
I became the new god of magic

Introduction to the work: When Sherry was shopping for bracelets online, she liked the mesh bracelet which she thought was unique. Spending a thousand Dollars to buy happiness, he is forced to experience strange world adventures one after another. When he occasionally looked back, he found that he had...

Alvarez_Rbk · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter 35 Daily Life

"How dare you insult the noble Malfoy family," Malfoy's face turned red with anger, "You dead fat pig!"

"Dare to say I'm fat? Tarotella dance!" Vincent hated being called fat the most, and Malfoy had hit him in the back. He was not polite either, and he cursed Malfoy's head. Malfoy dodged flexibly, causing one of the two strong boys behind him to be hit hard. His legs began to bounce involuntarily, and he danced a weird dance.

Harry's side was outnumbered, and it was clear that Malfoy was no match for them. Several first-year students from Slytherin rushed out at once, including a girl, who cast a spell directly at Hermione, causing Hermione's hair to tangle together, causing her to scream in pain. Of course, she didn't let the other party have an easy time, and a spell made the other party's face full of pimples, which was comparable to Hans' skin.

Ron was blocked by a tall boy, Vincent and the Feynman brothers were also separated, and Neville was knocked down at the beginning. In the battle circle, only Harry and Malfoy were still confronting each other.

The fight was earth-shattering, and the surrounding area was full of students from four colleges. Harry saw Professor McGonagall, who was trotting towards here. I guess Ravenclaw, Slytherin and Gryffindor will lose a lot of points today.

Regardless of other things, Harry was very puzzled. Where did this guy named Malfoy get such a big hostility towards him! Seeing him gritting his teeth, Harry felt like he was going to eat him. Professor McGonagall was getting closer and closer, and Harry raised his hand to send out a "tremor shock". Malfoy almost sent out a green spell at the same time, but Harry nimbly dodged it and hit a statue not far away, directly shoveling off half of the statue's head.

"Stop it!" Professor McGonagall roared, "Attacking each other in public and damaging the school's public property, everyone will be deducted 50 points."

The onlookers made way, and Professor McGonagall came over angrily. She waved her wand and separated the girls who were still fighting. "I am very disappointed in you. You actually cast malicious spells on your classmates."

"But professor, Malfoy..." Ron tried to put the blame on Slytherin, but Professor McGonagall was obviously not easy to fool.

"Okay, Mr. Weasley, no matter what the reason, you can't cast malicious spells on your classmates." She interrupted Ron, "Everyone will be deducted 50 points, and each person will be confined for a month. Your own dean will decide the location of the confinement. Now, everyone, disperse!"

The onlookers had seen enough of the excitement and dispersed one after another. The rumor that Harry had become a squib was naturally broken.

Professor McGonagall notified the deans of each college to come and pick up the people, and then kept criticizing everyone for being too impulsive and naive, and not considering the consequences at all. The worst loss this time was still Slytherin. Because they fought against the combined forces of Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, they were deducted 350 points at once. Then came Ravenclaw, who lost 200 points.

When Snape came over with a gloomy face, Harry almost saw that the air around him was almost frozen. He said nothing and led a group of Slytherins away. Then came Professor Flitwick, who looked much better than Snape, although his face was serious.

"I have to say, gentlemen, this is not a behavior worth promoting. I think Professor McGonagall's approach is very reasonable." Professor Flitwick said, "Your detention will officially start tomorrow, in my office, from 6pm to 9pm."

"No matter what the reason, it is very wrong to attack classmates. Violence cannot solve all problems. Instead, it will arouse hatred and confrontation, which will only make things worse." Professor Flitwick told a story, "In the past, there was a student who was smart and studious. Almost all professors were optimistic about this student and believed that he could bring more good changes to the wizarding world."

"However, this student was too eager for power. Later, his extreme pursuit of power led him to a dark path and brought great harm to the wizarding world." Professor Flitwick looked at the three of them seriously, or more accurately, at Harry, "Don't go down the same path as him."

Harry vaguely understood who Professor Flitwick was talking about, but Harry never thought that he would be with that person. He didn't understand why Professor Flitwick said this to him.

