
I Become A Mob Character In A Novel

I...AM...MOB!!! Sigh~ My name is Samael, I was an office sla- I mean a worker who worked 9 to 5. It was a daily routine of monotony until one fateful day when I went home only to find my best friend with my girlfriend. Betrayal was the first thing I felt, followed by rage. I turned around and left while the mocking laughter of the two echoed in my ears. They thought I was a loser who couldn't catch a break, but little did they know, I swiftly entered the kitchen of my small apartment and grabbed the knife I used to cut vegetables. It was time for revenge, a drastic one. I again turned around and marched into the living room, the glint of the blade catching the dim light as I approached them. Directly plugging the knife inside my girlfriend's neck, As the blade pierced her flesh, Blood sprayed on the face of both my best friend and me. Shock registered on their faces as they realized the gravity of the situation. But it wasn't enough. I wanted them to suffer, just like they made me suffer. In a fit of rage, I lunged at my best friend, the knife still in hand, and with each stab, I felt a rush of exhilaration. It was as if a primal instinct took over, driving me to seek vengeance at any cost. Blood pooled around us, mixing with the tears of betrayal. But as I stood there, surrounded by the aftermath of my actions, something strange happened. A blinding light enveloped me, and when it faded, I found myself in a world completely unfamiliar to me. Gone were the familiar sights of my apartment, replaced by a luxurious bedroom in a grand manor. Confusion gripped me as I tried to make sense of my surroundings. It didn't take long for me to realize that I had been transported to another world—an isekai, as they called it. Looking at my reflection in a mirror, I noticed my appearance had changed. Gone was the face of the disgruntled office worker; instead, "SAMAEL ASHWOOD!!!" a character from a novel I used to read. But this wasn't just any character; I had become him—the sacrificial best friend of the protagonist who was betrayed and died in just the first two chapters. PROTAGONIST DIED!? [Heavenly Destiny System Initializing...] [...] --------- A/N A vast world where power is law! There are many protagonists to plunder from! Tags: #Yandere Heroines, #Teacher-Student Relationship, #Elves, #Demons, #Beastmen #Maid, #Vampire, #Angel, #Incest...Etc

Suryaputra_Karna01 · Fantasy
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36 Chs

World Background

In the vast expanse of the world, known as Aetheria, lies a diverse tapestry of continents, each inhabited by a myriad of races and factions vying for power and dominance. Here's a detailed overview of Aetheria:


Terra Nova: This continent is the primary domain of humans, encompassing sprawling kingdoms, empires, and city-states. From the verdant forests of the Elven Kingdoms to the towering spires of the Human Empire, Terra Nova is a land of great diversity and conflict.

Nocturna: Shrouded in perpetual darkness, Nocturna is the realm of the night-dwelling races, including vampires, werewolves, and other creatures of the shadows. Its vast forests and misty moors are home to ancient vampire covens, werewolf packs, and secretive enclaves of dark magic.

Drakoria: Dominated by towering mountains and vast deserts, Drakoria is the ancestral homeland of dragons. Here, mighty dragon clans rule over expansive territories, hoarding vast treasures and wielding formidable magical abilities. The skies of Drakoria are filled with the majestic flight of dragons, from the fiery breath of the Red Dragons to the frosty winds of the Ice Dragons.

Silvandor: A realm of enchanting beauty and natural splendor, Silvandor is inhabited by graceful and mysterious elves. Their forested realms are protected by powerful wards and enchantments, and hidden among the ancient trees are sprawling cities of silver and moonstone. The elves are masters of nature magic and ancient lore, guarding the secrets of the world with unwavering vigilance.

Infernia: A realm of fire and brimstone, Infernia is home to the demonic legions and other infernal creatures. Its landscape is dominated by towering volcanoes, scorched wastelands, and labyrinthine caverns where demons plot and scheme for dominion over the mortal realms. Infernia is ruled by powerful demon lords and dark overlords, each vying for supremacy in the eternal struggle for power.

Celestia: Floating high above the mortal realms, Celestia is the realm of the angels and other celestial beings. Its shimmering palaces and ethereal cities are bathed in divine light, and its skies are filled with the celestial choirs of angels. Celestia is governed by the Council of Seraphim, a council of archangels and divine beings who watch over the mortal realms and maintain the balance between light and darkness.

Clans and Sects:

Within each continent, various clans, sects, and factions vie for power and influence:

The Silver Moon Clan: A powerful elven clan known for their mastery of moon magic and ancient wisdom. They reside deep within the forests of Silvandor, guarding the secrets of their race with utmost secrecy.

The Blood Court: A council of vampire lords who rule over the night-drenched lands of Nocturna. They are notorious for their insatiable thirst for blood and their intricate web of political intrigue.

The Dragon Council: A council of dragon elders who govern the clans of Drakoria. They wield immense power and authority, guiding their kin with wisdom and strength.

The Order of the Celestial Blade: A knightly and Mage order of human dedicated to defending the mortal realms from demonic incursions. They are sworn to uphold the principles of justice, honor, and righteousness.

The Cult of the Infernal Eye: A secret society of demon worshippers who seek to bring about the apocalypse and usher in a new age of darkness. They operate in the shadows, spreading chaos and corruption wherever they go.

Upper Realms:

Beyond the mortal realms lie the upper realms, planes of existence inhabited by beings of immense power and divine essence:

The Aetherial Realm: The celestial realm of the gods and other divine beings. It is a place of pure light and energy, where the laws of mortal reality hold no sway.

The Abyssal Void: The dark and chaotic realm of the infernal, home to the most powerful demons and dark entities. It is a place of endless torment and suffering, where the souls of the damned are eternally bound.

The Ethereal Nexus: A realm of pure magic and arcane energy, where the fabric of reality is shaped and molded by the will of powerful sorcerers and mystics. It is a place of infinite possibility and danger, where the boundaries between dream and reality blur.

More will be added as the chapters go on...