
I Become A Mob Character In A Novel

I...AM...MOB!!! Sigh~ My name is Samael, I was an office sla- I mean a worker who worked 9 to 5. It was a daily routine of monotony until one fateful day when I went home only to find my best friend with my girlfriend. Betrayal was the first thing I felt, followed by rage. I turned around and left while the mocking laughter of the two echoed in my ears. They thought I was a loser who couldn't catch a break, but little did they know, I swiftly entered the kitchen of my small apartment and grabbed the knife I used to cut vegetables. It was time for revenge, a drastic one. I again turned around and marched into the living room, the glint of the blade catching the dim light as I approached them. Directly plugging the knife inside my girlfriend's neck, As the blade pierced her flesh, Blood sprayed on the face of both my best friend and me. Shock registered on their faces as they realized the gravity of the situation. But it wasn't enough. I wanted them to suffer, just like they made me suffer. In a fit of rage, I lunged at my best friend, the knife still in hand, and with each stab, I felt a rush of exhilaration. It was as if a primal instinct took over, driving me to seek vengeance at any cost. Blood pooled around us, mixing with the tears of betrayal. But as I stood there, surrounded by the aftermath of my actions, something strange happened. A blinding light enveloped me, and when it faded, I found myself in a world completely unfamiliar to me. Gone were the familiar sights of my apartment, replaced by a luxurious bedroom in a grand manor. Confusion gripped me as I tried to make sense of my surroundings. It didn't take long for me to realize that I had been transported to another world—an isekai, as they called it. Looking at my reflection in a mirror, I noticed my appearance had changed. Gone was the face of the disgruntled office worker; instead, "SAMAEL ASHWOOD!!!" a character from a novel I used to read. But this wasn't just any character; I had become him—the sacrificial best friend of the protagonist who was betrayed and died in just the first two chapters. PROTAGONIST DIED!? [Heavenly Destiny System Initializing...] [...] --------- A/N A vast world where power is law! There are many protagonists to plunder from! Tags: #Yandere Heroines, #Teacher-Student Relationship, #Elves, #Demons, #Beastmen #Maid, #Vampire, #Angel, #Incest...Etc

Suryaputra_Karna01 · Fantasy
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35 Chs


Mage Ranks from lowest to highest:

1. First Circle Mage:

Description: A mage who has mastered the creation of a magical circle within their heart.

Abilities: Basic spellcasting using the magical circle within their heart.Limited understanding of magical principles and theory.Moderate magical power and effectiveness in spellcasting.

2. Second Circle Mage:

Description: A mage who has advanced beyond the basics of first-circle magic.

Abilities: Enhanced spellcasting proficiency compared to first-circle mages.Deeper understanding of magical principles and theory.Increased magical power and efficiency in manipulating magical energy.

3. Third Circle Mage:

Description: A mage who has attained a higher level of mastery in magic.

Abilities: Mastery of a wider range of spells and magical techniques.Advanced understanding of magical principles and theory.Greater control over magical energy, enabling more complex spellcasting.

4. Fourth Circle Mage:

Description: A mage who has reached a significant milestone in their magical development.

Abilities: Exceptional spellcasting prowess and versatility.Profound understanding of advanced magical concepts.Ability to manipulate magical energy on a large scale.

5. Fifth Circle Mage:

Description: A mage of considerable power and expertise in the arcane arts.

Abilities: Mastery of complex spells and rituals.Proficient in multiple schools of magic.Capability to wield formidable magical power with precision.

6. Sixth Circle Mage:

Description: A mage who has achieved mastery in various aspects of magic.

Abilities: Command over ancient and esoteric forms of magic.Advanced knowledge of magical lore and history.Ability to influence and shape magical forces on a significant scale.

7. Seventh Circle Mage:

Description: A mage whose mastery over magic borders on legendary.Abilities:Mastery of legendary spells and incantations.Profound understanding of the fundamental nature of magic.Capability to alter reality through sheer force of will.

8. Eighth Circle Mage:

Description: A mage of unparalleled power and wisdom in the realm of magic.

Abilities: Mastery over the most powerful forms of magic known to exist.Insight into the deepest mysteries of the arcane.Ability to transcend mortal limitations and wield godlike power.

9. Ninth Circle Mage:

Description: A mage who is said has achieved the pinnacle of magical mastery.

Abilities: Ascended to a divine or cosmic level of power.Capable of reshaping the fabric of reality itself.Possesses a near-omniscient understanding of the universe and its magical forces.

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13. ???


Magic Spells rank from lowest to highest:

1. First Circle Spell:

Description: Basic spells accessible to novice mages.

Examples: Minor elemental manipulation (e.g., creating small flames or gusts of wind), simple illusions, and minor healing spells.

2. Second Circle Spell:

Description: Intermediate spells require a greater mastery of magic.

Examples: Medium-level elemental manipulation (e.g., summoning a small storm or creating a barrier of fire), more complex illusions, and moderate healing spells.

3. Third Circle Spell:

Description: Advanced spells requiring considerable skill and understanding.

Examples: Elemental manipulation on a larger scale (e.g., controlling weather patterns or conjuring a wall of ice), complex illusions with sensory effects, and potent healing spells.

4. Fourth Circle Spell:

Description: Powerful spells accessible to experienced mages.

Examples: Mastery over elements (e.g., causing earthquakes or summoning lightning storms), advanced illusions indistinguishable from reality, potent restorative spells with the ability to heal severe injuries.

5. Fifth Circle Spell:

Description: Mastery over complex and versatile magic.

Examples: Transmutation of matter, manipulation of time or space, creation of powerful wards or barriers, advanced spells with wide-ranging effects.

6. Sixth Circle Spell:

Description: Spells of legendary potency and versatility.

Examples: Mastery over life and death, creation of sentient magical constructs, manipulation of reality on a grand scale.

7. Seventh Circle Spell:

Description: Spells bordering on the divine or cosmic in nature.

Examples: Creation of new dimensions or planes of existence, manipulation of fundamental cosmic forces, spells with the potential to alter the course of history.

8. Eighth Circle Spell:

Description: Spells of godlike power and transcendence.

Examples: Ascension to a higher plane of existence, manipulation of the fabric of reality itself, spells capable of reshaping entire worlds.

9. Ninth Circle Spell:

Description: Spells of ultimate cosmic significance and power.

Examples: Creation or destruction on a universal scale, transcendence beyond mortal understanding, spells with the potential to rewrite the laws of existence.

Each circle represents a progression in the complexity, potency, and scope of magical spells, with higher circles requiring greater mastery and understanding of magic.

More will be revealed as the chapters go on...