walking forward unharmed.

"If you allow me sir…"

Klodian inhaled as he closed his right eye but at the same time opening his left eye, unleashing his own dark and blood lustful aura to clash with Yzavil.

Yzavil was surprised with Irelio being shocked, it had been just one month and these monkeys had grown this much as the aura battle finally concluded.

"Truly impressive, not only were you all able to withstand it but Klodian even managed to face me head on! This one month truly has been productive for you all. I am proud."

As Yzavil finished commending their achievements, Irelio lunged towards Klodian to slash him with murderous intent but was stopped by Jin Ae who fired his two revolvers towards Irelio who blocked the shots with his sword, followed by Ren and Maria appearing both in front and on the back of him.

"You may be one of our seniors…"

"But we won't tolerate such murderous intent towards one of our comrades."

Maria and Ren finished each-other's sentence as they lowered their blades and sword sheathing them back as they returned to their positions with Irelio gritting his teeth but also returning to Yzavil's side.

"Sir Irelio… The next time you try something of this nature against my team. Be it you are friend or foe… Remember this, I will rip your wings off your body."


As Klodian finished his threat, Yzavil commanded them all to cease this insolence!

"We are all allies here and this will do nothing but cause a crack! Irelio, you owe them an apology, uphold your title as guardian of the gates."

"I apologize… Young ones, for my behaviour and intent were truly unforgivable."

Yzavil demanded of Irelio who gave into his demands and apologized with Klodian and the team doing the same.

"We apologize as well… Sir Irelio."

The two parties got up and nodded at each-other with Yzavil letting out a sigh of relief.

"I wasn't expecting such great results this soon but I am glad you all were able to grow this much. Your first mission will be appointed to you tomorrow at night, prepare yourselves young ones. For this will be one for the books."

Yzavil warned the team as they all had an unshakeable look of determination in their eyes. It's time to counter-attack!

Greetings my dearest readers. Ronin here. I'd like to annonunce that I am back from my hiatus! Even though it was short, I put a lot of work in rewriting the novel from the beginning while adding a Auxilary chapter of explanation! Please continue enjoying the novel!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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