
I became the new god of magic

Introduction to the work: When Sherry was shopping for bracelets online, she liked the mesh bracelet which she thought was unique. Spending a thousand Dollars to buy happiness, he is forced to experience strange world adventures one after another. When he occasionally looked back, he found that he had...

Alvarez_Rbk · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter 32

"Don't make a sound, pretend nothing happened." Sherry said seriously, "It's obvious that this is a wizard who can transform into an animal, just like McGonagall. Ron said that this mouse has been in their house for ten years. Do you think this is a trivial matter?"

Harry then endured the discomfort and returned the mouse to Ron, and then apologized for his slipping hand and almost dropping this quiet and cute mouse. Ron calmly said that it was okay, saying that he had accidentally dropped this mouse countless times and nothing happened.

Harry forced himself to calm down, but he didn't know if it was an illusion, he always felt that this mouse seemed to be observing them.

After waiting for two hours, it was time for dinner. Harry sat at the long table and glanced at the teacher's seat. He didn't see Professor Flitwick, and he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. He originally wanted to tell Professor Flitwick about the long-lived mouse, and Professor Flitwick would definitely find something wrong. As long as he thought about a wizard who was willing to become a mouse, eat leftovers for mice every day, live in a nest prepared for mice, and persisted for ten years, he felt a chill in his heart. This mouse is now swaggering around his friend. If he has any ill intentions, then Ron... Thinking of this, Harry couldn't sit still. He stood up and walked quickly to the door.

"Harry, where are you going?" Vincent called from behind, "Aren't you going to dinner?"

"Leave me a few pies. I have to go out first." Harry waved his hand and left without looking back. Vincent looked at the Feynman brothers opposite, shrugged his shoulders, indicating that he didn't know what Harry had to do, and buried his head in the plate again.

After Harry walked out of the hall, he made sure that he had left the mouse's sight and ran faster. On the way, he met the two brothers Fred Weasley and George Weasley. Seeing Harry alone, the two troublemakers wanted to take this opportunity to take revenge. But Harry didn't have time to waste with them now, he silently shouted in his heart, "Teacher!"

Sherry understood, and Harry found that his right hand slapped forward uncontrollably, and pressed the Weasley brothers hard against the wall. Without time to be surprised by the effect of this spell, Harry ran through the corridor like the wind. It was not until Harry ran a long distance that the two red-haired troublemakers fell from the wall.

"George, are you okay?" "Fred, are you okay?"

"This kid is a bit weird!" said one of the twins.

"Yes, yes! He seems to know a lot of strange magic that I have never seen before." The other nodded in response.

"But this can't defeat the great Weasley brothers,..." said the previous Weasley.

The other Weasley continued, "We will definitely take revenge."

Harry didn't know what the funny twin brothers said after he left, and he couldn't run anymore. Harry began to walk slowly, resting while walking, and then running again after walking for a while, and soon arrived at Professor Flitwick's door.

After taking a breath, Harry knocked on the door heavily, "Professor Flitwick, are you in there?"

"Click!" The door opened by itself, and Professor Flitwick was eating his dinner. When he saw Harry's flustered and breathless appearance, he knew that something serious might have happened.

"What's wrong, Harry?" Professor Flitwick immediately stood up, put down the tableware in his hand, stretched out his hand, and the coat hanging on the hanger flew into his hand, and he casually put it on his body.

"Professor!" Harry was a little embarrassed. He didn't expect Professor Flitwick to react so strongly, but now he could only bite the bullet and continue, "I have a very bad feeling, and I want to ask you to take a look at the rat of my friend, Ron Weasley of Gryffindor."

"Rat?" Professor Flitwick also looked a little confused. After Harry told him about Quirrell last time, he had a careful discussion with Dumbledore. Dumbledore took Harry's headache very seriously, and he himself also felt a strong breath of dark magic on Harry's scar. After discussion, Dumbledore had preliminarily determined that Quirrell was related to Voldemort, who had disappeared for a long time, and asked him to pay close attention to and protect Harry. So when Harry came to him, he was ready.

"I'm sorry, Professor Flitwick, but I don't think that rat seems to be a rat. It..." Harry seemed a little hesitant. He had no concrete evidence to prove that Ron's rat was not a rat. Even if he believed in his teacher's judgment a hundred times, it was obviously not a reason that could be said openly.

