
I Call It Home

Explore something new, intriguing, and marvelous in the world yet to be explored. Let your mind wander as you learn the life of Osiris from the village of Evandria.

Carter_Hochstetler · Fantasy
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11 Chs

The Council

A bulky man came into the recovery room and expressed his gratefulness to see Osiris. He introduced himself, "I am Fandrir the strong! Adventurer of the Wings of Evandria for over 10 years!" Osiris couldn't help himself, he glared at the man in what was a mixture of awe and curiosity. The Wings of Evandria was the name given to only a select few adventurers. After Fandrir said that Osiris knew he got incredibly lucky and wished he would've asked him about how he found him that frightful night. Unknown to Osiris Fandrir was one of the few adventurers to slay a horned snake, this creature grows up to thirty meters long and has incredible strength. One of his missions with the guild lead him to fight this beast and did so with only 3 large swipes of his two-handed broadsword. That's where he got the name of Fandrir the Strong, no one in history has been able to pull off this sort of feat ever before. That's why he was so special.


Some time had passed, and Osiris couldn't exactly remember meeting this man, and now he's bowing to him and making such a formal introduction. He was covered in scars, just by Looking at Fandrir's stature one could tell he had been through the wringer. "How long have I been here?" Fandrir let out a short cough, "Well boys, you've been here for a couple of days. Been a helluva' recovery you made after getting attacked by that Strider." Osiris was shocked, what did he say? Strider? "Excuse me, sir? What do you mean by Strider?" Fandrir looked at him sternly and explained himself. "Look, all I know was when I came to your camp. There was a creature that stalks the night. When you took it out, I could tell what it was. Certainly, that was a strider, I've seen them plenty on my journey across the land." After Fandrir spoke those words, he turned his gaze downward almost shocked that he said that. Fandrir knew something, Osiris was able to realize that quickly. "What's a strider doing near Evandria? How am I even alive?" Fandrir took his gaze up towards the injured child. "Well Boy, that's the problem, there's not a single reason why that creature attempted to come anywhere near this place. There are enough natural defenses a long the way from the west as is. That is why it's a problem."


While the two were conversing in the guild. A council meeting within the local palace was being held in the court of Lord Karthus. The royal guard in their bright red armor, with their spears made of the finest steel behind him. Karthus wiped the beads of sweat off his head. Looking towards his peers, he spoke, "We must understand the purpose of a Strider coming this close to the village. There have been no sightings of these creatures in years this close to Evandria. There should be no reason why one is attacking innocents at night!" There were several other important lords around the table. Lord Cronk, Lord Zin, Lord Ronan, and Lord Krono. All have various responsibilities regarding the well-being of Evandria, consisting of things like the economy, military might, and the health of the people. "Sir a local boy who is told to be called Osiris was the one who was attacked at night by this beast." Kahn was the one who knew this since he was friends with Osiris' father and was told he didn't come home after his test. "The boy made it out alive thanks to Fandrirs' actions." Baffled by this comment, Karthus was surprised that Fandrir would do anything about this situation. "Could we bring those two in?" Kahn perked up, "Indeed we can sir, I will go fetch their whereabouts immediately." Kahn flipped his cape as he walked, his metal armor chinking as he walked out of the room in a quick stride. Karthus pondered for a while, then spoke. "We must notify the leaders of the Dwarves and the Elves that there has been an attack from a Sleep Strider. Send a convoy to relay this message at once!" All the remaining men shouted, "Yes Lord!" Everyone began bustling about the room. Karthus rose from his red leather throne and walked towards the window. While looking outwards he began wondering what trouble is coming in the future. He knew that something was brewing in the small village of Evandria and he didn't like it one bit. He needed to get information from the boy first. He was an eyewitness and Karthus told himself he had to know how he was able to survive. His father might have an idea and he was sure of it. Osiris' father was hiding something from him.