
I became the new god of magic

Introduction to the work: When Sherry was shopping for bracelets online, she liked the mesh bracelet which she thought was unique. Spending a thousand Dollars to buy happiness, he is forced to experience strange world adventures one after another. When he occasionally looked back, he found that he had...

Alvarez_Rbk · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter 65: Triwizard Tournament

"Is the news confirmed, Barty?" Dumbledore asked. Although he had learned the news from Sherry, he was still shocked by the news and had a deeper fear of Sherry.

"It is very certain that Minister Fudge has communicated with the German and French Ministries of Magic on relevant matters and concluded that the Triwizard Tournament will be held." Barty Crouch was as serious as the rumors said, with a serious face, as if there was no other expression.

"Everyone, it seems that the Triwizard Tournament must be held in Hogwarts. We must make corresponding preparations in advance." Dumbledore said, "Including potions, medical wings, and arrangements in the hall, etc., special preparations must be made."

Sherry noticed that the house elf took the invisible man, Barty Crouch II, and did not enter Dumbledore's office. It seems that they are still very afraid of Dumbledore and afraid that he will see through the invisibility. In addition to the house elf, Barty Crouch also left two Aurors outside. It seems that he is very worried about his son!

This person should be the powerful follower predicted by Trelawney. As for Peter Pettigrew, he is too timid to be of great use.

Sherry's original plan was to rely on Harry for seven years, secretly collect what he needed, and then come out when he was fully grown. However, things could not go as planned. What happened on the Black Lake on the night Harry entered school made him change his mind.

Even though he later found that most of the plot of this world had not changed, he did not change his plan. Of course, it was because Harry and his master-disciple relationship became deeper and deeper, but more importantly, he figured out a truth. Throughout all the multiverses, there has never been a person who really developed alone and achieved extraordinary success. All those who have achieved something are all the result of the joint efforts of time, place, and people. If Sherry really intends to develop in a wretched way, then he may become a great power in the end, and he can also be regarded as a figure. After all, the foundation of the magic network is there, and it can't be too bad.

But what about powerful divine power? Can you do whatever you want without having to look at anyone's face? No, when the God of Gods Io gets angry because of the Tablet of Fate, he can sweep all the gods down from the kingdom of God, arrange a mortal fate for them, and watch them struggle on the line between life and death, while he himself is high above, waiting for the final appearance of the Tablet of Fate. If Sherry's ambition is to be a company executive, maybe he can develop quietly like this. But Sherry doesn't want to be just an executive, he wants to be a boss, to be the kind of person who has complete control over his own destiny, just like Io!

So, he stood up and appeared in front of people in a truly open and aboveboard manner. He knew that Dumbledore would definitely investigate or even deal with him, but he still stood up without hesitation because he had a profound understanding. Not only can wizards not be separated from the magic network, but the magic network can also be separated from wizards.

At present, the development of things is still within Sherry's control. Now we just have to wait for Voldemort to resurrect, so that Sherry and his team can solve this trouble once and for all and eat all the "nutrients" peacefully.

Barty Crouch simply announced the news and left with his subordinates in a hurry.

In the following days, some changes were quietly taking place. Perhaps the students did not notice it, but for insiders like Sherry, the changes in the school were too obvious.

Snape's Potions class began to focus on healing and treatment. Some books in the school library disappeared quietly. If Sherry had not borrowed books frequently, he would not have found them. Later it was proved that Madam Pince had hidden these books with a spell. Without her autograph, these books could not be found. Filch worked hard to clean the castle every day, especially those places where there were few people and a lot of dust. He accidentally caught many truant students, which was an extra gain. Even Professor Binns began to explain the content of the previous Triwizard Tournament to give students a shot of prevention.

Sherry also had to prepare for it, so he changed his plan to explain mermaids and turned to another powerful magical species - dragons.

"Who knows what is the most powerful magical species in the current magic world?" Sherry asked, and then he saw a hand raised immediately, "Miss Granger?"

"It's a dragon, professor!" Hermione replied.

"Five points for Gryffindor." Sherry didn't know how many times he had said this, and he could only say that a top student is a top student.

