
I became the new god of magic

Introduction to the work: When Sherry was shopping for bracelets online, she liked the mesh bracelet which she thought was unique. Spending a thousand Dollars to buy happiness, he is forced to experience strange world adventures one after another. When he occasionally looked back, he found that he had...

Alvarez_Rbk · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter 16 Branch (Part 2)

The three Nevilles saw that Harry used his right hand to gently brush his head from a distance, and then the messy hair suddenly became clean and refreshing. I tried to put down the hand covering my nose, and found that the stinking air had returned to its original state.

"Are you..., some kind of magic?" Ron asked in surprise, "And you didn't even use a wand?"

"No, it's just a little thing left by parents. It has some special functions," Harry explained. "For example, it has small functions such as keeping yourself groomed and tidy at all times. It has no other big functions."

"Oh!" Ron looked disappointed. He still seemed to hope that the savior would be something unusual.

Several people exchanged names, identity information, etc. with each other. The girl with hair that looks like a ball of yarn is a wizard from a purely ordinary family, her name is Hermione Granger. The round-faced boy is Neville Longbottom, who comes from an ancient wizarding family. There is also Ron Weasley, who comes from a pure-blood magical family - the Weasley family.

"Harry Potter!" Hermione and Neville were just as surprised as Ron at that time. Hermione said in surprise, "I have read about you in almost all the books introducing the wizarding world. To think that I would meet you by such a coincidence!"

"Yes, almost every child who grew up in the wizarding world knows stories about you." Neville hugged the toad and looked at Harry excitedly, while Ron nodded crazily. To be honest, Harry really didn't understand that there was anything about him that deserved them to look at him like this.

"I don't want to talk about saviors. Please don't treat me as some great person. I'm not. Like Hermione, I also come from an ordinary person's environment. Just treat me as an ordinary person. Just like a little wizard from home, okay?" Harry said.

"Of course!" Hermione said first. After all, she didn't grow up in the wizarding world. She rarely heard Harry Potter stories and lacked a sense of immersion. It is difficult for Ron and Neville to do this. From the excited expressions on their faces from time to time, it can be seen that these two people are still excited that they have met the savior!

"So, Hermione, have you ever thought about going to that academy?" Harry asked Hermione.

"Of course I have thought about it. The house I want to go to the most is undoubtedly Gryffindor. I have read in the book that this house has produced many famous figures. For example, Gryffindor is known as the greatest wizard of our time. Dumbledore is from Gryffindor." Hermione replied: "But I think Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff are also good, as long as they are not Slytherin, they are pretty good."

"Ron?" Harry looked at Ron.

"Ugh! Our family is all from Gryffindor, including my parents and all my brothers. If I went to another house, my mother would definitely send me a roaring letter that could shake the whole school down. Ron said, shaking his body, "I once encountered someone who received a roaring letter. The scene was simply..." He shook his head, saying that he couldn't bear to look back.

"What about you? Neville? Do you want to go to Gryffindor too?" Harry asked Neville.

"Yes," Neville said hesitantly, "My grandma and uncle all hope that I can enter Gryffindor. Because everyone in our family comes from this academy. Ravenclaw It's not bad, my uncle was once a top student in this college, and he told me that this is a very suitable place to study." He hesitated and said: "Actually...actually, I am most afraid of entering Slytherin."

"Slytherin?" Ron's face was filled with disgust as if he had heard something dirty. "This academy specializes in dark wizards, mysterious people and his followers. Most of them graduated from this academy. If I were to go to this academy, I think I would rather be sent home."

"But you and I are both pure-bloods, aren't we? Just in case, I mean just in case..." Neville looked extremely worried, as if he was very likely to be sent to Slytherin.

"Nothing goes wrong, I will definitely get into Gryffindor." Ron retorted fiercely, looking at Neville angrily, as if he was offended. Neville shrank back again, and Hermione stood in front of Neville with a fierce look on her face, looking at Ron fiercely. Ron muttered something softly, too quietly to be heard.

Harry didn't understand that something so outrageous could cause conflict. He tried to resist the urge to roll his eyes and said to the three of them: "The first thing I want to go to is Ravenclaw, then Hufflepuff, the third is Gryffindor, and finally Slytherin."

