
I became the new god of magic

Introduction to the work: When Sherry was shopping for bracelets online, she liked the mesh bracelet which she thought was unique. Spending a thousand Dollars to buy happiness, he is forced to experience strange world adventures one after another. When he occasionally looked back, he found that he had...

Alvarez_Rbk · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter 20 Daily College Life (Part 2)

When Harry rushed to the classroom, class was almost over. He found that there were almost no people in the classroom, and he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. Realizing that it seemed that the professor hadn't arrived yet, Harry randomly chose an empty seat in the front row and sat down.

When it was almost three o'clock, everyone was here, but the professor still didn't come. Just when everyone was relaxing and the atmosphere started to get noisy, a tabby cat that had been sitting on the desk for a long time jumped up and turned into a tall, elderly woman with a serious face. She was none other than Vice-Principal Professor McGonagall. , that is, Harry's Transfiguration teacher.

"You didn't come together until half an hour after class. Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff will deduct five points each to improve your memory." She said sternly, "Since this is your first class. For the sake of class, there will be no additional punishment. Next time whoever dares to be late for my class, I will turn him into an owl."

She waved her wand and the desk turned into a unicorn, one that looked alive. The forehead is full of sharp corners with spiral patterns, the big watery eyes, the loose and smooth mane on the neck, and the whole body exudes a milky white hazy light, which looks both sacred and noble. Professor McGonagall waved her magic wand again, turning the unicorn into a pig, which kept snorting, and then turned into a horse, deer, dog, etc., and finally turned back into a lecture table. Her hand calmed all the students, including Harry, who were both yearning for and in awe of this kind of magic.

Professor McGonagall looked at the expressions on the students' faces with satisfaction. She said: "Transfiguration is the most complex and dangerous type of magic you have learned. To reach the highest level, you not only need outstanding wizard talent. , what's more important is practice and study day after day."

"Now, let's learn your first magic. Use your mind to turn a match into a needle." She took out a handful of matches and threw them down. The matches separated by themselves and fell to each student. on the table.

"Now, take out your wands," Professor McGonagall signaled, "point the tip of the wand at the match in any way you feel comfortable with. The important thing is the idea. You must be very clear about the idea of ​​turning the match into a needle. , keep this idea unshakable until the match literally turns into a needle."

Everyone took out their wands and tried to turn matches into needles according to Professor McGonagall's instructions. Harry took out his wand and pointed at the match on the table, thinking in his mind that the match in front of him would turn into a needle.

However, even though it hurt to stare, the match remained unchanged. Harry couldn't help but poke the match with the tip of his wand, and it suddenly lit up, which startled him.

Until the end of get out of class, no one made any progress, and everyone walked out of the classroom dejectedly. Until the afternoon meal in the Great Hall, both houses Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff were feeling gloomy. In fact, if they paid more attention, they would see that the Slytherin and Gryffindor students were equally frustrated. The other senior students laughed secretly in their hearts, knowing that the professors were using their power to deal with the freshmen again.

"Teacher, do you think I'm particularly useless?" Harry couldn't help but ask in his mind, "According to Professor McGonagall, this is the simplest form of transformation magic. If I can't even learn this, He will definitely become the worst student in Ravenclaw. What if, if, after a month, he cannot answer the question outside the common room..."

"Harry!" Sherry shouted sternly, "You are not only a wizard, you must also remember that you are a mage. What are the most basic qualities of a mage? Have you forgotten it? In just over a month, Time, you just threw away all these?"

Harry shuddered, as if someone had poured cold water on his head. The previous frustration and lack of confidence suddenly disappeared without a trace, replaced by guilt and uneasiness.

"What are the basic qualities of a mage? What have I taught you? Say it to me loudly in your mind." In order to prevent witchcraft from hindering Harry's motivation to learn spells, Sherry took a strong medicine.

"If you forget, then forget about me and the magic from now on, and live a peaceful and peaceful life as your savior!"

"I'm sorry, teacher! I was wrong!" Harry's voice sounded extremely aggrieved, "I will never dare to forget your teachings again. I promise to review them carefully every day when I get up. Don't be angry."

In the past two years, Harry had regarded Sherry as his closest relative besides his parents, whom he had never met. He taught himself spells and changed his status in the Dursley family. He celebrates birthdays and festivals with him. It is his teacher who makes him no longer so lonely in this world. Harry didn't know what he would do without his teacher. Should he continue to be bullied at the Dursley's and live a miserable life, or should he be unable to bear the temptation to run away from home one day and live on the streets ever since? And Sherry had never been so angry before. It really frightened Harry. His eyes suddenly turned red and tears were about to come out.

