
I became the new god of magic

Introduction to the work: When Sherry was shopping for bracelets online, she liked the mesh bracelet which she thought was unique. Spending a thousand Dollars to buy happiness, he is forced to experience strange world adventures one after another. When he occasionally looked back, he found that he had...

Alvarez_Rbk · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter 8 Lessons

The silver light was so strong that one woman and three men all felt their eyes stinging, and then they couldn't see anything. The woman felt that she was suddenly free. She quickly crawled to the side and tried to move to the exit of the alley in her memory.

"Ah!" "Ah!" "Ah!" "Ah!" After four miserable screams, the three men kept moaning and shouting in pain.

"My face! My face!"

"My a**, my face!"

At this time, the temporary blindness caused by the glare of the bright light had passed. The woman quickly stood up, put on her clothes, took out her mobile phone and quickly called the police. Then he turned on the flashlight and shined it in the direction of the three beasts. What he saw was blood all over the ground, and three men rolling on the ground in pain. Seeing the miserable state of the three men, the woman covered her mouth in surprise, but then she felt a burst of pleasure. Whoever saved her, she expressed her sincerest gratitude to him.

Sherry flew in mid-air, converged his light, turned into a dim silver line, and flew in the direction of Harry. What happened just now was just a matter of course, but I have to say that this kind of scene where the hero saves the beauty does have a sense of accomplishment. Those three scumbags, Sherry gave each of them an "acid splash" on their faces, and then added an extra one to the naked person. As for the position! All without saying a word!

Sliding through the crack in the door again, Sherry flew into Harry's "bedroom", wrapped around his wrist and turned into a silver mesh wristband, and then fell into deep meditation.

The next morning, the same empty lot.

Harry raised the wristband and looked at it carefully, which made Sherry feel confused, "What does this kid want to do?"

"Sir, why do you feel like you have become a lot brighter?" Harry asked curiously.

"Really? Maybe you are dazzled!" Sherry couldn't say that he had a "full meal", so he must be glowing! He turned the topic in another direction, "Boy, didn't you agree yesterday that you would remind me to teach you meditation? Why did you fall asleep as soon as you lay down? It's not easy to achieve success in magic if you are so lazy!"

"Don't you remember, sir? Why don't you talk about yourself?" Harry muttered.

"What? Is this your attitude towards the teacher who worked so hard to teach you magic knowledge?" Sherry said dissatisfied.

"Of course not, I mean..., my fault, I have a bad memory. Teacher, you should be more generous and considerate." Harry said quickly.

"Well! That's pretty much it! Let's continue learning magic! Today's main task is to build a preliminary stable structure..." Sherry slowly talked about the key points of the spell structure of the light spell.

The day passed quickly, and night soon fell again.

Lying on the bed, Harry was talking quietly to Sherry in his mind.

"Sir, are you going to start teaching me meditation now?" Harry asked.

"Yes, so don't talk now and listen carefully. If you dare to cheat, I will kill you..." Sherry hadn't finished speaking.

"Become a frog!" Harry said. Sherry said this threat several times a day, and it seemed that the deterrent effect had been reduced.

"No, frogs can still run and jump. It's so free!" Sherry threatened fiercely, "I will turn you into a slug!"

The new threat worked wonders, and Harry immediately stopped talking. Sherry smiled in his heart and said with satisfaction: "Meditation is an indispensable part of a mage's life. It is a training method developed by ancient mages that integrates rest, thinking, and learning. A formal mage, Meditation basically replaces most of your sleep."

"Meditation is to place your thoughts in the quietest and most rational environment in your heart, so as to achieve a thinking speed that cannot be achieved on ordinary days and solve some problems that cannot be solved under normal circumstances. In the early days, meditation requires absolute concentration. Quiet, any interruption is not acceptable. So..." A flash of silver light flashed, and Harry felt that the whole world had become quiet.

A layer of dim silver light enveloped Harry's entire body, forming an oval-shaped cover. Harry took a deep breath and didn't feel any discomfort. Instead, he felt that the air in the cupboard smelled much better, without the original musty smell!

It was really quiet, so quiet that the loudest sounds Harry could hear were his own breathing and heartbeat.

"Now, listen to my voice and slowly do as I say." Sherry's voice seemed to come from another place very high and far away. It was full of ethereal power and made Harry's heart skip a beat. The child became quiet.

