
I became Godzilla in the world of superheroes

Hi everyone, my name is Adam and I lived an ordinary life until the day when my friend suggested that I watch movies about Godzilla and the Monster Universe.

AlastorMorningstar · Fantasy
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10 Chs


Godzilla Island.1945.

  Hi my name is James and I am a research scientist.Recently we found an anomalous territory in the Pacific Ocean.And in order to study this territory, a scientific research group was sent, but they didn't turn around and we couldn't even get in touch because of the electro-magnetic fields, the only thing we could find during a week of searching around this area was photos from the film that was in the bag that was found in a small raft with some records.In which it was described that behind the fog of this territory there is an island in which there is an unusual local fauna.And in the photos you could see some familiar plant species, but they seemed to have evolved there.And there were unusual stones with a blue-bluish glow, literally every particle of the island was like that.And when the records began to write about in the objects of life, it was interrupted and there was blood on the page.


  We shared these recordings with the government.The government is interested in an unusual stone.Because of this, they sponsored an expedition team, among which I was.We went to this territory in the middle of the ocean.When we entered the territory of the fog, we saw almost nothing.We swam like that for about a week, then suddenly the rays of the sun hit our eyes and began to swim in that direction.When we came out of the fog, we saw just a fabulous island, the island was very beautiful and big. 

  Strange creatures similar to dragons from legends were flying in the sky (creatures from the anime Godzilla Earth, and also our planet Earth is very large that the moon in the sky can be seen only once a week.)I thought that after Captain America, nothing could surprise me.We moored closer to the island and sailed to the shore by boats.When we entered the island, we began to create a temporary base.The next day we went deep into the island, I was surprised by the fork of the local fauna.I decided to take a plant specimen , but my knife split on a leaf of the plant, then everyone was surprised.We tried to cut off at least a leaf .But all the knives broke.After that, we continued on our way but cautiously.By nightfall we decided to stop.It was quiet at night.The next day we decided to climb the mountain.But on the way there, we were attacked by monsters.We started to retreat, and the soldiers started shooting at them.Their bullets didn't take, their skin looked just like armor.Everyone started running away, the soldiers couldn't stop them for at least 15 seconds.They were killed almost instantly.The faster we retreated, nevertheless, the people who fled began to disappear one by one.When I approached the shore and wanted to make a signal, I saw our ship being attacked by monsters.At that moment I was desperate, I had already accepted what would happen next.The sounds of footsteps began to come from the forest.I was already resigned to everything and expected my death.But something flew out of the bushes at me and stuck into the side of my neck.When I pulled out what got into my neck, I realized that it was a tranquilizer, then I blacked out.

  When I opened my eyes, there was a white ceiling in front of me.

- Am I dead?

- no.You're still alive.

  I was surprised to receive an answer, I got up from my seat and looked at where the voice was coming from.There was a man standing there somewhere in appearance 60-70 years old.

- Hello stranger, it looks like you've come to your senses.You probably have a lot of questions.

"I... this."..


"Haha, it looks like you're hungry.Follow me.

  I felt a little ashamed because my stomach rumbled during our conversation.But I followed this old man.And walk along the corridors, I was more and more surprised by what I saw here, the doors themselves opened and closed.There were even robot assistants.And not only that, there were so many technologies that can be seen only in the pictures of books in the genre of fiction.But at some point the old man stopped and looked through the window and said.

- Oh, these kids are racing again.

  After these words, I looked through the window and saw something that I could never imagine there were tall buildings, flying cars and motorcycles.And in the middle of it all was a large statue of a monster.Which I didn't pay much attention to.The old man and I continued our way to the dining room.And there, too, everything looked different, they give you a menu and you choose the dish you want, after your order is ready, the food itself arrives on a plate to you.And seeing all this, I thought very hard.After all, I was only yesterday if that's the case, I was running from creatures who wanted to kill me.But here I wake up in a mysterious place that literally seems to have come out of the books of the genre of fiction.And I really wanted to ask a very important question.

- I'm sorry, but I just want to ask one question, although it may be strange.

- Well, you can ask.

- Did I happen to be in the future?

  After my question, the old man looked at me with a look that literally said "Are you a fool?".And that look made me feel like an idiot.

- no.You are still on the island of our God right now.

- what?I'm still on the island of no...how.. It's you..

- Have we developed so much than the outside world?

- yes. 

-It's simple, we were able to develop thanks to our God.

- God?Are you believers?Are you some kind of tribe?

