
I became the new god of magic

Introduction to the work: When Sherry was shopping for bracelets online, she liked the mesh bracelet which she thought was unique. Spending a thousand Dollars to buy happiness, he is forced to experience strange world adventures one after another. When he occasionally looked back, he found that he had...

Alvarez_Rbk · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter 67 Dance

Imagine Professor McGonagall grabbing Ron's hand and raising it high, spinning in Ron's arms. Well, it was indeed a little funny, and Harry laughed twice to save face.

"Oh, I forgot to mention that Ron danced a female step!" Hermione added a fatal blow.

"Hahahaha!" Harry and the others couldn't stop laughing, even if Ron's eyes were wide open. But Ron couldn't do anything to them, someone might deal with them.

"Okay, get out of here, and come back when you've laughed enough." Madam Pince quietly emerged from behind Harry as if she had slipped out of another dimension. With a low roar, Harry and the others' laughter was stuck, and Neville was so scared that he choked on his saliva and coughed non-stop.

"Hahaha!" This was Ron who was gloating. Then, all of them were driven out of the library.

So Hermione took the lead and walked towards Hagrid's hut, but before they reached the hut, the group was all stunned. Hagrid was actually dancing alone in the open space in front of his hut.

He held one hand and held the other hand, as if he was dancing to the music with an invisible dancer. Harry and the others all looked as if they were struck by lightning, just like seeing an elephant embroidering with an embroidery needle, which was very inconsistent.

They looked at each other, and finally did not bother Hagrid. After all, it was not easy for him to find someone of similar height to him. So the group could not find a place to go, so they could only go back to their own homes and look for their own mothers.

"Harry, look, is that it?" Hermione suddenly motioned everyone to look forward. Harry and the others looked in the direction Hermione pointed, and two platinum-colored heads came into view.

"Isn't that Draco Malfoy and his father?" Ron exclaimed, "Didn't he transfer to Durmstrang? Why did he return to Hogwarts?"

"He should be back to watch the Triwizard Tournament!" Harry speculated, "Since he has already transferred, he should not transfer back again." And Draco Malfoy transferred to Hogwarts at a critical moment. Perhaps for the nobles, this is the wisdom of survival and a wise decision. But for those who stayed in Hogwarts, this was tantamount to a betrayal, a betrayal of Hogwarts. So Harry and the others did not stay for long, looked around for a few times, and then turned and left. Little Mr. Malfoy, who was far away, looked at Harry and his team, as if he was fighting with them in the corridor of Hogwarts yesterday, and today they were people from two different schools. He thought he would be happy to transfer to Durmstrang and learn some magic forbidden by Hogwarts as he pleased. But at this time, he found that he seemed to miss the life in Hogwarts more than he thought.

As for Sherry, he was thinking about Dumbledore's measures against him. He began to closely monitor McGonagall and Snape with the magic network, but did not find any actions against him. It seemed like Sherry's illusion. However, every four or five days, the three people would always gather in Dumbledore's office, and then the Fidelius Charm would seal the entire office. This behavior made Sherry extremely vigilant, and he carefully thought about what he had that could be attacked.

The most vulnerable part of the magic network is naturally the magic network itself, because this part is directly exposed to all spaces and can be touched by anyone. However, Sherry has blocked the access and use rights of anyone and any creature except Harry to the magic network. If you want to directly attack the magic network itself, you must first contact the magic network, which is particularly difficult without Sherry's permission.

Another place where Sherry can be attacked is a series of attacks that can directly damage his soul. The most typical spell is the instant death spell - Avada Kedavra. Sherry once fought with Quirrell, who was possessed by Voldemort, and knew that the Kedavra would pose a serious threat to himself. He might not necessarily die, but the consequences were definitely not what Sherry wanted to see.

As for the third point that could cause harm to Sherry, it would only be the Horcruxes in Dumbledore's hands, which is also the easiest way for them to implement.

However, if Dumbledore really intends to do something to Sherry, then Sherry will naturally not sit idly by and wait for death, and will inevitably launch a counterattack. I just hope it doesn't come to that step!

Time soon came to Christmas, and the much-anticipated Christmas ball began in a warm festive atmosphere. As soon as Harry learned that the ball was going to be held, he invited Ginny Weasley, who was one year younger than him. Ginny was very surprised by the invitation and agreed immediately, but the Weasley brothers, including Ron, were not very happy with Harry. Especially when they learned that he did not have any romantic feelings for Ginny, but just liked such a little sister, they were even more dissatisfied. It was probably like this, at first he thought that his family's food was eaten by a pig, and later he found out that the pig dared to look down on his family's food, and he felt a strange unwillingness.

