
Chapter 34

A maid dashed into the grand mansion's hallway, urgently swinging open a room's door.

"Madam, young master is missing again!" she exclaimed, worry etched on her face as she looked towards a woman with blonde hair and striking emerald eyes.

"He must be in the library, bring him here," the woman calmly instructed.

"Y-yes, right away," the maid swiftly bowed, retreating at the same pace she entered the room.

"This child is just two months old and yet, he is really abnormal,"

The blonde woman mused, rubbing her forehead. Suddenly, a slight giggle from the woman standing beside her caught her attention.

"Oh, aren't you enjoying this?"

Lisia chuckled, taking support of a table with her hands on her chin, looking towards her secretary who seemed to relish the struggle she was facing with her child these days.

"Madam, forgive me, it's just that 'normal' doesn't fit young master," the secretary replied.

Lisia, well aware of her secretary's perspective, giggled too.

Anastasia would have been shocked if the child had acted 'normal' considering the extraordinary parents he had.

Her previous master had been one in a million, rising to the position of the richest man, and now, her present Madam was anything but ordinary.

The Croceus Group had firmly established itself as the foremost industry on a global scale, an unassailable giant.

With Lisia at the helm, their already prominent position had become permanent, widening the chasm between them and the second wealthiest conglomerate to an insurmountable extent.

After the Triswens were eliminated from the game, nobody dared to challenge the Croceus Group. Lisia's strategic move to eliminate a formidable adversary first set a powerful example for others, establishing their dominance.

However, even she was taken aback by the circumstances surrounding the demise of the Triswens and their entire group of Cultivators.

For ordinary individuals, it might seem like a powerful entity wiped out the Triswen group.

However, due to her position, Lisia knew the cultivation levels of those who met their demise that day.

They weren't just strong cultivators; they were behemoths in their own right.

The loss of four Golden Core Cultivators in a single day was unfathomable, let alone twenty-six Foundation Establishment members.

Even if she could entertain the idea of a formidable cultivator eliminating the Foundation Establishment members, believing someone could eradicate four Golden Core Cultivators was beyond reason.

Furthermore, the sudden disappearance of the Triswen group's wealth in a single day indicated the enormous sums spent on hiring these cultivators.

While hiring for assistance was common, the sheer scale of this hiring was astounding—it amounted to 3 percent of Croceus Group's shares, highlighting the immense financial investment.

What raised more suspicion was the affiliation of these cultivators with a singular sect.

These four individuals were not just powerful; they held the crucial positions of Patriarch and Elders, underlining their prominence and influence within the clan.

Due to the enormous amount involved and the mortal target, they took the bet, being among the very few known among the highest elites who utilized such services for their nefarious deeds.

However, all of them met their demise—four Golden Core Realm cultivators, their faces contorted in terror as if they had witnessed an unimaginable monster.

To the public eye, the fear among the elites could easily be attributed to the massacre in Triswen carried out by her husband.

However, in reality, the deceased were all existing members of the Scarlet Fang Brotherhood Sect — Seventh strongest Sect, that is now extinct with their Patriarch and Elders death.

Among the elites, there was a deep understanding that behind the formidable Croceus Group, there existed something far superior and beyond their comprehension.

This realization made it easier for her to take over numerous weaker businesses and solidify her position among all the existing giants.

The aura of mystery and power that shrouded the Croceus Group only served to enhance its reputation and influence in the elite circles confirming noone lift their head in fear of being crushed.

Lisia, understanding all this, couldn't help but think, 'Guess you're really something else, husband.'

She was slowly being drawn into her husband's intriguing ways, fully aware of it, yet finding a strange fondness for it as it constantly reminded her of him.

"Young Master, you can't run like that,"

A maid came into the room, consoling the infant. Following Lisia's orders, she gently placed the child on the table, amidst the paperwork.

Bowing, she excused herself and left the room.

"So, why did you want to go to the library, Ryuk?"

Lisia looked at her child, the sun's rays accentuating his black hair and eyes that shone like emeralds.

