
I became the new god of magic

Introduction to the work: When Sherry was shopping for bracelets online, she liked the mesh bracelet which she thought was unique. Spending a thousand Dollars to buy happiness, he is forced to experience strange world adventures one after another. When he occasionally looked back, he found that he had...

Alvarez_Rbk · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter 58 Sensation

The big unicorns were silvery white with long hair all over their bodies. They looked like white horses, except for a horn with spiral patterns on their foreheads, about 50 centimeters long, which indicated their identity. Even in broad daylight, under the sun, you can see with the naked eye that these adult unicorns are emitting silver light all over their bodies, looking both beautiful and noble. The little unicorns were different. These unicorns, which were obviously still children, had very light hair all over their bodies, pure gold in color, and looked a little furry. In one word, cute. The four little guys should not have been born in the same litter. Two of them were obviously older, with agile legs and feet, jumping non-stop, and were looking at the large group of unknown creatures in front of them with curiosity. The remaining two were born not long ago, because they felt that they were not walking very smoothly, and they always circled around their parents and were very dependent.

All the girls were eager to try and try to touch these magical and rare creatures, but were quickly stopped by Sherry. He raised his voice: "Ladies and gentlemen, open your textbooks and turn to page 94."

"Professor Sherry, how do we open this book?" Hermione raised her hand to ask. Sherry looked at them and found that everyone had tied the book tightly in their own way. But it's not their fault. This book has teeth and it will bite people.

Sherry picked up a book and gestured to the students, "Don't just treat this book as a dead object, but treat it as a living thing. What should we do when our cats or pet dogs get angry?" He reached out and stroked the spine of the book. The book that was struggling stopped immediately and let him fiddle with it and read it honestly. "We usually stroke their fur and they will calm down." Hermione looked as if she had suddenly realized something and asked why I didn't think of it.

"Turn to page 94. Does anyone know the origin of unicorns?" Before Sherry finished speaking, Hermione's hand was raised. "Miss Granger?"

"There is no accurate statement about the origin of unicorns. One widely known one is that they are sacred creatures born in the churning waves and are the favorites of Poseidon, the god of the sea. The first discovery of unicorns dates back to the time of Merlin. Galahad, one of the Twelve Knights of the Round Table, was in danger while searching for the Holy Grail and was rescued by a horned white horse emitting silver light. That was the first time the unicorn was discovered in the legend." Hermione spoke a long paragraph in one breath without stopping. It can be seen that she did a lot of homework.

"Very good answer, five points for Gryffindor." Sherry said: "Unicorns are sacred and powerful creatures. Some people even think that they are more powerful than dragons. Any behavior that harms unicorns is stupid and fatal, because even if they get a hair from an unwilling unicorn, a curse will befall him immediately. I have to say that this curse seems to be incurable at present, so it is best not to do these stupid things."

"What is the key to getting along with gentle magical creatures? Does anyone know?" Sherry asked a question again, but as expected, Hermione answered the question again.

"It is respect, sir! We must respect them, and we cannot regard their status as lower than ours. We should treat them like friends." Hermione answered confidently.

"Correct answer, five points for Gryffindor!" Sherry has learned the power of "know-it-all". Hermione simply beat two colleges by herself!

"Now, everyone can come a little closer. Girls, stand in front and take a look at these unicorns. If you get the other party's consent, you can touch each other." Sherry clapped his hands and motioned everyone to come closer.

The girls have long been eager to see those cute little golden creatures, how energetic they are. They carefully approached, trying to shorten the distance between the two sides and try to touch each other's bodies. Sherry came to the side of the strongest unicorn and patted its back.

"Thank you!" Sherry said, and the unicorn rubbed its head against him affectionately, looking very familiar. The boys not far away immediately opened their eyes wide in surprise. A Slytherin student who didn't believe in evil tried to reach out and touch the unicorn, but was quickly scared back by the horn on the big unicorn's head. That's right, this unicorn is the one that Sherry saved from Voldemort's mouth. It is a male. The rest of the unicorns are its family, its spouse and children. At that time, it was injured so badly that Sherry had no good way. He could only infuse a lot of positive energy into its body, and the rest depended on its luck. It seems that it has good luck and survived. Last night, when Sherry was trying to find a unicorn, he happened to meet it, and it also remembered Sherry. After hearing Sherry's request, it considered and agreed. Sherry not only guaranteed its safety, but also promised to give a lot of positive energy to its family. For this kind of sacred animal, pure positive energy is the best tonic.

