
I Call It Home

Explore something new, intriguing, and marvelous in the world yet to be explored. Let your mind wander as you learn the life of Osiris from the village of Evandria.

Carter_Hochstetler · Fantasy
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11 Chs

The Ethereal Shadows

There was a small sizzling...

A lingering smell of something rotten...


The walls were covered in a crude dark material, yet shiny at the same time. The area contained very little light. Tablets were covered in ancient markings in the walls. A low howl of wind like a breeze coming through a window could be heard. There were large hallways that went towards other rooms in each corridor. Taking a moment to gather his bearings, Osiris also noticed a large pillar, it was a statue of a man holding a bow crouched on a tree. While walking through this room, darkness was fading in and out. It's as if the shadows moved with Osiris' own body. Dark flames were coming off the walls but were the complete opposite of hot. Something felt ominous about this, and Osiris didn't like it.


Several figures were kneeling in the back corner, their heads all looking towards the ground. A brisk breeze was flowing through the room, cold but not freezing. Wondering where he was, Osiris started moving closer towards the ones kneeling. One of the figures moved as he got closer. Osiris knew he was the one moving his body, but it didn't feel normal. Almost like he was experiencing out-of-body phenomena. All he could think was "Where the hell am I?" Within arms reach distance, one of the figures slowly tilted its head upwards. It was a short person, but the metal armor that was shining from the dim light in the hallways behind was proof that this entity was important to some degree. The armor seemed similar to that of obsidian grade, but it wasn't the same. This was a suit of armor Osiris had never seen before, maybe it was some sort of magical armor. There were medallions hanging off from their neck. A total of three silver medallions with eagle wings spread across them. The helmet, which had two ear-like attachments to the back of them, looked like it was made to emanate the presence of a small feline. Once the knight's head was tilted all the way up, it had no face or facial features at all. Just darkness. It called to the boy in front of the others, in a low voice, "It has become time for you to join the champions."


Osiris rebuttals, "What? I'm not a champion? Where even am I?" He was returned with, "We are the Etherial Shadows. We give access to our sanctum to those who are deemed worthy." With a slight adjustment of posture, the figure leaned towards Osiris standing in front of the three hooded figures. "If you do not accept it, you will be terminated." Osiris' body felt numb. The room was hard to breathe in, it was frigid. His fingers felt like they were icicles.

Osiris gawked with amazement and he couldn't get any words out to reply. This realm was nothing like Evandria or anything he's ever known. He thought for a moment, "I swear I was just about to die and now I'm here?"

Why was he here? What was the purpose? Will he actually die if he says no?

"I guess I have no other choice but to accept, I will become your champion, or whatever that means."


After this hesitant response, the figures faded and a large whip of wind came all around them, and what was once dark, became light. From the light came a simple question, "What the hell is going on?" Osiris was puzzled by the question he just spoke of as his field of vision reappeared. Was what he just saw a reality, or was it just a dream? he couldn't tell, but from what he did know, he was not in good shape, in fact, horrible shape. Aches all over his body, bandages from virtually head to toe. All Osiris could manage to do was lay in the bed. It was surprisingly comfortable, with nice straw pillows with a comfortable bed topper. It reminded him of his own bed and he wished he could tell everyone he was alright.


For the time being, he needed to gather his thoughts. He knew he was attacked recently. That figure that was trying to kill him put his mental state into a bad place. Osiris shuddered his shoulders and began looking around the room he was placed in. It had nice features, nice dark oak furniture, and a rug the was fit for a king's palace. It had red and green stripes running in the middle with a symbol that resembled a bird with its wings spread. After that, he knew where he was. It was the adventurers guild in the outskirts of town. What possibly could've brought him here? Or rather, who? His bandages were still covered in dry blood but at least the gash in his left leg was finally sealed. Osiris thought to himself, "I really could've perished." It frightened him that he was so close to death's inevitable door. But was glad nonetheless. He had hoped somebody was notified of his absence and whoever was the one who found him should be thanked and rewarded. He was sure his father would do something like that when he gets here if he even can show up. So much for that test, Osiris was screwed, he needed that grade for his class and might end up failing now because of it.


Even with all these thoughts, Osiris had an odd feeling everything would turn out the way it should. Some minutes had passed while he was looking out at the morning dawn through the window. A young woman came in with a green dress and long curly hair. She offered him some tea and wished him well, Osiris quickly agreed to take some tea since he was famished and thirsty after what had occurred. The young woman asked what had happened to him and he couldn't quite bring himself up to tell her since Osiris was still in a state of shock. It didn't feel real, that creature was anything but pure and everything but friendly. What could this mean for Evandria? Osiris wasn't sure how the creature was even able to make it past the soldiers that are posted around the borders of the village. This thought spooked Osiris and his anxiety levels started to rise. He asked the young lady if she didn't mind stepping out so he could try and clear his mind a bit better. She smiled and walk out through the door. After Osiris was able to calm his nerves, shortly following a bulky man with a large beard came in, "Boy am I glad to see you're awake!"