- Yes, we are the Goji tribe.And our God Godzilla is our Earth.He keeps the balance in the whole world, and destroys everything that harms our planet.It was he who taught our ancestors many millions of years ago to survive, create, build and protect.

- So your tribe has already existed for many millions of years, and you call your God.The incarnation of God.And he helped you develop in exchange for what.

- In exchange for protection.

- That he helped you to protect you?And what are you supposed to protect?

- We have to protect him.Or rather, his sleep while he sleeps, we must make sure that no one disturbs his sleep.But we are not the only defenders of his dream.

- And who are the others?

- In my opinion, you already take off the sign.

- Don't tell me what..

- Yes, the monsters that destroyed your group were other defenders.

- Stop.But it's impossible for the monsters to protect something, because they attacked us just like that.

"Are you sure about that?"

- yes.

- Are you sure?Then think about the exact moment they attacked you.

- That you're kidding me.Am I supposed to look for a reason why they attacked us.

  But. If you think about it, why didn't they attack us when we entered the island.So think James.What happened?And exactly when did they attack?

  We decided to climb the mountain and as soon as we got close to the mountain, the monsters attacked us.

- Stop.Is the mountain their territory?.

- Ha ha.Funny.No, you're wrong.The mountain is not their territory.The mountain is our sleeping God.Godzilla.

  I began to digest all the information I received.I began to think, after all, maybe I died?

  But I was alive and it's true.

- And when will your God wake up from his sleep?

-At the moment when the balance in the world is destroyed or the Earth is in danger, our God will awaken.

- Can I go back to my house?

- I'm sorry, but it's impossible.Once you pass through the curtain of fog and get to the island, you can no longer leave this island.

- why?

- Our God created a special barrier because of which a very large area around the island is filled with fog.And it is because of our island that it is very difficult to find.To be honest, you and your band are lucky that you were able to get here.And this barrier works so it is possible to enter, but it is impossible to leave until our God wakes up from sleep.So you can't leave this island.

- That is, I can't go back until your God wakes up and how long I have to wait.Months, years.When your God wakes up, answer.

- Calm down, first listen to what I want to tell you.

  I really have to calm down.Inhale and exhale.

- Okay, let's say what you wanted to say.

- So you can't leave this island until our God wakes up.But once in 20 years, when there is a parade of planets, it will be possible to pass through the barrier.

- Once every 20 years and how long I have to wait.

- Well, about 17 years ago, just three years ago, our people from the outside world gave us an account of what was happening in the outside world.

-17 years old? So long!Well, at least there is an exact date, as opposed to when your God will awaken.Seventeen years of patience is much better than waiting for the awakening of some God there.

- Well then, welcome you to the island of our God.I am the chief of the Goji tribe, and my name is Akar.And you as my friend.

- Nice to meet Swami Chief my name is James Creed.

  After these events, I lived on this island for seven years.(He came to this island in 1938).During these seven years, I have learned a lot from the Goji tribe.And I began to feel like a part of their tribe, I even began to think about whether I should go back to the outside world.No one is waiting for me there, the only thing why I wanted to come back is just to give all the information I learned about this island to the US Government, to get rich and become famous all over the world.But having lived here for so many years, I understand that fame and wealth do not stand in front of a quiet life on this island.And tell your story.

  And suddenly the whole island started shaking.And at that moment, holograms of the Goji tribe leader appeared all over the island.

- I order everyone to gather in the square, we must greet each other.Our God when he wakes up.

  After these words, all the people began to gather in the square, which was at the foot of the mountain.Everyone fell to their knees and began to wait.

  The front of all the mountain began to move and all the trees and grasses on it began to disappear.The front ones were no longer a mountain, the front ones were already almost four kilometers tall Godzilla, who began to look around.

  I just looked dumbfounded at everything that was happening in front of the house.I thought that everything that was talked about in the Goji tribe was legends passed down from century to century.But after seeing everything with my own eyes, I fell into a stupor.I was enraptured by their God.Who was looking at everything around and when he looked at our side, all the people began to pray to him.And the next scene surprised me.Godzilla began to shine and shrink in size until he took human form.

He had silver hair, cold golden eyes, skin pale like albinos, sharp features just like Aristletocrats, athletic figure.But his back stood out the most.His back had the outline of a demon's face.(yes, fuck, he has the back of a demon like Hanma Yujiro.)We can say that he really is the Incarnation of God.Godzilla.

- In which direction is Japan.

  He asked.