After that, Professor Flitwick dismissed them. Looking at the backs of Harry and the other four leaving, Professor Flitwick thought of the smart, polite and handsome boy again. He was smart and studious, and his understanding of magic was always inferred from one thing to another, and he could easily complete homework that seemed very difficult to most people. At that time, he was the most popular among the girls in the school and the favorite student of all teachers, without a doubt. But later, how did things evolve to that point?

The appearance of Harry Potter reminded Flitwick of that smart student again. Harry was almost the same as his performance in school, smart, studious, and had a deep understanding of magic, winning the love of almost all teachers (except Snape). This made Flitwick happy, but also alert. He was happy that a new star would appear in the next generation of the magic world, and he was alert that he would become the next Tom Riddle.

As Harry and his group walked on the road, people passing by saluted them. The Ravenclaw students, on the other hand, gave Harry and his four angry looks. Harry smiled bitterly. It seemed that bad things spread quickly. Ravenclaw already knew that because of him and his friends, Ravenclaw had lost a full 200 points.

Although everyone often told Harry that they didn't care too much about the extra points he was deducted by Snape. However, this time, it was completely the responsibility of the four of them. You know, at the end of the school year, the college with the highest score can win the college cup. This is a very rare honor, especially considering that Slytherin has won the honor for six consecutive years. Originally, Ravenclaw had the highest voice this year. It was cautious in all aspects, and this academic bully college kept adding points to its own college, which exceeded the other three colleges by a large margin. But now with such a deduction, Slytherin is at the bottom, Ravenclaw is second to last, Gryffindor is second, and the first place is actually Hufflepuff.

Of course, there are also a small number of boys who think that Harry and his friends are right. For those who come to provoke, they should be beaten back severely. However, this college is Ravenclaw, which focuses on knowledge and reason, rather than Gryffindor, which is famous for its bravery. Therefore, there are very few people who support Harry and his friends.

Next, Harry and his four companions found that they were isolated by the entire college. Everyone began to talk loudly in front of him deliberately, saying that if he didn't lose points, he would be invited to class.

Although these bothered Harry, they were not the most disturbing things for him. It has been almost a week since he came out of the infirmary, and Sherry still has no movement. He has never responded to Harry's call. If it weren't for the silver wristband still on Harry's wrist, Harry would think that his teacher had completely left.

Before going to bed every day, Harry would take off the wristband and put it on the windowsill to let it receive the moonlight. During the day, Harry worked harder to learn the knowledge taught by the professors, and added back his deducted points bit by bit. When he was free, he either soaked in the library or stayed in the Requirement Room to study hard about magic missiles.

Of course, not only Harry looked like he was trapped in the sea of ​​learning, but also Hermione. She always regretted her behavior that day and shouldn't have fought with that girl. She and Harry earned back the points they were deducted from various professors in the past month. Because of this, everyone looked at these two people with new eyes, and the academy's rejection of them became almost non-existent.

That day, Harry and his friends met in the library, and seven people occupied a large area. Madam Pince was used to this small group, but she just said "keep quiet" as usual and ignored them.

Ron and Neville's life was in dire straits this month. Hermione almost took up all their free time. Whether it was looking up information or completing homework, Hermione would bring these two with her, and would also check their homework, cutting off the possibility of them being deducted from all directions. It must be said that it was done very well. Even Neville's Potions class, which was most prone to problems, became much calmer because Hermione always chose to sit next to Neville.

"This is the place I least want to come to recently," Ron complained, "Harry has become almost like Hermione recently, and both seem to want to bury themselves in this mountain of books."

"There's nothing wrong with loving learning, Harry is doing the right thing," Hermione snorted, "He has been able to get extra points from the professor almost every day in class this month, and now Ravenclaw's score is almost higher than our Gryffindor. You know, they lost 50 points more than us."

Ron muttered in a low voice: "Nerd!" Hermione ignored him.

Harry found that the Feynman brothers had become very strange recently. I remember that there was something wrong with the two brothers a long time ago, but later too many things happened too fast for Harry to notice it. For example, now, the two brothers are constantly squeezing each other, trying to squeeze their brother out of the seat.

"I say, what's wrong with you two? If you keep doing this, will Madam Pince come over and scold you again?" Harry asked.

The two brothers paused, but did not speak, and it seemed that they did not want to tell the reason. Vincent wanted to say something, but was stopped by the eyes of the two brothers.

"They both like the same girl!" Hermione was on the side, lightly exposing the fact that the two brothers tried hard to cover up. (To be continued)