Time passed in the interaction with the unicorn and Sherry's explanation. The seemingly long two hours actually passed quickly. The girls said goodbye to the little unicorn reluctantly. They had basically come into contact with the unicorn. Some of them even hugged the four little guys, including Hermione. As for the boys, they could only watch with envy. Although they had opinions, they were obviously suppressed by the girls and could not make any waves.

"Okay, this class ends here. Before next Monday, everyone will hand in a ten-inch long paper to me. The content is what we talked about today, as well as the knowledge you know about unicorns." Sherry said loudly, regardless of the students' reluctance and complaints. He took the six unicorns and walked into the Forbidden Forest. Sherry stopped at a place out of sight and said to the six: "Okay, it's time to take supplements. Who will go first?"

The big unicorn lowered its head and pushed one of the small ones in Sherry's direction. Sherry understood what it meant. "Okay, then you go first!" Sherry put his hand on the head of the small unicorn. It was still moving like a naughty child.

As Sherry moved with his thoughts, a large amount of energy was transmitted and transformed on the magic net, and finally turned into pure white energy, which was carefully injected into the little unicorn by Sherry. With the injection of positive energy, the little guy calmed down and squinted his big eyes comfortably. Sherry's mental power also took this opportunity to enter the body of the unicorn and understand their body structure. For a mage, this opportunity is very rare, especially for a mage who is good at transformation. One of their ultimate moves is the legendary transformation, which can change into anything. A demon is a demon, a dragon is a dragon, so what often happens is that the mages transform into species with strong melee ability and directly confront the opponent. The prerequisite for this kind of transformation is that you must have a very good understanding of the body structure of the species to be transformed, otherwise it will only be similar in form but not in spirit.

When he estimated that it was about the same, Sherry stopped and pulled his hand away from its head. The little guy's eyes were a little confused, and he walked a little unsteadily, as if he was drunk. Sherry felt a little guilty, "This, it's a little too much, it may need to sleep for a while!" He didn't dare to look at the unicorn's eyes. Although this was a good situation, it just took a long time for this little guy to digest it.

But it seemed that the other party didn't care about these small details. The unicorn put its head on his chest, arched it gently, and then went away with his wife and children. After seeing them go away, Sherry turned around and flew back to his office.

In the short time of eating lunch, a piece of news swept across Hogwarts like a hurricane. The new teacher of Care of Magical Creatures was so powerful that he actually found a family of unicorns. Now, all the students are interested. Those who chose this course are naturally full of expectations, while those who didn't choose it are extremely regretful. The girls even gathered together to discuss how cute those little unicorns are. They are golden, small, and furry, which really makes people want to hold them in their arms and not let go.

Harry also understood the intention of his teacher asking him to choose the Care of Magical Creatures course. It seems that he had calculated it at that time. But he was also very curious about unicorns. Most wizards will never see these rare and powerful creatures in their entire lives. No wonder all the students are excited. Especially the third-year Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, they have a Care of Magical Creatures class in the afternoon.

Even Dumbledore was shocked when he heard the news. Hiring the other party as a teacher of magical creatures was originally just part of the deal. Who knew that the other party would do such a good job? It was really a bit beyond his expectations, but it was a good thing, wasn't it?

But what disappointed Harry and the others was that when they were in class in the afternoon, the magical creatures they saw were not unicorns but a dozen big guys, a group of hippogriffs, which Sherry asked Hagrid to help find. Hagrid was very enthusiastic about Sherry's request, and he found a whole group of these creatures. It must be said that Hagrid has extremely strong feelings for these animals and treats them as friends. Maybe this is why he is liked by animals!

If it is said that the girls take advantage in the morning, then the afternoon is the boys' time. Basically, every boy was carried by these big guys to fly a distance in the sky. Everyone has taken flying lessons, but this is a completely different experience. Girls are generally a little timid and afraid of these tall and ferocious guys. Even though Sherry encouraged them again and again, no girl mustered up the courage to sit on the backs of these guys. (To be continued)