
Chapter 35

[Human, don't try this again.]

The spirit beast warned, a golden glint passing through the cat.

The blade, shining in a bright blue hue with an aura, got caught in the spirit beast's two fingernails with ease.

"Husband, you leave, and I will handle this beast,"

The woman gritted her teeth, her determination to protect her husband evident.

Faced with a spirit beast of this level, she swiftly acted to prevent any harm from befalling her husband.

'How did it even arrive here?' she wondered, trying to piece together the unfolding situation.


"Ouch! Why are you attacking me?"

The woman couldn't fathom why her husband flicked her head when she was trying to help him.

Then, a sudden realization struck her as she looked towards the black cat, which was calmly licking its paws, "Don't tell me, you... you rascal! Release him this instant!"

The man couldn't help but find this woman's lack of understanding irritating, although he didn't hold any real resentment towards her. After all, it was his own doing that had molded her into this state. He moved towards her, explaining, "He is my guardian beast."

"Now, calm down, you grizzly bear."

The man playfully hugged the woman, nibbling on her ears.

"Hey, don't, it tickles," eliciting a playful response from her as she forgot about her surroundings and fell into his embrace, savoring that small moment.

He then proceeded to play with their daughter.

"She is just like you," the woman remarked as she looked at her daughter's black hair and fluffy ears.

However, a sudden realization dawned on her.

"Wait, what is your cultivation level to tame this spirit beast?"

She was utterly shocked, considering this beast seemed remarkably strong— as one needs to be much stronger than such strong beasts; mainly immortals have them. However, her husband has tamed one; it was really shocking for her.

[What's with that 'tame' word, Human?]

The cat stopped licking its paws and glared towards the woman who didn't pay it any attention.

The man, hearing the cat's words, coldly glanced towards it. 'Don't play around and do what I asked for,' before he again shifted his gaze towards the woman and started, "I am at the Foundation Establishment realm."

The woman nodded, as if stating the obvious, and then he added, "and Bronze Realm in body cultivation."

Hearing these words, the woman was shocked, not because her brain thought her husband was some genius or anything, but due to recalling the event of that day when he shielded her from a car crash with his body.

"Don't tell me you didn't sacrifice your body for me that day?"

Seeing the woman's shocked expression, the man couldn't help but smirk and continued, "Why would I sacrifice myself for you?" He acted as if confused.

"W-what!?" the woman, trying to comprehend his reaction, couldn't understand. All these months, he had showered her with love.

Then, a thought resurfaced seeing her husband's such reaction as she spoke words that are her husband's weakness, "Guess I have to leave then."

She folded her arms and turned away, giving a side-eye to the man, waiting for his persuasion.

The man, slightly amused by her reaction, knowing this is all going in the right track, a slight glint passed through his eyes as he handed the infant to the cat.

'Do what I asked for. You have time until morning.'

Using Qi telekinesis, the cat held the infant in the air. Then, the man moved towards the woman, playfully ruffling his hair.

"Wait, no wife, you can't be this cruel to me."

His eyes slightly became as if a kid being abandoned as he looked towards the woman, whose face tried to struggle to stop her lips from parting.

She gazed at the man, his eyes reflecting a hint of sadness.

'Why is he so cute? No, act hard to get,'

She reminded herself, recalling the teachings of her junior sister.

Her sister, though inexperienced in dating, had passed on advice about to act hard to get when a guy expressed interest to make him care more.

She averted her gaze, not looking towards him, slightly peeking one or two glances. Just as she was about to turn away completely, she noticed the man looking at the floor, clenching his fist.

"W-what happened?"

she inquired, her feigned indifference momentarily giving way to concern as she couldn't help but react to the change in his demeanor.

Not understanding what had happened, she asked herself anxiously, 'Did I overdo it? Will he hate me now?' Her heart skipped a beat momentarily, all facade and teachings vanishing into thin air. She couldn't bear the thought of him being upset.

Gathering her courage, she moved towards him, gently holding his cheeks with her delicate, soft hands. Her emotions were in turmoil as she stammered, "I-i was kidding, I promise. It was just a jok...."

Before her eyes could well up with worry and confusion


"Got you"

The man swiftly pounced on her, gently pressing his lips to her neck, leaving a playful hickey.

In that moment, she was captivated, unable to move, and a rush of fear and excitement washed over her.

She realized her earlier worries of being disliked were unfounded as her body surrendered to his tender care.

With a soft chuckle, she thought looking at the man , 'Guess your teachings are proving quite effective, Junior sister'

Unnoticed by her indulgence in that euphoric moment while mind completely filled by man's care,


In the vast expanse of the field adjacent to the villa, a cat with mesmerizing golden slit eyes gracefully moved, cradling an infant adorned with distinctive black ears and captivating Ruby eyes.

