
Chapter 33

In a serene forest, where a tiny droplet gracefully slips from a leaf, a lingering reminder of the night's rain.

The morning sun, now unveiling itself, kisses the droplet, transforming it into a miniature mirror, reflecting the vibrant blue sky above.


In the quietude of the forest, a small sound, like a droplet, disturbed the tranquil air.

Not far off, a cave lay nestled in the natural serenity.

Inside, a woman with ethereal white hair and fluffy, adorable ears adorned her head, enhancing the beauty of her already fair and delicate features.

She rested against a man's bare chest, her body modestly covered by clothes that acted more like a protective layer against the cool air.

Her eyes gently fluttered open, revealing a man peacefully slumbering beside her, his arms holding her in a tight yet comforting embrace, as if he feared letting her slip away.

This deliberate display of affection reminded her of the reason that had set all this in motion.

Her captivating Ruby eyes shifted towards the man. 'Stupid, I kept insisting it was just a joke, and yet he...'

A playful blush tinted her cheeks as she recalled the events of the night.

The peaceful ambiance, coupled with the man's warm and reassuring hold, lifted her spirits.

He had shown care and devotion, unwilling to part with her, going to great lengths to ensure her comfort.

It made her self-reflect, blaming herself for the situation, all while remaining blissfully unaware that the man was fully awake, merely pretending to slumber.

He expertly conveyed that the outcomes were her doing, allowing her heart to find peace and mending her mind by protecting her from the chill of the ground.

With a touch of affection, he had covered her with his internal energy, subtly showing his care and hoping to achieve the desired outcome.

After an hour, the man's eyes slowly fluttered open, gradually revealing the dark pupils hidden behind them.

They met two mesmerizing Ruby eyes that seemed to be patiently awaiting an answer.

Observing her in this state, he felt a gentle pang of memory from the events of the previous night. He shifted his gaze to the side, using one finger to scratch his chin, giving off an impression of realization dawning upon him.

"Hehehe, you were quite energetic last night. Now, in the daylight, you're all shy,"

she playfully commented, glancing at him with a playful sheepishness, a contrast to his bold actions from the previous night.

She looked at the man, noticing a subtle tinge of shyness that seemed to contrast with his more assertive behavior during the night.

Her heart warmed, and she leaned in to give him a tender peck on the cheek.

Continuing, she spoke softly, while the man looked at her with a surprised expression due to the sudden touch on his cheek.

"I won't hate you. After all, it was my fault for provoking you," she said, her voice gentle and reassuring, as she laid her head on his warm chest, finding comfort in his embrace.

The man's eyes shifted towards her fluffy ears, and a smile graced his features, realizing the outcome he had just achieved—skillfully redirecting his actions and attributing them to her own playful antics.

"Wait! Where is the sword?"

She asked swiftly, retreating from his chest. This made him smile gently before gesturing towards a sword propped against the cave walls.

She sighed in relief as they both slowly stood, revealing the naked body of the man, his physique adorned with chiseled muscles.


However, her sight was not on the muscles but something else that seemed to make her hold her breath. 'How did it even fit inside?'

The man, looking towards her, noticed her eyes as he teasingly moved towards her, making her retreat with slight surprise.

"Why, what happened? I just need my clothes," he gestured towards the clothes lying beside her.

"Uh, oh, umm, here,"

She stammered, hastily giving him his clothes before using her illusion once again to create her nine tails, hiding the sword within them.

As the man looked towards her, due to her unconscious movement, her tails concealed her nether area and bosoms. A slight hue of red formed on her cheeks, making her look alluring.

However, for the man, it was all just a satisfactory result, nothing more.

They both moved out of the cave and reached the road, where they found many cars already waiting for him.

Some bodyguards came and bowed to him, leading him inside a limousine.

Everything was already set up by him to ensure a smooth return once his work here was done.


In a Black Limousine a woman gazed out the window, her nine tails providing a comfortable pillow for the man nestled beside her, their softness and fluffiness tingling his senses.

"It is not the way, though," she questioned, prompting him to consider the unknown.

His mind drifting into contemplation, 'If illusion is like this, then what would real ones feel?' he mused while feeling her tail's fluffyness before Smiling.

He gently placed his hands on his chin, playfully responding, "Who knows, you might run away, so I am bringing you with me."

A flicker of surprise passed through her eyes, and she stammered, "I-i already told you, it was a joke."

"Sorry, I will not going to believe you; I need a reason to hold you here," he replied, shaking his head with a playful demeanor.

Her thoughts raced as she averted her gaze, a slight blush coloring her ears, noticed by the observant man.


In the bustling scene outside the opulent mansion, a sleek limousine led the way, accompanied by a convoy of luxurious Audis and Range Rovers, creating a spectacle of affluence.

Stepping out of the limousine were two figures, capturing the attention of the mansion's staff.

The man had an aura of authority that kept everyone on edge, while the woman due to her nine flurry tails and two cute ears on her head standing by his side intrigued both the servants and maids, piquing their curiosity.

Whispers of the man's reputation for ruthlessness against Triswens had already circulated, drastically altering the perception the staff held of him.

Once seen as merely a shrewd businessman, he was now viewed through a more cautionary lens.

Together, they made their way towards a particular room that had assumed a central role within the mansion.

