
I Call It Home

Explore something new, intriguing, and marvelous in the world yet to be explored. Let your mind wander as you learn the life of Osiris from the village of Evandria.

Carter_Hochstetler · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Lord Karthus and His Throne Room

Karthus was one of the first nobilities in Evandria where his rule was looked upon with gratuity from the majority of those living in the village. In the past, Lords had many issues. Some were crooked in economics. Taking as much money as they could, others would abuse their power and mandate lower living standards to the commoners. Karthus on the other hand was a true monarch. A man of the people, for the people. Anything Karthus asked for, was expected to be carried out by his subordinates and his loyal commoners. Osiris knew that he must be respectful towards him as he was preparing to go to the dining hall for some food that morning.

After some morning breakfast, the two men were in the dining hall conversing over what was going to happen to Osiris later. Fandrirs' stature turned into a more serious manner as he spoke, " Boy I have been told you're to be sent to see the big man himself. You must be gracious to see him and treat him with respect regardless of how you may feel about what happened that night." Fandrir put his hand on Osiris' head, " He tends to be a bit intimidatin' but don't fret, and you'll do just fine." Osiris regardless of what Fandrir spoke, was already intimidated, he has never met the Lord of Evandria in his entire life. He knew he ran this village, but never expected to meet in him a day in his life. Karthus was conversed about around the village, the townsfolk really seemed to enjoy his rule. No corrupt actions, no explicit taxation on imported goods, and even gave free schooling for the younger generations. His charisma is also told to be off the charts, maybe it's due to his almost godlike presence in Evandria. From this, no one dared question his motives and Osiris knew that. If Karthus requested his presence, his presence he will receive. No matter how Osiris felt.

Fandrir and Osiris appeared before the center of town. Which was where Karthus' mansion laid, it stood several stories high with gothic like aesthetics sprawled out. Large gardens running on the front and both the east and west of the building. Large trees with pink and purple flowers blooming since it was the height of the warm season. They walked together in tandem, Osiris had a faint limp from his recently injured leg but was still capable of keeping the pace up for Fandrir. Fandrir as tall as he may be, doesn't actually have a large stride unlike what Osiris would've thought. As they approached the front gate, three gaurds approached them with bright green armor, shining in the sunlight, and their large long swords with a teal blue hilt sheathed within. "You two come with us." The clinking of their armor was somewhat absurd to Osiris, how could that in any way be useful if you want to be quiet? The appeal to large heavy pieces of armor was never overwhelming inside Osiris' mind, he liked his clothes and had never had seen a day of battle in his life. That's why he's so fortunate to have his father alive back home, years and years of battle against the frey occurred for what seemed like decades before Osiris was even able to talk. He loves his father, and he's lucky to still have him alive. While with the gaurds, they passed into a large hall. It was decorated in tons of what seemed to be relic like items. Swords, knives, trinkets and necklaces covered in the finest of metals. Some blue, some pink and others almost glowing as they strut past. Pushing forward, they passed through two large gated doors, and there he was. The "god," himself, Lord Karthus. Covered in bedazzling jewelry and a flashy coat of fur. Two rings on his right hand on his middle and ring finger, one with a bright blue jewel surrounded by little green ones and the other a dark black, that would say, "I'm the farthest thing from flattering," if rings could talk. As they stood in front of Evandria's most powerful lord. He boomed, "Haha! Welcome to the Mansion of Lord Karthus you two!" Karthus did a courteous bow to show his seal of approval for their arrival into his home. Immediately after, Osiris and Fandrir took a knee to pay their due, as is tradition in Evandria for higher levels of authority. "Oh please, skip the formalities you two! someone almost died remember?" Karthus' gaze shot towards Osiris as he made his remark with a smile. A shiver ran down Osiris' spine, he still hated what happened. "What I need you to do young man is explain to me what occurred that night, it is of upmost importance and I hate to say it, but anything left out can be dire." Even though Osiris was still not mentally prepared for this he spoke, "I was doing a task that was required by my instructor for a grade. I went to the west side of the outskirts and set up camp." Karthus looked up, "No no boy, the good stuff not the boring stuff!" Osiris was taken aback by this comment and continued. "I-I was attacked in the night, and the creature was weird. Very tall, knife like hands and arms. It managed to trade blows with me but I somehow flung it backwards with a lethal blow with my makeshift dagger that I used to help prepare my camp with." Karthus looked more intrigued after he said that. "You killed it? With a handmade item out of rock, wood, and rope?" Osiris was surprised that he just asked that, "Uh, Yes sir I did." Osiris put his hand behind is head and smiled lightly. Karthus seemed stunned, "Boy, you do understand that what you just said doesn't happen right? You a young man took one swipe with your blade and offed this vile creature you described?" Osiris was seriously concerned at this point, did he do something wrong? "To be honest sir, I'm not sure how I am even breathing after what happened." Lord Karthus starting pacing back and forth, muttering under his breathe and seemed to have a conversation to himself. When finished, Karthus looked at Osiris, touched both sides of his face and looked straight into his pupils. He did so for several moments, almost like he was looking back and forth but he was inches away. Osiris was scared, he didn't know what to do when a man like this was so close, his breath was unsteady. "Young man, please stand and remain still in front of me." Osiris stood, standing completely still. His gaze was towards the back of the room. Suddenly, Karthus yelled, "SHOW ME WHAT YOU HIDE BOY!" He flung his right arm and pointed his two fingers at Osiris. With a giant gleam of light, Osiris was back in the Realm of Darkness, this time Karthus found himself with Osiris as well. "I see. this is an unprecedented event! Haha! Now this is more like it!" After a few seconds, they were both back into the room again. Osiris somehow was laying with his face flat against the floor. His nose apparently smacked the ground and was pulsating from the fall. "Sir, what was that?" Karthus let out a large booming laugh, and with a glare paired with a smile from ear to ear. "Well young man, you have been summoned to the Etherial Shadow Realm. That place is filled to the brim with knowledge and power. It's no surprise you were able to manage to fend off that Sleep Strider without reaching deaths door. My boy, you are death's door itself! You are Evandria's first ever Etherial Champion!" Osiris couldn't believe what he just and his mouth gaped with awe. "Sorry sir, I'm death itself? That's not at all what I expected to hear from you." Karthus chuckled, "You are indeed an interesting young man, lets look at the facts. You were attacked, as you were attacked you must've entered this realm at the peak of near death. Came back, and as you did the creature was destroyed by your blade through the aid of the champions." Osiris did remember a tiny detail, the room he was in right before the creature was flung, it was so dark and cold. "What does this mean sir?" Lord Karthus helped Osiris regain his stance in front of him. "You are a special young man, and there is a reason you have come here to meet me today. You are going to become strong, powerful, and become the whisper in the shadows. You will indeed be the darkness and the light, you will be the creator of invisibility and the founder of true reconciliation."

"This world is changing boy, just make sure you're on the right side of the shadow."