Ginny didn't think too much about it. She liked Harry Potter since she was a child. It was just the kind of love a little girl has for her idol. It didn't involve love between men and women for the time being. Therefore, she was unbelievable at first, and then flattered by Harry Potter's invitation. She knew that Harry Potter was very popular in school. She didn't know how many girls planned to create an encounter with him. Ginny even overheard that several girls planned to give Harry some love potion.

When Harry walked in from the gate holding Ginny's hand in a high-end dress that he had ordered, Sherry felt a faint sense of pride in his heart, as if his own child had grown up.

With the sound of a gentle waltz, Harry and his four pairs slid into the center of the hall. After dancing a few moves, everyone held hands with their partners and joined the dance floor together.

Dumbledore invited Professor McGonagall to sing a song. Hagrid and Maxim hugged each other, and there was a sense of harmony. Even Professor Flitwick found a petite beauty to dance in the hall. Then the only ones who were still standing there were Snape, the big bat, Sherry, and Professor Remus Lupin. This was surprising, because Lupin was a handsome man with a graceful demeanor, and many senior girls liked this kind of gentle uncle.

The dance lasted until late at night, and ended with the students reluctant to leave.

On the way back to the office, Sherry saw Barty Crouch sneaking towards the Forbidden Forest alone, and then he remembered that there was such a thing. So Sherry dispersed his body and followed Barty Crouch openly.

Crouch had a very clear direction, and walked towards his destination without hesitation, avoiding any place where he might be discovered. After walking a distance, a small clearing appeared in the Forbidden Forest. There was no tree blocking it, and the night sky could be seen when looking up.

At this moment, a person was standing in the middle of the clearing with his back to Crouch. Crouch drew out his wand and quietly walked towards the figure.

"I see you, father!" The man turned around and was the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor who was very popular among students - Remus Lupin. "Lupin" had a strange smile on his face, a little cruel and a little proud.

"Barty?" Crouch looked at the man in a strange skin in disbelief, "Why did you come to Hogwarts? What do you want to do?"

"Of course I came for my master's great cause," Barty Crouch II's voice was full of fanaticism, "As long as I can complete my task, the master can walk on the earth again, our cause will be glorious again, and I will get his generous reward."

"You call killing innocent people a cause?" Barty Crouch's voice was furious, "You also want to help that devil resurrect! I thought that Azkaban would make your brain, which was filled with Voldemort's magic, sober up, but now it seems that you have no regrets at all. "You have completely failed your mother's efforts. She didn't save you to make you a Death Eater again."

"You still have the nerve to mention my mother?" Barty Crouch II roared angrily, his face began to deform, and his body began to expand. "You don't treat me as a son at all. You judged me mercilessly and made my mother die of heartbreak. You are not worthy of being his husband. But it doesn't matter. As long as my master is resurrected, he will definitely be able to resurrect my mother. At that time, I will take good care of her and let her live a happy life." A pale-faced, tall and thin young man who looked very much like Crouch stood in front of Crouch.

"Battie, don't be stubborn! The Dark Lord is a madman. He is lying to you. No one has such a powerful power to resurrect people. He is just using you." Crouch advised earnestly, "Live incognito and don't get involved in the affairs of the Death Eaters. Don't let your mother's sacrifice go to waste."

"No," Crouch II shouted, "My master is not like that. He won't lie to me. He defeated death himself and can be immortal. Of course, he can save my mother. Father, if you still recognize me as your son and still have a little affection for my mother, help me complete the task."

"I'm sorry, if you insist on resurrecting the Dark Lord, then I would rather not have you as my son." Crouch's wand lightly pointed, "Fainted!"

Crouch II waved his wand, and a layer of silver light offset the spell, "If this is your choice, then you are no longer my father, but an enemy who prevents me from completing my great cause. I have always been merciless to my enemies."


A blood-red light passed by Crouch, creating a large pit in the open space behind him.

Lights of various colors flew back and forth in the open space, and the surroundings were in a mess. The two gradually became really angry. Crouch suddenly cast a spell on Crouch II, knocking him out, hitting the tree trunk, and falling down hard.

"Avada Kedavra!" A green light streaked through the air and hit Crouch's chest.

Crouch's body froze, his face full of disbelief and pain. He probably never thought that his son would actually cast a killing curse on him.

Sherry watched all this coldly, and did not intervene to save Crouch, because that was not in his interest and plan, which was to revive Voldemort again. (To be continued)