
I became the new god of magic

Introduction to the work: When Sherry was shopping for bracelets online, she liked the mesh bracelet which she thought was unique. Spending a thousand Dollars to buy happiness, he is forced to experience strange world adventures one after another. When he occasionally looked back, he found that he had...

Alvarez_Rbk · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter 43 The Second Accident

For the next three days, Harry and his friends could only stay in the common room in frustration and could not go anywhere. Dumbledore led the school's professors to search every corner thoroughly, but they did not find the secret room, and there was no trace of the murderer who attacked Rowenda. Students were asked to resume their normal routines again, but it was recommended not to act alone, and it was best to go with senior students.

The blatant attack in the school made everyone very nervous for a while, but as time passed, and the teachers repeatedly stated that Rachel Rowenda could recover, this greatly reduced everyone's sense of urgency.

Soon, the whole school became lively because the Quidditch game began. The latest game was between Gryffindor and Slytherin. These two colleges were the most popular in all events, both in terms of intensity and topicality. Sherry didn't like Quidditch, nor did he like basketball. He participated in the basketball team selection not because he liked the sport, but for other purposes. He felt that Quidditch, a sport that could break hands and feet and cause concussions at any time, was both barbaric and meaningless. But Harry is different. Perhaps it is the influence of his father's excellent Quidditch genes. He loves this sport very much. If he had not been practicing spells in the Room of Requirement during the Quidditch selection this school year, he would definitely have joined the team.

On the day of the Quidditch match, almost all the teachers, even Dumbledore, appeared in the audience, which shows how popular this sport is. The audience was packed with people, and everyone shouted and cheered for the team they supported. Even Slytherin, who usually pays attention to the aristocratic tone, was shouting without any image.

Soon, seven red and seven green figures flew across the sky, igniting everyone's enthusiasm. Madam Hooch's voice was unusually loud under the blessing of magic. "Now we start the second round of Quidditch, Gryffindor vs. Slytherin. I hope all the players will stay calm and present a civilized and disciplined game for everyone." This is actually nonsense. Every year, there are students who are seriously injured in Quidditch games, especially Gryffindor and Slytherin. Fortunately, Madam Pomfrey has superb medical skills, otherwise everyone would be disabled for life after playing a game!

Madam Hooch tapped the ball box under her feet, and the Golden Snitch flashed by and disappeared without a trace. Immediately afterwards, two Bludgers rushed straight into the sky and hit the players on both sides. Madam Hooch took out the last Quaffle and threw the ball into the sky while blowing the whistle.

A red figure flashed by, grabbed the Quaffle firmly in his hand, and flew towards the Slytherin goal. Lee Jordan's voice rang out over the court: "The one holding the ball now is Angelina Johnson from Gryffindor. This girl is not only very good at playing, but also very beautiful."

"Jordan!" Professor McGonagall roared from the loudspeaker, "Explain the game well!"

At this time, a Bludger was hit by Slytherin's hitter, Lent Robin, towards Angelina. She evaded it with a nimble roll, but was hit hard by two people from behind, and lost the Quaffle.

"After an extremely brutal and unsympathetic dirty move, Slytherin got the ball." Lee Jordan's indignant voice rang out, still accompanied by Professor McGonagall's roar. Everyone was very familiar with this scene. Whenever Gryffindor played against Slytherin, there would be constant small moves, endless fouls, and usually accompanied by some violent incidents. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why these wizards like this sport!

Soon, one of the twins, it was unclear whether it was George or Fred Weasley, retaliated against the Slytherin team. They threw two Bludgers at Lent Robin, who dodged one and was hit on the shoulder by the second Bludger. "Bang", it looked like it was not light, it must be painful.

Less than ten minutes into the game, there were several fouls, even if Madam Hooch was shouting on the ground to keep both sides calm, it was still useless. Anyway, the people watching the game felt very satisfied. Now the two teams are in a stalemate, and neither has a clear advantage. It may still be like a normal Quidditch game, and the result of the game depends on the Seeker alone.

After Harry went to Ravenclaw, Gryffindor found a fourth-year boy to be the Seeker. It seems that his skills are good and he has helped Gryffindor win several times. As for Slytherin's Seeker, it is the same as in the original book, Draco Malfoy.

The two teams fought fiercely. In the 60th minute, Angelina Johnson was hit in the head by a Bludger and had to leave the field. The substitute came on. Then Gryffindor joined forces to send away Slytherin captain Flint and a Beater. Seeing the game getting more and more intense, Harry seemed to see a golden shadow flashing in the air.