The innocence in the child's gaze matched the innocence of the scene.

With a tender touch, the cat placed the infant on the soft ground, the child playfully chewing on her delicate hands, casting innocent glances at the feline companion.

However, the cat's eyes remained cold and indifferent, devoid of any discernible emotions.

[The pain will be fleeting]

The feline closed its eyes, and an eerie, dark aura akin to smoke started to envelop its form, almost transforming it into a shadow.

Suddenly, with a swift motion, its eyes burst open, revealing dazzling golden pupils that seemed to hold an immense and mysterious power.

As its eyes shimmered with a golden glint, a colossal magic circle materialized, adding an air of mystique to the unfolding scene.

An innocent child looked towards that golden circle, her Ruby eyes reflecting the phenomena like a pristine mirror, capturing every nuance of the mesmerizing display.

The golden magic circle blazed with a ferocious, electrifying brilliance, a hypnotic tapestry of archaic glyphs and spiraling incantations etched in a pulsating, radiant gold that seemed to defy mortal comprehension.

The inscriptions, aglow with an ethereal luminescence, surged with a raw, untamed energy, intertwining in a celestial dance of power, each symbol a conduit to the very fabric of the cosmos.

As if fueled by a cosmic fire, the symbols flickered and danced with an ominous intensity, emitting an arcane resonance that sent shivers down the spine.

In a breathless instant, it felt as if time itself had paused. A vibrant blue light, akin to a ethereal humanoid form, emerged from the child's now-lifeless eyes.

The mesmerizing Ruby hue that once brimmed with innocence had vanished, leaving behind vacant orbs, devoid of color and vitality.

The soul, once a gentle blue glow, hesitated on the edge of existence as a torrent of golden light surged towards it. This melding of energies was beyond mortal understanding, shaping into an enigmatic entity—an experience that was both harrowing and beyond the reach of pain, a grotesque transformation that defied description.

The soul trembled at an unnatural speed, its essence threatened to shatter under this unimaginable duress. Every fiber of its being resonated with torment, a relentless onslaught of suffering that seemed to echo through eternity.

In this fleeting moment—mere minutes in the real world, yet an eternity of anguish in this surreal realm—the soul bore the weight of countless lifetimes' worth of agony compressed into each excruciating second.

And then, suddenly, a profound silence descended, eclipsing the torment. The echoes of suffering were replaced by an eerie stillness.


Sunlight bathed the entire scene as it cast its golden glow upon the two figures entwined with one another.

The woman, positioned atop the man, exuded a unique sense of delight, despite her immense strength being temporarily suppressed to the Ascension realm.

She was undeniably one of the strongest powerhouses, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at not losing consciousness this time.

It was a stark contrast to the previous encounter, where she had been at the mercy of this man, now seemingly subdued.

"haa....haa... I guess I've won,"

She exclaimed triumphantly while catching her breath from all night long battle.

The man, still catching his breath, chuckled and managed to reply, "Haa...haa...you win, I guess. But let's not move"

Woman laid her body on his in that intimate position without removing the thing inside her as her soft bossoms touched his chest as she put her head on them.

" You really frightened me, I thought you will hate me"

Man hearing her words embrace her as replied," Only a fool will hate this" with saying that he slighty moved his hips while in that position.

" Aaahhhnn~"

" You pervert "

She hit his chest finding it most euphoric moment before a sudden realisation hit her, " wait where is rika !?"

"Now, you are remembering her,you need some punishment! "

" kyaa!~"

Man stretched her ass before turning her onto ground as ready for another session.

[Human, it took a tremendous amount of divine Energy but it is done]

Man's expression suddenly got changed as a slight smile adorned his face as his eyes become more darker as he stood, started to wear his clothes making woman slighty surprise

"W-what happen!?"

She looked towards the man who stood swiftly as started to wear his clothes.

She can't understand sudden change as she thought, 'maybe he is tired' before throwing that thought in dust bin looking at a thing standing proudly as it signed into his pants by force.

"Hey, are you a pervert or something? We have a child now, be a little responsible,"

He chided making her mouth agape at his abrupt change in behavior, recalling how he hadn't let her go the previous night. Nevertheless, she used her Qi to swiftly dress.

The man gently cradled the little child in his hands, who was peacefully slumbering, before turning to the woman. "And what's with that name, Rika?" he inquired, noticing the girl's name was different from what he remembered.

"Oh, that? I thought Ryuk and Rika sounded like siblings," she explained, playfully ruffling her tails before jumping towards him and planting a playful peck on his cheeks.