
I became the new god of magic

Introduction to the work: When Sherry was shopping for bracelets online, she liked the mesh bracelet which she thought was unique. Spending a thousand Dollars to buy happiness, he is forced to experience strange world adventures one after another. When he occasionally looked back, he found that he had...

Alvarez_Rbk · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter 51: Prison Break

After the basilisk and the diary Horcrux disappeared, Hogwarts became safer than ever before. Everyone was still worried at the beginning, but after a long time, no strange and dangerous things happened again, which made everyone feel relieved.

But at this time, a person who did not show any due sense of responsibility in the previous incidents jumped out and started to make trouble again. Needless to say, this person is Gilderoy Lockhart. Now the whole school basically understands what kind of person he is. The students found out that he was a fool from his lectures without any substantial knowledge. As for the professors, it was because in the last incident, he didn't even see anyone, let alone exert any strength, and didn't know where he was hiding. Maybe it's because it's a peaceful day again, so he popped up again.

When Lockhart wanted to start a duel club under the banner of enhancing students' self-protection ability, Dumbledore agreed happily. Not only that, he also equipped him with an assistant who is proficient in various dark arts, defense against the dark arts, potion master, and former Death Eater-Professor Severus Snape.

When the students stood under the duel arena and watched Snape and Lockhart bow to each other, Ron and many Gryffindor students were very happy. These two people were very annoying to Gryffindor, so no matter who was unlucky, Ron and the others would be very happy. It was just like gambling, betting big or small, you can win money, don't be too happy!

Harry was also very happy, because he also didn't like these two people, although he thought that the unlucky one must be Lockhart, because he was a idiot. But no one can blame him, right?

"One, two, three!" Lockhart counted three times.

At the moment when the three words just came out of his mouth, Snape cast a neat and timid disarming spell, directly knocking Lockhart five meters away, almost suffocating. To be honest, if it wasn't Snape who hit Lockhart, Harry and the others would definitely start applauding now. And Snape, who taught Lockhart a lesson, seemed to have a fleeting smile, but no one noticed.

From this day on, the weekly dueling class became the students' favorite class, more popular than the History of Magic, where you can sleep. Because here, you can not only see Professor Snape teaching Lockhart in various ways, but also learn some uncommon spells. Yes, in every dueling class, Snape will teach students a spell. And these spells are exactly what students should learn in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Happy days always pass quickly. In a blink of an eye, it is the end of the school year. After the annual school year exam, it is another summer vacation. After saying goodbye to Hagrid, Harry returned to his dormitory. These days, he has been working hard to learn spells, and Sherry is also openly following Harry to take classes, trying to merge witchcraft into his own system, and the progress is encouraging.

After three days of exams, students have a five-day break, and second-year students will also start to choose courses for their next school year. In addition to a few basic courses, choose a few more courses of interest to expand your knowledge. Harry followed Sherry's advice and chose Care of Magical Creatures, and then a Divination class.

As for the test results, Hermione was far ahead, with a score of nearly full marks, and she was at the top of the list, looking down on the others. Harry's grades were also good, ranking third in the grade. If Snape hadn't deducted some points, he might have been second. The other friends also did well in the exams. There was no other way, Hermione forced them to study every day, and it must be said that the effect was remarkable!

At King's Cross Station, after agreeing to keep in touch with each other, Harry pulled his suitcase and returned to the Whitsun community.

"Peter Pettigrew escaped from prison!" On the front page of the Daily Prophet, a short man who looked wretched and had erratic eyes was trying to avoid the camera. Peter Pettigrew escaped from Azkaban, which was a major event that shocked the magic world, but Sherry felt that you were kidding me? This was a familiar recipe, but with a different taste!

In the world of ordinary people, a wanted poster for Peter Pettigrew was also posted. He was described as a serial killer who had killed twelve people. Sherry began to feel that there were obviously more traces of wizards around, and it seemed that they were here to protect Harry, but he didn't know whether they were from the Ministry of Magic or the Order of the Phoenix. But Sherry was not very worried. A character like Peter Pettigrew, who was so timid, would definitely not dare to come here. If he dared to come, Sherry would have a way to deal with him.

Harry was not as relaxed as Sherry, because something that made him very uncomfortable was about to happen. That is, he had lived in the Dursleys' house for twenty days, and according to the agreement, he would soon be able to leave here and move in with his godfather. However, tomorrow, the always annoying Aunt Marge will be here as a guest. Harry hasn't seen her for a while, but she is very mean to Harry. In Harry's memory, she often comments on Harry's life experience and says some unpleasant things wantonly.

