
I became the new god of magic

Introduction to the work: When Sherry was shopping for bracelets online, she liked the mesh bracelet which she thought was unique. Spending a thousand Dollars to buy happiness, he is forced to experience strange world adventures one after another. When he occasionally looked back, he found that he had...

Alvarez_Rbk · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter 12 Shopping

"Of course." Griphook replied: "The Potter family's treasury was registered in Gringotts by the ancestors of the Potter family. It belongs exclusively to the Potter family to preserve their wealth. After the death of the previous head of the family, James Potter, After that, the ownership of the vault will be automatically transferred to Harry Potter, who is his direct bloodline, that is, you, Mr. Potter."

"So this is really what my parents left me?" Harry felt a little sad, "Why haven't I heard of it before?"

"Because Mr. Potter was too young back then, the key was kept by a wizard who was recognized as highly respected." Griphook explained.

"Who?" Harry was curious. To be able to keep such an important thing for their family, he must be very familiar with his parents and must know a lot about his parents.

"Dumbledore!" Griphook said the name solemnly, and it was not difficult to hear the respect in his words.

"Even among non-human magical races, does Dumbledore have such a high reputation?" Sherry thought to himself. If he wants to achieve his goal, Dumbledore is a mountain that cannot be bypassed. Judging from the current situation, he has no chance of winning.

"Dumbledore? Who is that?" Harry said that he had never heard of this name before, although it felt quite familiar.

"You just saw his name on your admission notice this morning!" Sherry reminded him.

"Oh! Yes!" Harry remembered that it was the principal who had countless titles that sounded very awesome. He didn't expect that he would be related to his parents.

Griphook had used the goblin's special magic to summon a small pulley from the depths of the passage, and then explained to Harry: "The location of each vault is different, so to get there, the cart used is the same. It's different. Some cars can go to the second level underground, and some can go to the deepest level underground. The Harry family's vault is quite far down, and it will take us a while to get there. Now, Mr. Potter, please Get in the car!" He stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation.

Harry climbed onto the pulley, which looked unsafe. There were no walls around the car, just a few lonely iron railings, which barely acted as a barrier. Sherry didn't quite understand. This old car was divided into levels, so he couldn't feel it at all!

"Hold on tight!" Sherry, who knew what was going to happen next, wanted to shed tears of sympathy for Harry. He didn't know if there would be any psychological shadow. He would never come to Gringotts to withdraw money again. Seven I spent the whole school year relying on begging (just kidding).

Griphook climbed into the driving position and said to Harry: "Please hold on tight, Mr. Potter, we are about to set off."

Although he didn't know what was about to happen, Harry had a bad premonition. He reached out and grabbed the surrounding iron railings tightly, as if he was trying to tear them off.

As the pull ring pulled down the wrench, the car slowly started and drove towards the depths of the passage. The car picked up speed very quickly, and the torches on both sides quickly formed a line in Harry's eyes. The wind blowing against his face made Harry's breathing difficult.

"Ah!" Harry screamed, and the car suddenly broke away from the ground, "falling" underground from the completely suspended track. Sherry was sweating in his heart: "Oh my god, the person who designed the track is simply a talent. The nearly 90-degree corner feels almost like a free fall."

The underground space seemed very empty. The tracks were crisscrossing in the air. There was no pattern at all. They turned left, turned right, rose, and fell vertically. It always seemed so sudden and unprepared. Harry's screams never stopped. Pass. Sherry thought: "No wonder it is said that Gringotts is the safest place besides Hog Oats. It is not unreasonable. With the complexity of this road, remembering it is simply challenging the limits of humans, let alone goblins." These anti-theft spells they cast."

Along the way, the car passed a waterfall, a fire ring, and a passage with walls made of mirrors. Needless to say, these are probably the means used by goblins to prevent theft. I have to say, it was very impressive. Sherry almost showed his true form in the mirror (a silver net with flowing light). Fortunately, Sherry restrained his magic fluctuations in time, so the secret was not exposed.

After about ten minutes, the car finally stopped. Harry stopped screaming midway and kept his mouth shut. Now at the end of the field, he finally couldn't bear it anymore. With a "crash" sound, he lay down beside the car and vomited all over the place.

"Tsk, tsk!" Sherry thought gloatingly, "He should be reminded to eat less breakfast."