"It's the Golden Snitch!" Everyone shouted, and soon, the two Seekers also saw the trace of the Golden Snitch. They all accelerated and chased after the Golden Snitch. Everyone cheered for them in unison. Of course, most of them cheered for the Gryffindor Seeker, Guyt Nimoy. There was no way, Gryffindor's reputation was much better than Slytherin.

However, it was obvious that Malfoy's chance of winning seemed much greater than Nimoy's. This had nothing to do with technology, but simply because Malfoy's father equipped the entire Slytherin team with the latest flying broom, Nimbus 001. So it can be seen that Draco Malfoy flies much faster than Nimoy. However, although the Seeker is important, the other players are not insignificant either. The sudden appearance of a Bludger disrupted Malfoy's flight trajectory. Nimoy took the opportunity to catch up and surpass Malfoy, reaching out to the Snitch. At this time, a Slytherin player rushed straight towards Nimoy, knocking him dizzy and almost falling off his broom. Malfoy took the opportunity to fly quickly and caught the Snitch firmly in his hand.

"Beep!" The whistle sounded, representing the end of the game. More than half of the people in the audience sighed in disappointment, while the Slytherins cheered loudly.

"If it weren't for Slytherin's last move, Gryffindor would definitely win!" Harry analyzed, and everyone around nodded in agreement. The Slytherin players circled back and forth on the court to celebrate. Harry was in no mood to watch them show off. After asking Vincent and the others, he set out on the road back to school alone.

Walking alone in the corridor, because everyone went to watch the game, the corridor was empty. Harry wanted to go to the library to read for a while, but after thinking about it, he decided to go to the Room of Requirement to practice spells. He had already learned the second level one magic, and he was going to ask Sherry to continue teaching him the third magic.

"Kill him!", "Attack!", Harry heard the voice again, and he hurriedly ran forward in the direction of the voice. Turning a corner, the intersection of this corridor, where Rachel Rowenda was attacked last time, had an accident again. Harry saw two figures hanging in the air above the corridor this time, one of which was a strange gray-white color. When he got closer, he found that the white figure was actually the ghost of Gryffindor, Nick who was almost headless. And a student next to him was looking forward with horror, as if he saw something terrible before the attack.

"Teacher, what should I do next?" Harry was a little panicked. After all, he was only a twelve-year-old boy. For such a vicious incident, he was both scared and nervous for a while, and didn't know what to do.

"Take out your wand and shoot red fireworks into the sky." Sherry said. He felt that the basilisk was far away, which meant that Harry was safe for the time being. "Don't touch these two people, wait for the teacher to deal with it."

Harry took out his wand obediently and pointed it at the sky. A red firework exploded in the sky, which was clearly visible even in the daytime. Dumbledore, who was originally smiling on the Quidditch field, twisted his figure and disappeared.

Harry's eyes blurred, and Dumbledore stood in front of him, looking at the man and the ghost who were fixed in the air with a serious face.

"Harry, you shouldn't act alone." Dumbledore said first, "Now, tell me the details."

"Harry, tell Dumbledore everything, everything, everything, including the sounds you heard." Sherry suddenly said.

Harry followed his instructions and carefully described how he found the incident, the sound behind the wall that only he could hear, and the violent content.

"You mean, you heard the sound behind the wall during the last attack? Where did you hear it?" Dumbledore asked.

"In the corridor outside the Ravenclaw common room," Harry said, "this time, it was behind the corner." Harry pointed in the direction he came from, and Dumbledore twisted his beard with his hand, looking thoughtful.

"Are they okay, Headmaster?" Harry asked Dumbledore, interrupting his thoughts.

"Of course, Harry. This student is just petrified like Miss Rowenda." Dumbledore put down the student in Hufflepuff uniform, and the same blood-red words took shape in the air, showing full of malice.

"The final purification is coming, prepare to accept your fate, mudbloods!"

Harry saw Dumbledore wave his hand slightly, and the line of handwriting was erased. He thought for a moment and asked a question, "Professor, do you know about the Chamber of Secrets?"

"There are many chambers of secrets in Hogwarts, Harry, many of which only exist in legends and are rarely or never seen by anyone." Dumbledore explained, "Including the chamber of secrets mentioned in the previous sentence. I have been here for so many years, but I have never seen this place with my own eyes." (To be continued)