Inside the room, a pregnant woman lay on the bed, her belly bump supported by pillows.

Maids and lady doctors attended to her, recognizing that this was the last month of her pregnancy.

The room's door swung open, revealing two individuals. A man with deep obsidian black hair and intense black eyes stepped in, accompanied by a woman with delicate perking ears emerging from her long white hair, her red and white furry tails creating a soft cloud behind her.

The blonde-haired woman in the room observed them intently.

All others, except the trio, tactfully made their way out, having grown accustomed to this routine.

"Guess, after I got pregnant, you found another one, haa,"

Lisia remarked, her tone carrying a mix of bitterness and accusation. Lisia, narrowed her eyes, silently evaluating the woman beside the man.

Meiyue's face held guilty smile, as she reevaluated her yesterday's provocation that led to all this, and now due to her, man had to suffer more.

The man, aware of the dynamics at play, gently approached Lisia, his wife, and expressed, "Forgive me, wife. You see, I really care for her," placing a peck on Lisia's cheek, a testament to their familiarity.

Understanding the complex situation, he knew Lisia was vying for control, trying to assert dominance over Meiyue, who would soon also be his wife.

Lisia was aware of her existence due to her secretary, but was waiting for him to reveal Meiyue's existence himself.

"So, how did you fall for him?" Lisia inquired, her eyes holding a tinge of pity as she looked at Meiyue, who was oblivious to her gaze.

Meiyue swiftly answered, wanting to dispel any misconceptions. "No, it was my fault for provoking him. Otherwise, nothing like this would have happened," she clarified, taking responsibility for the incident and hoping to mitigate any negative perception.

Lisia, understanding the situation better, glanced towards her husband, who responded with a reassuring smile.

"Sigh, tell me something about you then," Lisia inquired, unyielding in her quest to gain the upper hand. She knew that if her husband had chosen Meiyue, there had to be something remarkable she was yet to discover.

"My name is Meiyue, a Fox-kin, and um," she started, fidgeting with a desire to confidently declare her role as his new wife but feeling a bit embarrassed.

This was uncharacteristic of her; usually, being a Cultivator meant facing deadly battles and maintaining a strong mentality.

However, All the events overwhelmed her, not giving her time to collect her thoughts, leaving her reacting like a maiden fallen in love.

Observing Meiyue's reaction, Lisia chuckled, recalling her own past when she had met him.

She then looked at her husband and remarked, "She is good,".

The man looked at Meiyue, surprised by the comment she received, and stood up, placing her on his lap while sitting beside his wife.

Teasingly, he said, "Indeed, she is really good," causing Meiyue's face to turn crimson red as she caught the implication, a tinge of redness lingering due to his repeated words last night.

Lisia, perceptive to their unspoken communication, sighed and asked, "How many months?"

Meiyue, still processing, looked at her in astonishment before noting Lisia's blank expression. Nervously, she replied, "2 months."

"You are really a fox, Haan," Lisia spoke, referring to fox usual gestation period of about 52 days.

The man observed the unfolding dynamics, satisfied with outcome of the reason behind bringing Meiyue here.

He wanted to confirm her pregnancy conclusively by showing Lisia's, Making her know what advantages Lisia hold.

As a Cultivator, she had the ability to hasten the child's development in her womb, but by bringing her here, he subtly showcased Lisia's strengths and upper hand in their relationship.

This strategic move would awaken the common competitive nature found in Cultivators, especially the desire to gain an upper hand.

Meiyue would likely strive to assert herself over Lisia once her mind recovered from the recent events.

This would give her a distraction, keeping her thoughts occupied and preventing her from dwelling on the previous day's events.

It was a cautious approach, acknowledging that one couldn't fully predict another's mind.


In the grand mansion, the air was charged with anticipation and tension, the once bustling hallways now hushed, the murmurs of maids and doctors echoing through the corridors. The room where the impending birth was to take place was a hive of activity.


Lisia was surrounded by a team of skilled doctors and attentive maids, her grip tight on the hand of her husband. The room was dimly lit, exuding a sense of calm despite the underlying intensity.


As the contractions grew stronger, Lisia's face contorted in pain, and her cries filled the room, echoing the struggle and strength that came with bringing a new life into the world.

The doctors and maids worked in harmony, providing comfort and guidance, their expertise and experience vital in this crucial moment.

"Lisia, please wife, just some moments more, hold it," the man consoled her in this crucial moment, helping her to relax. Lisia wanted a normal delivery rather than a surgical one, making the man feel helpless.

Stood beside her, after an hour of labor, the whole room was filled with a cry.

"Uuwaaaahhh!!... Uwaaaaahhh!!"

"Congratulations, Mr. Croceus. You've become a father of a boy," the doctors informed the man while handing the child to him wrapped in a white soft cotton cloth.

The infant boy bore a crown of obsidian black hair akin to his father's, complementing his fair skin.

His eyes sparkled in a mesmerizing shade of emerald, a reflection of his mother's captivating gaze.

"Thank you for giving me, such a precious gift, Lisia"

Man gently smiled as he moved towards the exhausted woman and hugged her, making her all pain and suffering for this moment bore a fruitful result, she felt happy looking at her child that was testament for her love to her husband and hoped one day, this smile will be more sincere one.