The nausea stopped only when Harry felt like his stomach had been vomited. After taking a few breaths, Harry felt that he had returned to the human world.

Griphook stood aside all the time, his face not showing any signs of movement. He didn't know whether it was because he had seen it too much or something, but he was not moved at all. Seeing that Harry had calmed down, he stretched out his hand to guide the way, "Please go this way!"

Sherry felt that this place should be very deep underground. The surrounding vaults were relatively scattered. They all had a hole drilled out of the original hard rock, and then a door was installed at the exit. I have to say that this method of collecting wealth is very similar to the Dragon Clan in Sherry's memory! The difference is probably that the Dragon Clan has never used the concept of a door, and except for black dragons, few dragons will make their homes underground.

Griphook took Harry straight to one of the vaults, and soon arrived at the gate.

"Mr. Potter, please take out your key!" Griphook stepped forward and gently touched the metal door. A faint layer of light and shadow dispersed like water waves, and then he said to Harry.

Harry took out the key that Snape threw to him. At that time, he threw it directly into Harry's arms like a red-hot coal, not wanting to touch it for even a second longer. Harry followed Griphook's instructions and slowly inserted a third of the key.

"Turn it once in the clockwise direction, twice in the counterclockwise direction, and then insert another third of it, and then..." After a series of operations that could make people's heads wrap around, the door finally opened. . Along with a flash of green light, a burst of golden light suddenly appeared in front of Harry's eyes.

I saw gold and silver coins piled up randomly like a hill, and then there were various scrolls, books, vases and other things placed in specially dug grids on the wall. Gems and crystals were also everywhere. Harry opened his mouth wide and looked at all this in surprise. He couldn't believe that it was all his. He suddenly thought that this was left to him by his parents whom he had never met, and he couldn't help but blush. Sherry could feel Harry's sadness, but he didn't know how to comfort him. At this time, anything he said felt a bit redundant.

After Harry calmed down, Sherry said: "Okay, Harry, you will have plenty of time to appreciate it later. Now, take some money and go back to the ground! Don't forget, Snape is still here Waiting for you, he doesn't look like a patient person."

Thinking about Snape's face that kept strangers away from him and the venom in his mouth, Harry had to admit that Sherry was right. He asked Griphook for advice and found out the conversion relationship of the magic world's coins, as well as the purchasing power compared with the British pound. He took some of Nat, Siko, and Galleon, and then followed Griphook back to the ground.

Maybe it was because he had already felt it once when he came down, or more likely because Harry had nothing to throw up, so he felt okay, not as sore as when he came in. Sherry noticed that when he went back, he took a completely different path. Although it also passed through various similar magic mechanisms, the magic fluctuations were obviously different from when they came.

Snape was standing where he watched Harry leave, as if he had never moved, but Sherry was sure that he must have gone to fetch another precious treasure after Harry left.

The Philosopher's Stone, also called the Philosopher's Stone. Possessing the ability to turn stone into gold and greatly extending lifespan can be said to be one of the most valuable things in the Harry Potter world. Thinking that this treasure was close at hand, Sherry was filled with impulse. He wished he could kill Snape in one moment, grab the Sorcerer's Stone and run away. This magic stone should be enough for him to achieve considerable repair and growth.

However, as a mage, his reason always suppresses this impulse. Now there are many powerful characters staring at this magic stone, among which the Dark Lord and Dumbledore are the first to bear the brunt. Besides, Sherry is not necessarily Snape's opponent at this stage, so he has no choice but to stay put and see if things turn around.

"I thought Mr. Savior was dazzled by his family's treasury and wanted to stay underground with those treasures for the rest of his life!" He curled his lips sarcastically, turned around and left, "It seems you still have some brains. , hurry up and catch up."

Harry didn't dare to answer, so he had to jog to keep up with Snape. And Snape didn't have the slightest idea of ​​taking care of the child, and strode forward without slowing down at all.

Snape took Harry to Ollivander's Wand Shop first. After a series of small-scale disaster selections, Harry got an eleven-inch wand with a holly body and phoenix tail feathers. A wand with a core. Then Harry was taken to the robe shop, potion materials and equipment shop, and bought a lot of things that he would use in the future. Perhaps because Snape taught potions, he directly selected various models of potion tools and potion materials of various qualities, without giving Harry a chance to express his opinion. Finally, Harry panted and followed Snape, carrying packages of all sizes, to the bookstore. (To be continued)