"First, close your eyes and imagine yourself lying on the calm sea." Sherry said. Harry did as he was told. He listened to Su Yun's ethereal voice and imagined that he was not sleeping in his aunt's house, in a cupboard full of spiders and musty smell, but floating on a calm sea. There is no hard wooden board under the body, but soft sea water and undulating waves.

"Very good, now, imagine that the sky above you is vast and clear, without any clouds covering it." Sherry continued to guide Harry's thoughts and completed this step.

"A silver moon hangs in the middle of the sky, spreading silver light all over the sky and the ocean." Sherry said slowly: "You start to leave the sea and fly towards the moon!"

Harry wanted to fly out of the sea like Sherry said, but he found that his body was extremely heavy and he could not fly at all. The sea water under him suddenly turned into glue, sticking to him hard and unable to shake him off. It's even like glue and stretches all the time.

Harry's body began to struggle, as if it was stuck to something and kept moving. Sherry knew that tonight had reached this level, and if it continued, Harry might be mentally damaged.

"Wake up!" Sherry's voice, an invisible force, hit the sea water behind Harry, separating the two. Harry opened his eyes suddenly and sat up, his head sweating.

"Sir!" His voice was trembling, and he seemed to be frightened.

"I'm here! Harry, don't be afraid! Now, have a good sleep and you will be fine tomorrow morning!" Sherry comforted him gently.

"This is so real! I mean, those seawaters, and the moon..." Harry said softly.

"Don't be afraid. Every mage is like this at the beginning. Once you become proficient, it will be fine. Now, close your eyes and have a good sleep. You will feel much better tomorrow." Sherry said.

"You promise?" Harry said.

"I promise!" Sherry replied seriously.

It seemed that Sherry's answer made Harry feel more at ease. He closed his eyes with relief, gently held the wristband on his hand with one hand, and fell asleep quietly.

After Harry fell asleep, Sherry flew into the night sky again and had a good meal. Then he returned to Harry's wrist and fell into meditation.

Facts have proved that Sherry may be a scammer at heart. After Harry was woken up by his aunt, he felt as if his head had doubled in weight and he could hardly lift it. After forcing myself to finish breakfast and clean the kitchen. Harry really didn't want to move, so he just wanted to crawl back to sleep, where he would sleep in darkness, without any light from the sun or the moon. But it was impossible to think about it. His aunt and his family were keen on keeping him in dire straits and would never allow him to sleep peacefully during the day.

What's more, Dali took advantage of his lack of energy to forcefully drag him and let Harry play with him. In fact, I haven't beaten him in a long time, and I want to get addicted to it again.

Soon, Dali dragged Harry to an abandoned construction site. It looked like a garden or something was going to be built, but it was abandoned halfway through the construction. All kinds of materials and waste are scattered everywhere here, so few people come here on weekdays. Dali's friends are already waiting here, they are all familiar faces! Old Harry was thinking that at this time in the past, he would have started struggling to escape. Now he was calmly looking at these little villains who had punched him in the past.

Sherry could see that the meditation guidance last night was obviously a bit excessive. So, Harry still had some lingering effects this morning. Specific manifestations include feeling heavy in the body, a sense of calmness that is divorced from reality, etc. But it doesn't matter, there's still his old Sherry here! You can't give these little bastards a chance to beat up your apprentice! Sherry was prepared to educate these naughty children on behalf of their parents so that they would not grow crooked in the future.

Dally pushed Harry forward, and the children who had been waiting here for a long time came up and surrounded Harry, but Harry still looked at the people around him with an indifferent expression. To be honest, this kind of look is too calm and gives people a chilling feeling. Several children took a few steps back involuntarily when he looked at them. But then, these children came forward angrily, feeling that they had lost their status in front of their friends, and they were frightened by this little monster who kept yelling after being lectured. I have to give him a good beating for a while and let him out.

"Harry Potter, I'm asking you to go out and play with me on May Day. You must dare to mess with me!" Dali, who was missing his front teeth, grabbed Harry's arm and held it hard, trying to make him hurt. Call him out and invite everyone to deal with him together.

At this time, a gust of wind blew by, blowing up countless debris on the ground. He hit these naughty children head-on, but because they were lightweight things, they didn't feel much pain. Until a naughty kid grabbed the plastic bag on his head and ripped it off hard.

"Ah!" The naughty child screamed. What was the plastic bag in his hand? It was clearly a piece of cloth soaked in blood, and blood was still seeping underneath.

"Ah!" "Ah!" Screams came one after another, and everyone discovered these things on their bodies, all soaked in blood. He quickly pulled it down and moved around. It soon disappeared. (To be continued)