
I became the new god of magic

Introduction to the work: When Sherry was shopping for bracelets online, she liked the mesh bracelet which she thought was unique. Spending a thousand Dollars to buy happiness, he is forced to experience strange world adventures one after another. When he occasionally looked back, he found that he had...

Alvarez_Rbk · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter 62: Life Box

Sherry came to Dumbledore's office again, this time to collect a debt.

"Good day, Professor Dumbledore," Sherry said to Dumbledore with a smile, "I want to discuss the delivery of our transaction. You see, I have basically completed my part, right?"

It's no wonder that Sherry was so humble. In this day and age, the one who owes the debt is the master, and the one who asks for money is the grandson. Dumbledore was startled by his strange enthusiasm. You know, Sherry has never been so enthusiastic from the beginning. Dumbledore actually felt a strange sense of flattery.

"Of course it's okay, but, Professor Sherry," Dumbledore said with a look of embarrassment, "Didn't we plan not to touch his Horcruxes when Voldemort could detect them?"

"I didn't say to touch the locket and the golden cup," Sherry said with a smile, "Among the treasures of the four founders, there is one thing that Voldemort has never found. He may not have thought that the sword of Gryffindor has been placed in the principal's office." He looked at the dirty hat on the shelf.

This hat belongs to Gryffindor. After a thousand years, the hat looks worn, old and covered with dust. It is said that after the establishment of Hogwarts, the four founders had a huge disagreement on the issue of recruiting students. Because they were hunted by the Church and misunderstood by ordinary people, Slytherin decided to only recruit pure-blood children who grew up in wizard families. Ravenclaw, who is super intelligent, prefers those smart apprentices. Gryffindor, who is extremely brave, values ​​courage and persistence. The gentlest Hufflepuff is willing to recruit gentle little wizards.

In order to resolve the differences, the four divided the school into four colleges, and recruited and taught students according to their own standards. In order to be able to carry out this screening action after they are gone, Gryffindor took out his magic hat, and the four founders injected their own college admission standards into it to divide the students into houses for future admissions.

Each founder left his own iconic treasure to future generations, representing the golden cup of gentleness, the crown of wisdom, the locket of nobility, and the sword of courage. Back then, after Voldemort obtained the secret of the Horcrux, he searched the world for these four treasures, but he exhausted all his energy and only found three. The sword of Gryffindor, which represents courage, has never been found.

Sherry took the hat from the shelf and handed it to Dumbledore, "Principal, I can't pull out this sword, so I have to trouble you!" On the surrounding walls, many portraits of principals began to curse, most of them were Gryffindors, they couldn't accept that the treasure representing the meaning of their college was given to an outsider.

Dumbledore was silent for a long time, Sherry's hand was suspended in the air, holding the dirty hat in his hand, and he seemed very patient. After a long time, Dumbledore sighed, took the Sorting Hat, stretched his right hand in, and when he pulled it out again, a glittering sword was firmly held in his hand.

He took a look at the thousand-year-old sword and handed it to Sherry, who took it without hesitation. Isn't credibility the key to a transaction? Sherry raised the sword in front of his eyes and looked at it carefully. Even though a thousand years have passed, the sword is still as bright as new, without any rust, and the blade is shining coldly, which is very sharp. On the hilt of the sword, there are four pure rubies inlaid, one large and three small.

"Thank you, Headmaster Dumbledore!" Sherry nodded.

"Alas, I don't know if I am doing the right thing!" Dumbledore sighed. He felt guilty for giving away this treasure that had been passed down for thousands of years.

"Professor," Sherry said, "things are dead, but people are alive. No matter how precious or rare the things are, they are not as good as human life. And you didn't give it to me on purpose. I forced you to do it, so you don't have to feel guilty." Sherry, who was in a good mood after getting the sword, comforted Dumbledore.

"I just hope that all this is worth it." Dumbledore said, "I hope we can win in the end."

"Of course." Sherry was full of confidence.

Harry's brain occlusion, after he found the trick, officially graduated from Snape in just three days. But after the first day, Harry's impression of Snape became much more complicated than before. That feeling, how should I put it, is like we met someone who borrowed money from our parents. Always feel that there is something that I owe the other party and want to compensate for something.