"How can you put Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff in front of Gryffindor?" Ron almost jumped up. "Of course you should come to Gryffindor. This is the best house." ."

"I believe that every college is the best college," Harry said, which is what Sherry said to him. "They have also trained countless outstanding and powerful wizards. Hogwarts has four colleges instead of one. , there must be value that exists in every college, and I believe the school will assign us to a college that suits us."

Hermione sounded like she was convinced, but Ron still looked unconvinced, and even the soft-tempered Neville looked hesitant to speak.

"Okay! I know we all think our choice is the best, and no one can convince anyone else. Why don't we just change the topic? Why don't we talk about ourselves and what happened in the past?" Harry came up with an idea.

"It sounds very interesting. It's better than the quarrel just now." Hermione first agreed, and then Ron and Neville nodded.

"Okay! Hermione, let's start with you first!" Harry said.

Then Hermione began to talk about many things that happened before she received the notice, including her childhood, schooling, etc. During this period, because it involved a lot of special vocabulary from the ordinary world, Harry and Hermione had to explain a lot of things about the ordinary world to them. Ron and Neville, these two "bumpkins" in the wizarding world, were shocked to death.

"So, those Muggles can really talk to each other from far apart?" Ron looked incredulous, "My dad is quite good at Muggle things, but I've never heard him mention it. "

"Yes, that's called a telephone. It transmits sound through telephone lines. It allows people thousands of miles apart to hear each other's voices." Harry explained. He didn't know the specific principle of a telephone, and he never heard of it in school. I've never been taught this, and I've never used a phone. The Dursleys always prohibited him from getting close to places like telephones and televisions.

Then Ron told some interesting things about his childhood. For example, when he was two years old, George and Fred put a spider on him, which frightened him into a magical riot and almost overturned the entire kitchen. . Although his parents gave the twins a good beating in the end, Ron has been filled with an unspeakable fear of spiders ever since.

Neville said that he had been stupid since he was a child, and his family and relatives were all anxious about him, fearing that he would be a squib unable to use magic. In order to stimulate his magic, his family went to any lengths, and his grandmother was even more strict with him. Once, his uncle pushed him into a lake just to see if he could inspire magic.

When Hermione heard this, her face looked in disbelief and horror, and Harry suddenly felt that he seemed to feel a lot better. Although the Dursleys treated him very badly, they really hated him and hated himself. Sherry thought it was normal. From the memories passed down to him by the magic network, in another world, more extreme and evil things were very common in order to gain power. Living sacrifices, summoning of demons and demons occurred from time to time. Rather than gaining power, not getting the power you think you should get makes people more likely to go to extremes. Many warlock families fell into despair because of this, and finally embarked on the dark road of destruction.

Fortunately, Neville managed to fly to the ground during an accidental fall (Hermione asked where the luck came from). Neville's family and relatives breathed a sigh of relief.

When it was Harry's turn, Harry talked about something from his childhood. For example, in order to avoid being chased by a group of dogs (actually chased by Dali and his followers), he suddenly flew from the road to the chimney. Regarding Dursley's disgust for him and the suffering he suffered, he didn't reveal anything at all. After all, it was only the first time for him to meet these people, and he was not very familiar with them, so it felt very inappropriate to say this.

Sherry felt very pleased. His teachings had played a very important role. I remember that when he first came to this world, Harry was still a person who was bullied by his cousin and a group of bad boys all day long. He was gloomy and silent all day long, giving people a very low feeling. But under Sherry's two years of education, Harry finally got out of the shadow of the past and became like a normal child again. If Harry was still the gloomy person he was before, he would die without making friends with these people.

Ron and Harry helped Neville and Hermione move their luggage into the carriage where Harry and the others were. Then everyone enjoyed a sumptuous lunch, talked for a while, and then each leaned on their seats to rest for a while.

By the time Harry woke up, the other three people had already woken up. The sky outside had darkened, but the train was still running.

"Who knows how far away Hogwarts is? It's already dark. When can we get there?" Harry asked.

"I asked the conductor and he said it will be at least another hour." Hermione replied without raising her head. She was reading a large book in trance. Neville and Ron were gathered together, whispering something. (To be continued)