Time quickly came to the next day, and the Dursleys warmly welcomed their relative, Vernon Dursley's sister. Harry stayed upstairs and didn't come down, thinking that he would just get away with it. But unexpectedly, this woman insisted that Harry go downstairs to eat with them, even if the Dursleys persuaded him repeatedly. Harry thought, let's go down and see what she can do to him.

"If you ask me, Vernon, you two are too kind. If it weren't for you, that kid might be begging on some street corner now!" Harry went downstairs and saw a fat woman, who was holding up a tight dress and squeezing on a small stool. Harry really suspected that if this woman moved a little more, the clothes or the chair would break at any time. This fat woman is naturally Dali's Aunt Marge.

Seeing Harry coming over, the woman didn't seem to have the intention of lowering her voice, "Vernon, where did you say he went to school?"

"Brutus School!" Vernon Dursley said nervously. Harry is no longer the child who can be beaten and scolded at will. He is not only an evil wizard, but also knows a bunch of evil wizards, so Vernon Dursley now hopes that Marge can restrain herself, but obviously, his wish has not come true.

"Ah, I've heard of this place. I heard that they are good at dealing with these little hooligans," she turned to Harry, "Boy, do they whip you with a whip?"

"No, they usually use sticks made of various tree cores," Harry said with a smile, "It's used to teach people a lesson, which is much more powerful than whips."

"Really? Hum!" She raised her glass and said to Harry, "Fill me up!" Harry obediently picked up the bottle and poured her some wine. The fat woman turned back to the Dursley family and said, "Don't feel sorry for this kind of person, Vernon. It's not your fault. If you ask me, it's his parents who died early. A low-class person gave birth to a low-class person. There is something wrong with their family."

"Bang!" Harry put the bottle in his hand heavily on the kitchen cabinet, making a loud noise, interrupting Aunt Marge's words. The fat woman was still startled. She turned her head and yelled at Harry, "Boy, are you dissatisfied with this? Did I wrong you? If it weren't for my brother to provide you with food and clothes, you might die in any corner now and no one would ask. Your parents committed a crime, they deserved to die so early, but they left you alone..."

Harry pulled out his wand from his sleeve and pointed it at the woman, intending to teach her a lesson. Vernon Dursley stood up quickly, ran to Harry, blocked Harry's wand, and whispered, "Boy, you are not allowed to use magic outside of school, otherwise you will be expelled from your school."

"Oh!" Harry made an expression of sudden enlightenment, "Thank you for your reminder, Uncle Vernon!" As he said that, he put his wand back and stretched out his right hand instead. A few sparks of electricity danced on Harry's fingertips, making Vernon Dursley's face pale.

"Vernon, what are you doing? Get out of the way, I want to see what this kid is going to do, he is so rebellious!" Aunt Marge came to Harry with a glass of wine, "What did you want to do just now, were you going to attack me? I'm standing here, if you have the courage, come on." She bulged a pair of cow-like eyes and looked at Harry provocatively, as if to say, try to hit me!

For some reason, Harry dispersed the magic on his fingertips and said with a fake smile: "How dare I! Enjoy your wine!"

"Tsk!" Maggie looked at Harry with disdain, picked up the cup and took a sip, but soon, her face changed. She felt that the delicious liquid she drank seemed to have turned into a bunch of living insects in an instant, crawling around in her mouth.

"Puff!" She sprayed it out, and looked at the ground, all kinds of centipedes, spiders and other tiny insects were crawling on the ground. Looking inside the cup again, all kinds of poisonous insects were crowded in the cup, crawling out constantly, and soon reached her hand.

"Ah! Stay away from me!" With a scream, the cup fell to the ground and shattered. She kept slapping everywhere she was, very hard. In the eyes of the rest of the people, she just broke the cup and kept slapping the air around her.

"Boy, stop immediately, or I will..." Vernon Dursley grabbed Harry's collar and threatened him.

"What else can you do?" Harry refused to give in. "This woman asked for it, didn't she? If she could control her mouth a little, this wouldn't have happened."

"I'll write to your school. You used magic outside of school. They will expel you." Vernon Dursley threatened angrily.

"Do you need me to tell you the detailed address?" Harry said, "Or should I rent an owl for you?" (To be continued)