A small, adorable pout was visible on his face, displaying his dissatisfaction at being removed from the library. It was a sight that made Lisia smile.


The tiny baby tried to articulate, his language still developing. Although a bit challenging to understand, it was clear he wanted to know something.

He pointed towards a chart mentioned in one of the documents. Lisia couldn't help but giggle at his determination to delve into the details.

"Madam, I believe the young master wants to know this month's revenue from the pharmaceuticals sector,"

Anastasia chimed in, not wanting to miss out on this adorable mother-son interaction, giggling along with Lisia.

The infant, blessed with superior genes, was in the early stages of learning.

Despite his exceptional potential, he needed knowledge—just like having the world's fastest processor wouldn't be useful without data to process.

Looking at her child, Lisia, overwhelmed with maternal pride, could only beam at the sight of her son. Just then, the door to the room opened once more, revealing a thirteen-year-old boy with hair as silver as moonlight and eyes as deep as sapphires. He spoke respectfully to the blonde woman before him.

"Greetings, Aunt Lisia. I've completed the oil purchase dealings with the Orion Groups, and they will send it to our refineries within a week."

He moved forward, placing a file on the table. This was Jeorge, diligently preparing to involve himself directly in major business matters.

Initially taken aback by the expectation placed upon him, he had grown to understand the importance of learning all he could to be a valuable assistant to Ryuk.

Avendial, whom Jeorge referred to as Uncle, had set him on this path. Armed with a brain far superior to many adults, Jeorge had initially feared he would be relegated to mere babysitting after the new baby's arrival.

However, he soon embraced the opportunity to learn and contribute.

Jeorge had actively engaged in numerous deals, securing one major and two minor ones within just ten months even if Anastasia slightly supported but for his age it was really outstanding.

"Oh, it's impressive, Jeorge, and I hope you will take care of Ryuk,"

Lisia commended, going through the document to confirm the key points of the deal before entrusting her son's well-being to Jeorge.

Jeorge glanced at the child who was attentively looking at a paper, tilting his head as if deciphering an alien code.

The child then shifted his gaze towards Jeorge and pointed at a graph.

This action surprised Jeorge, as the page Ryuk indicated was actually the next page, displaying his understanding of the sequence in which the papers were arranged.

Ordinarily, this might seem coincidental or even ordinary from an outsider's perspective—identifying the next page from a collection of random documents simply by recognizing the numbers mentioned at the page ends.

However, Ryuk was just two months old, making this display of understanding truly extraordinary.

"I understand, Aunt Lisia,"

Jeorge replied with a respectful bow before starting to play with Ryuk.

Although Ryuk couldn't understand the words, he attentively looked at Jeorge, tilting his head as if trying to decipher the meaning—exuding the curiosity of a young child.

Observing Ryuk's black hair, Lisia couldn't help but think about her husband.

"Guess, he must be busy with that vixen,"she mused

Over the past two months, Lisia and Meiyue had developed a friendly rivalry, connected by the same bridge though with different edges.

They cared for each other, but their deepest affections were reserved for their husband.

Recently, her husband had taken Meiyue away, mentioning concerns about the safety of her delivery.

Lisia had suggested hiring skilled doctors, but her husband had declined, assuring her that there were no complications with the child.

The mystery of it all left Lisia both intrigued and happy about getting a daughter, especially after seeing how her husband monopolized Ryuk.

She hoped for a daughter to join their family—a beautiful daughter to play with or atleast accompany her while her husband will be busy with Ryuk.


Imagine a grand coastal villa, tucked far from the city, overlooking the vast ocean from a cliff.

The villa is a masterpiece with its expansive, gleaming white walls that come alive under the soft moonlight, adding to its mystery.

Positioned at the edge of the cliff, the villa offers breathtaking views and serves as a perfect escape from city life.

As the moonlight gently kisses the calm sea, the villa is cloaked in an enchanting glow, creating a tranquil and mesmerizing atmosphere—a true sanctuary of peace and beauty.

Amidst the tranquil scene, a tearing sound disrupted the peace, sending small shockwaves through the calm ocean waters.


'Her seal is weakening.'