"Don't blame me for being harsh, Harry!" Sherry's voice softened. After all, he was still just a child in his early eleven years and could only follow the guidance. "Spells and witchcraft are two completely different magic systems. Any spellcaster in your current situation would go crazy with joy, even Dumbledore, who is known as the greatest wizard."

"Compared to the vast majority of wizards in this world, you are lucky. Don't live up to this luck." Sherry said, "How long did it take you to learn the first zero-level trick? Do you think today's transformation technique? Which one is more difficult?"

Harry originally wanted to say that transfiguration was more difficult, but Sherry had just been angry. He was afraid that he had said that witchcraft was better than spells, so he did not dare to speak the truth, so he just hesitated and said: " Yes Yes...."

"Of course, transfiguration is more difficult, because it also involves the transformation of material forms." Sherry knew Harry's little thoughts and directly told the truth from his heart. "It took you nearly three months to learn the dancing light technique. But you want to learn magic that is several times more difficult in just a few dozen minutes of class?"

Harry felt a lot more relaxed all of a sudden, at least he proved that he was not an idiot. He was very grateful to his teacher for enlightening and teaching him. At the same time, he felt in his heart that he was more suitable to be a teacher than Professor McGonagall. At least Sherry will not ask students to do impossible things as soon as they come up.

"You must always remember the basic qualities of mages and what mages regard as their fundamental strength. Even in this world full of witchcraft, I believe these will help you a lot." Sherry finally said seriously said.

"The basic qualities of a mage are wisdom and reason." Harry repeated Sherry's words in a low voice in his heart, "What we pursue is always the truth of the world. Our fundamental strength always comes from our accumulated wisdom. , and our humble and calm hearts."

Harry was immersed in his own world, but he didn't know that a rumor had just spread to the surrounding tables. Harry's eyes suddenly turned red just now, and he was about to shed tears. Many over-brained people have come to the conclusion that the savior is an idiot who was made to cry by the first lesson today. When the little fat man came to care about Harry, some people looked at Harry with contempt and pride. Anyway, although I didn't make much progress in class, I didn't cry at least, right? From this point of view, it seems that he is already better than the famous savior.

People are so boring and always like to look for a sense of superiority from the weaknesses of others. Harry used to be a legend and an idol to them, but when you find that your idol is not as good as you, can you still regard him as an idol? This problem is such a reality. Trampling people who are originally aloof can satisfy people's psychology and give them pleasure.

When Harry heard this rumor from the little fat man, and then looked at the eyes of the people around him, he was very angry and glared at those who looked at him mockingly. Instead of feeling guilty or apologetic, those people puffed out their chests and looked at him provocatively.

Harry really wanted to give these people a "shock" and teach them a lesson, but he remembered Sherry's teaching just now and suddenly felt a little boring. He just closed his eyes, opened them, and finished his dinner calmly. After inviting Vincent to go to the library together and receiving a negative answer, he set foot on the road to the library based on the map.

Harry's concession gave those who provoked a clear victory. They themselves rejoice in their hearts, cheering for their victory over the Savior, even if this victory is so ridiculous and ignorant.

Harry found the library based on the map, randomly picked out a book that he could understand, found a seat and started reading.

After an unknown amount of time, three more people sat down next to Harry. Harry looked up and found that it was Hermione and the three of them. It had only been a day since they were separated, but it seemed as long as ten days and a half.

"Are you okay? Harry!" Hermione asked cautiously.

Seeing the undisguised concern on the three people's faces, Harry suddenly felt a lot better.

"I'm fine!" Harry replied with a smile, and Ron and the others breathed a sigh of relief. What those people said just now in the auditorium really made them furious. Neville almost threw his toad at a boy who was pretending to make Harry cry.

"I just happened to think of a sad thing at that time, so I was a little sad. Now I am much better. Thank you, Neville, Ron and Hermione." Harry said gratefully.

"Fred and George didn't believe the rumor either," Ron added. "They thought you might have been frightened by Peeves rather than the lessons."

"Then I really thank them for believing in me!" Harry wanted to roll his eyes to the sky, but considering that Ron was right in front of him, he held it back. When Hermione confirmed that Harry was indeed fine, she had already borrowed a tome and sat aside to read it. (To be continued)