"Dragons are one of the oldest species on this continent. Even before humans appeared, these creatures flew in the sky." Sherry said, "The reason why dragons are called the most powerful magical creatures today is..."

Sherry spent a whole month explaining all the advantages and habits of dragons in detail to students of every age. In addition, he carefully reviewed every paper submitted to ensure that everyone knew the basic knowledge of dragons.

In this school year, all teachers subtly improved students' abilities in all aspects, including attack and defense.

Soon, the school year ended uneventfully. Apart from the Dementor incident, nothing worth reporting happened. It must be said that this was a good thing for Hogwarts, because the school could not afford to be tossed again.

At the Quidditch World Cup, the Death Eaters did indeed gather to make trouble, but they were brutally suppressed by the Aurors, and a large number of people were quickly arrested. After trial, many of them were Death Eaters on the run, so they were mercilessly thrown into Azkaban.

Barty Crouch II broke free from the supervision of his house elf, stole Harry's wand, and raised the infamous dark magic mark to the sky.

When a giant snake slowly swam out of the mouth of the skeleton, screams rang out, and all the wizards were frightened, and they remembered the terrible years again. Every day, people were killed, robbed, and subjected to the Unforgivable Curse. All Death Eaters are crazy. They are proud of their bloodline and madly belittle any Muggle wizards. They torture and kill, not for profit, but because they can do it.

In such a somewhat annoying atmosphere, the new year of Hogwarts began.

"Welcome, welcome all old classmates back here, and welcome new students. I hope you can spend your best seven years here." Dumbledore said, "Before everyone has dinner, I want to announce one thing. That is, a long-suspended event will be held in Hogwarts this year."

"Triwizard Tournament!" Dumbledore continued, "This year's Quidditch competition will be completely stopped, and the stadium will be used for other purposes."

The students whispered to each other, and those who knew about this event began to popularize the relevant knowledge to those who didn't know. Even though Professor Binns had explained this event in detail, many people didn't pay attention to the history of magic, so they didn't remember these contents at all.

"The Triwizard Tournament is an international event jointly organized by three ancient magic schools," said Dumbledore. "In the past, this event was stopped for some reasons. Now, this competition will be restarted, and Hogwarts will be the host of this magic competition."

In order to prevent lower-grade students from signing up, Dumbledore used a spell to limit the age of participants, which caused complaints from students (especially the Weasley twins), but was completely ignored by the old man.

However, what surprised Sherry was that Lupin safely spent a school year, and Snape did not report him. He thought he had escaped. But when Lupin sat down beside him, Sherry could clearly feel that this Lupin was different. Although he looked the same, the difference in the magic aura made Sherry recognize that he was a fake.

"Poor Lupin!" Sherry whispered, and Lupin turned his head and asked Su Yun, "What did you say, Professor Sherry?"

"Oh, it's okay, I just feel a little sad about the students' complaints." Sherry looked at the man in front of him, who looked exactly like Lupin. It's not just about appearance, but more about a temperament, a gentle and approachable feeling. It seems that this Barty Crouch II is really a talent!

"Lupin" nodded and said, "They won't understand that the principal is thinking about their safety."

"When we were young, everyone was like this, and when we grow up, we will naturally understand." Sherry said.

"Yes!" Lupin nodded gently and ended the conversation.

To be honest, if Sherry hadn't known that this Lupin was fake, he really wouldn't have noticed anything wrong with him. It seems that Lupin was borrowed not only for his appearance, but also for his memory.

After Dumbledore announced the relevant matters of the Triwizard Tournament, the welcome dinner began. Although the students were indignant, they were obviously powerless and could only eat their dinner in depression.

Time soon came to a day in October, and everyone was required to appear on the Quidditch field and line up to welcome the guests from the other two magic schools.

The huge carriage pulled by Pegasus and the shabby ship rising from the bottom of the water marked the arrival of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, and also marked the official start of the Triwizard Tournament.

The Goblet of Fire was placed in the middle of the open space outside the hall, and the pure blue flame began to burn. (To be continued)