A man turned his attention to a woman with a slight belly bump, her body crackling with sparks, generating a 10-meter radius of intense internal energy, potent enough to disperse cultivators below the Golden Core Realm.

Even at that level, emerging unscathed was a challenge.

'Cover me with your internal energy,'

Man's gaze fixed on the woman.

She elevated from the ground, her white hair fluttering, and an odd glitch-like effect occurring with her tails.

The sheer pressure she exuded caused cracks on the villa's walls, designed to withstand strong sea waves.

A black cat observed silently, its eyes glinting as it licked its paws.

Soon, the man's body was enveloped by an invisible energy barrier, feeling as dense as water, providing him protection.


The woman in the throes of childbirth pleaded with the man, her utmost concern being his safety and well-being after all the care he had showered upon her.

With tears in her eyes, she looked at him, feeling the deep bond that tied them together.

She couldn't fathom a life without him, especially after witnessing his tender care for her, Sometimes when he played with Ryuk while feeding her fruits.It was a blend of amusement and warmth.

She had found happiness in this family, even if it came with playful rivalry with Lisia and her deep love for Ryuk and her husband.

Her heart ached as she watched him consume a large quantity of low-grade elixirs and could only have her food when he acquired some middle-grade elixirs.

Despite this, he always maintained a warm smile.

Unbeknownst to her, he already had a warehouse stocked with middle-grade elixirs, though it didn't align with his motives.

"Shut up, Meiyue. Don't be stupid. I will not let you leave me,"

The man asserted, his eyes filled with determination, holding her hands as her tears fell.

Amidst the pain and suffering, a slight chuckle escaped her, finding amusement in the situation. 'I've already told him it was a joke, and yet he...'

"Ughh!" Her face contorted in pain before she summoned all her strength, pushing as hard as she could.

Suddenly, a ball of light emerged from her, resembling a transparent egg, a sight both astonishing and breathtaking.

As the ball of light began to dissipate, within it emerged a small, enchanting child.

The little girl had a mop of glossy black hair cascading in playful disarray, framing a cherubic face adorned with twinkling, mischievous red Ruby eyes.

Fluffy fox-like ears adorned her head, twitching with curiosity and excitement.

A delicate, yet visible, fox-like tail peeked out from behind her, a charming testament to her ethereal existence.

As the child stirred in the man's embrace, her eyes turned towards him, wide with wonder and innocence.


The entire villa quaked and trembled, walls shuddering as if an unseen force swept through. Cracks began to snake across the walls, revealing their vulnerabilities under the strain.

The man tightened his grip on the slumbering infant, and his gaze shifted to the woman. Her eyes, once a gentle hue, now shone with an intense crimson light, illuminating the room.

The ethereal glow seemed to breathe life into her tails, slowly emerging from the light like wisps of stardust.

Intriguingly, tiny particles around the woman started to levitate, dancing in the air like fireflies. It was as if the very essence of her being exuded power, embracing her in a captivating display.

Finally, her eyes opened, revealing a shine that matched the brightest stars. Her hair, caught in the glow of the moonlight, seemed to shimmer, lending her an otherworldly grace.

Silence enveloped the villa, the earlier tremors now stilled, like water after a tempest.

The woman gazed at the man, her eyes widening in surprise, before a sword adorned with blue runic inscriptions materialized in her hands, a mystical creation.

In an almost imperceptible movement, she vanished, her speed rendering her nearly invisible.

Her eyes bore a sudden intensity, a harbinger of imminent danger. The man, caught off guard, struggled to comprehend what went wrong, the caution he'd maintained now slipping through his grasp.

Even in that heartbeat of a moment, his brain raced, aware of how challenging it was for this woman to attack him due to all efforts he put to tame her.

Then, a realization dawned upon him — he wasn't alone in this room.

The woman's sword cleaved through the air, her intent clear.


Her blade clashed with an entity shrouded in darkness, an eerie void-like being.

Teeth gritted in determination, the woman found herself face to face with a black spirit beast, the creature gripping her sword with formidable strength.

[Human, Don't try this again]