"It doesn't look like a mouse?" Flitwick was a little amused, thinking that this might be the oversensitivity of the child. After what happened to Quirrell, he was a little paranoid. If the mouse didn't look like a mouse, what else could it be? A human?

"Yes, Professor." Harry was a little desperate now. Anyway, since the mouse was definitely not a human, his crazy talk would soon become a fact, and there was nothing to be ashamed of. "Ron told me that the mouse in their house has lived for at least ten years."

"More than ten years?" Flitwick's expression was no longer as relaxed as before, but rather a little serious, "This is not the lifespan of a mouse."

"I think so too, Professor." Harry looked a little hesitant, "And, and when I hold this mouse in my hand, it doesn't feel like holding a mouse, but more like, more like touching a person."

"A person?" Flitwick became completely serious, "What's going on, by what method? Are you sure it's a person?"

"I can't tell," Harry stammered, "It's like a simple feeling, a feeling without any evidence at all."

"Feeling?" Flitwick thought, I haven't heard of the Potter family having this kind of bloodline! But for this kind of thing, it's better to believe it than not. He grabbed a handful of Floo powder and threw it into the fireplace, and stuck his head in, "Professor McGonagall, can you come to my office for a moment?"

Soon, Professor McGonagall, wearing a dark green wizard robe, walked out of the fireplace. "Good evening, Professor Flitwick. Good evening, Mr. Potter."

"Good evening, Professor McGonagall." Harry also hurriedly greeted.

"What's up? Professor Flitwick, I'm grading papers." Professor McGonagall always had a serious face, Harry rarely saw her smile, and she was also the second most feared teacher by students.

"Mr. Potter told me something, I think it's better to listen to the opinions of professionals!" Professor Flitwick motioned Harry to repeat it, so Harry told the story from beginning to end.

"Ten years?" Professor McGonagall obviously thought that mice couldn't live that long, even mice in the magic world. "Wh

at does that mouse look like? Describe it in detail."

"It's about this long," Harry gestured with his hands, "It's grayish in color, and it's losing a lot of hair. It always looks like it's sleeping and has no energy. Oh, by the way, its left front paw is missing the second toe."

"You said you felt that touching it was like touching a human being?" McGonagall asked.

"Yes," Harry replied.

"Have you ever had this kind of induction before?" McGonagall seemed to want to confirm whether Harry had any talent for perception or prophecy.

"This," Harry hesitated, "No!"

"Okay! I know, Mr. Potter," McGonagall said, "Hurry back to the hall for dinner! I'll take time to see Weasley's mice." She spoke carelessly, and it seemed that she didn't take it seriously.

"But professor..." Harry wanted to say something else to attract the attention of the two professors.

"Okay, Mr. Potter, go! We'll take care of this matter," Professor Flitwick also said.

"Okay, professor!" Harry was a little depressed, and after saluting, he left directly.

He did not go to the hall again. At this time, the meal should have been finished. He could only hope that Vincent really brought him a pie. Otherwise, he would have to sleep hungry all night. Fortunately, the fat boy was quite reliable and brought Harry a few pies, although he ate all the two that Harry had left.

The next day was Saturday. Harry slept until almost lunch time, and then he got up lazily to wash up. After lunch, Harry and his friends went to the library to kill some time and did some homework. As the sky gradually darkened, Harry and his group all came to Hagrid's wooden house. After one night, they found that there were more places in Hagrid's house that had been burned by fire. It seems that sending this dragon away is urgent.

Hagrid took out a large wooden box and put a thick soft cushion in it, then a few large pieces of raw meat, and a rag doll.

"Oh! My poor Norbert, you have to leave your mother at such a young age. I don't know if you will have enough to eat in the future!" Hagrid said goodbye to the little dragon with tears and snot, while the latter was busy tearing the rag doll apart.

"Okay, Hagrid, we are sending it to where it should go. It will live well there." Hermione tried to comfort Hagrid, but it was obviously ineffective. Finally, when everyone lifted the wooden box out of the door, he looked very sad and even collapsed on the chair.

Trying hard to ignore Hagrid's loud crying, Harry and Ron carried the wooden box out. The two of them walked in the middle of the team, and Hermione supported them on the side. When they were approaching the castle gate, Vincent and the others covered Harry and his head with the invisibility cloak. (To be continued)