On this day, Sherry stopped Harry at the end of get out of class and asked him to report to his office every day from today. He would start a series of special training for Harry.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Harry stood outside Sherry's office door on time.

"Come in!" Sherry's voice came from inside the room. Harry felt that the questions he had been holding back for a while would be answered in this meeting. He walked into Sherry's office and the door closed silently behind him.

"What is this?" As soon as Harry entered, he found that a thin layer of silver light enveloped the entire office, and Sherry was standing in the center of the room waiting for him.

"I blocked this room with arcane energy, so that no one can eavesdrop on our conversation." Sherry said, "In this school, there are too many places where secrets can be leaked. Portraits, sculptures, ghosts, it is simply impossible to guard against them."

"I know you have a lot of questions now. You can raise them one by one. I will choose the ones that can be answered." Sherry said with a smile.

Harry was speechless for a while, and he asked: "Teacher, why did you become a professor at Hogwarts?"

"Because this school has what I want, and becoming a professor will make it easier for me to get them." Sherry replied, but did not say what he needed specifically.

"You once said that when I left Snape, what exactly was it that he told me?"

"The answer to this question is a bit long, Harry," Sherry said, "It is related to how you came to be the savior, why you can speak snake language, etc., and all this started with a prophecy of Sybill Trelawney." Then, Sherry began to talk about the content of the prophecy, and then Voldemort's reaction to the prophecy, Peter Pettigrew's betrayal, the death of his parents, and his adoption by the Dursleys.

"Why wait until now, teacher, if you already knew these things?" Harry was a little excited. It was the first time he knew his life experience in more detail.

"Because you have mastered the brain block technique, which can prevent others from snooping into your memory." Sherry said.

"Who? Who will snoop into my memory?" Harry was a little irritable.

"Voldemort!" Sherry's words were like a bucket of cold water poured over Harry's head, calming him down all of a sudden, "If he realizes that he can."

"Harry, haven't you always been curious about why your scar always hurts?" Sherry said expressionlessly, "Because there is a small piece of Voldemort's soul inside."

"Voldemort's soul?" Harry murmured.

"Yes, Voldemort's soul." Sherry said, "This is a very evil magic, which splits the soul and preserves the fragments of one's soul in a container. As long as the container is not destroyed, one can be resurrected after death."

"Does it sound familiar?" Sherry asked.

"This is... a phylactery!!" Harry said in surprise, "Teacher, do you mean that I am Voldemort's phylactery?"

"No," Harry breathed a sigh of relief, "You are just one of his seven phylacteries, and it is called a Horcrux locally." Sherry said with a smile.

Harry's mind suddenly became very confused, "But I thought that living things cannot be made into phylacteries!"

"It's not that they can't, but that they won't." Sherry said, "In order to survive for a long time and prevent the phylacteries from being destroyed, those liches use the most precious and rare materials in the multiverse to make phylacteries. Even if ordinary people get these phylacteries, they can't destroy them at all."

"But living things are different. There are really too many ways to kill a living life." Sherry explained, "Unless you can use those very powerful creatures as phylacteries, but it's very, very difficult." Even if those liches are lucky enough to have the opportunity to use these powerful species as phylacteries, they will never do it. Take the dragons for example. If you just start, the dragon god will immediately issue an oracle to hunt you down. The fundamental purpose of the lich making the life box is to prolong life and live safely. If you offend a god, do you still want to live a peaceful life? The same is true for unicorns and other powerful creatures.

"You have a piece of his soul, so you have the ability to use snake language, and when he gets close to you or his emotions fluctuate violently, you will feel a headache." Sherry's face was serious, "What do you think will happen when he finds out about the connection between you?"

Harry was scared for a while. No wonder Sherry asked him to learn brain occlusion from Snape. If Voldemort really realized that their souls were connected, he would have no control over anything.

"Then, teacher, is there any way to separate this piece of soul fragment belonging to Voldemort?" Harry asked anxiously. This thing was on his forehead, and it felt like a time bomb. He didn't know when it would blow his brain.

"There is indeed a way!" Sherry said, he picked up the sword from his desk and handed it to Harry, "You make a better Horcrux for Voldemort."

"Ah?" Harry was completely stunned. (To be continued)