
I Become A Mob Character In A Novel

I...AM...MOB!!! Sigh~ My name is Samael, I was an office sla- I mean a worker who worked 9 to 5. It was a daily routine of monotony until one fateful day when I went home only to find my best friend with my girlfriend. Betrayal was the first thing I felt, followed by rage. I turned around and left while the mocking laughter of the two echoed in my ears. They thought I was a loser who couldn't catch a break, but little did they know, I swiftly entered the kitchen of my small apartment and grabbed the knife I used to cut vegetables. It was time for revenge, a drastic one. I again turned around and marched into the living room, the glint of the blade catching the dim light as I approached them. Directly plugging the knife inside my girlfriend's neck, As the blade pierced her flesh, Blood sprayed on the face of both my best friend and me. Shock registered on their faces as they realized the gravity of the situation. But it wasn't enough. I wanted them to suffer, just like they made me suffer. In a fit of rage, I lunged at my best friend, the knife still in hand, and with each stab, I felt a rush of exhilaration. It was as if a primal instinct took over, driving me to seek vengeance at any cost. Blood pooled around us, mixing with the tears of betrayal. But as I stood there, surrounded by the aftermath of my actions, something strange happened. A blinding light enveloped me, and when it faded, I found myself in a world completely unfamiliar to me. Gone were the familiar sights of my apartment, replaced by a luxurious bedroom in a grand manor. Confusion gripped me as I tried to make sense of my surroundings. It didn't take long for me to realize that I had been transported to another world—an isekai, as they called it. Looking at my reflection in a mirror, I noticed my appearance had changed. Gone was the face of the disgruntled office worker; instead, "SAMAEL ASHWOOD!!!" a character from a novel I used to read. But this wasn't just any character; I had become him—the sacrificial best friend of the protagonist who was betrayed and died in just the first two chapters. PROTAGONIST DIED!? [Heavenly Destiny System Initializing...] [...] --------- A/N A vast world where power is law! There are many protagonists to plunder from! Tags: #Yandere Heroines, #Teacher-Student Relationship, #Elves, #Demons, #Beastmen #Maid, #Vampire, #Angel, #Incest...Etc

Suryaputra_Karna01 · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Character Sheet

1. Samael Ashwood

Race: Dhampir, Royal???, Royal Elf


• Hair: Unique half-white and half-black hair, styled in a tousled manner that adds to his mysterious aura.

• Eyes: Heterochromia iridum, with one eye a piercing blue reminiscent of sapphire, and the other a vibrant crimson red, giving him an intense and enigmatic gaze.

• Build: Athletic and toned, with a lean yet muscular physique, reflecting his physical prowess and agility.

• Height: Above average height, standing at around 6 feet tall, which gives him a commanding presence.

[Image Here]


• Past Life: Samael was once an ordinary office worker, toiling away in the monotony of a 9 to 5 job. His life was characterized by routine and predictability until he was unexpectedly betrayed by his best friend and girlfriend, leading to a violent outburst that resulted in his untimely demise.

• Current Life: Samael Ashwood is the third son of the Ashwood noble family, renowned for their lineage of powerful mages. However, Samael was born with a unique condition that caused his magical abilities to manifest differently from his family's traditional magic. Bullied and despised for his perceived weakness, Samael was often ostracized by his family and peers, Living in the outermost region of Ashwood estate with his mother and little sister who are also marginalized within the family due to their lack of traditional magical aptitude.


2. Alice Ashwood

Race: Half-human, Half-Elf


• Hair: Midnight Black Hair, Styled in twin tails.

• Eyes: Deep, Piercing crimson red, shimmering with an otherworldly brilliance.

Build: Lithe and graceful, with slender limbs that belie her inner strength and agility.

• Height: Slightly shorter than average, standing at around 5 feet 6 inches, giving her a nimble and agile presence.

[Image Here]


3. Elysia Ashwood

Race: Pure Blooded Elf


• Hair: Cascading locks of snow-white hair that shimmer with an ethereal glow, falling in elegant waves down her back.

• Eyes: Sky blue, akin to a cloudless summer sky, holding a depth of ancient wisdom and serene tranquility.

• Build: Graceful and slender, with delicate features that exude an otherworldly beauty and grace.

• Height: Tall and statuesque, standing at around 6 feet tall, commanding attention with her regal presence.

[Image Here]


4. Liliana von Drakul

Race: Pure Blooded Vampire


• Hair: Flowing raven-black hair that falls in sleek, straight locks down her back, contrasting starkly with her porcelain skin.

• Eyes: Striking blood-red eyes that glow faintly in the dark, reflecting her vampiric nature and giving her a hypnotic gaze.

• Build: Slender yet powerful, with a figure that combines elegance with a latent, predatory strength.

• Height: Tall, standing at around 5 feet 10 inches, adding to her commanding and intimidating presence.

[Image Here]


• Origins: Liliana hails from the noble and ancient von Drakul vampire clan, known for their immense power and influence in the vampire aristocracy. As the eldest daughter, she carries the weight of her family's legacy and expectations. But due to some unforeseen event, she ended up in the prison of the Rutherford family, Becoming a mere experiment.

More will be added as chapters go on...