
Chapter 19

In the opulent embrace of the Grand Mansion, the moon cast its ethereal light, playing upon the lavish metals and marvels, bringing forth a celestial aura. Within the hallowed chambers, a bed enshrouded in the inky embrace of black smoke lay, an enigmatic enchanter awaiting her grand unveiling.

With each wisp of smoke that waltzed away under the moon's gentle allure, an awe-inspiring sight graced as a woman covered in fading smoke laid on a bed. The moonlight tenderly caressed her feet, crafting them into the likeness of a goddess, the skin glowing with a milky opulence and a subtle rosy blush.

The unveiling continued, revealing the contours of ample breasts and the elegance of her neck, akin to a finely sculpted masterpiece. Her lips, reminiscent of tender rose petals, bore a subtle moistness, inviting one's gaze to linger, while her nose stood as a testament to delicate craftsmanship.

As her eyes, initially closed, began to flutter open, they revealed mesmerizing emerald orbs that held the power to soften even the hardest of hearts. A cascade of blonde locks framed her face, cascading with a celestial grace, adding a gentle touch to her already resplendent beauty.

She seemed to embody the very essence of timeless allure, her age appearing to be gracefully frozen in the prime of youthful radiance, not a day past twenty-nine. With each blink, her eyes seemed to search, yearning for a connection, as if seeking an inseparable presence in the embrace of the night.

Her eyes, like emerald flames, found their mark—a man with a subtle smile, bare-chested, showcasing a muscular physique. Yet, to her, his appearance was inconsequential; it was the man himself that held the true allure.

In a swift, graceful motion, she descended from the bed, her upper body cascading into the man's waiting embrace, and her legs following suit, gracefully leaving the bed behind. It was a stark contrast to her earlier state, where she had been bound by the oppressive weight of her condition, unable to move even a finger.

"How's my dear Lisia feeling?"


"Ouch, that really hurt, you know."

The man chuckled slightly at the woman's antics as she hit his chest with her delicate milky white hands. Her tears found their way out of her enchanting emerald eyes. With her hoarse, broken voice, she continued lightly hitting the man's chest.

"You... are cruel. You said I'm... pathetic... *Sniff*, and... and... you'll choose another woman."

As those words reached the man's ears, his eyes widened before relaxing as he embraced the woman and began to smell her hair.

"So, you hate me being with another woman."

"I... you said you'll choose another... I."

The woman flinched as the man took a deep breath of her hair, and then he spoke.

"So, you don't have a problem with another woman as long as you're with me, right?"

The man teased, and intensely looked into her eyes.

"Why... you... are *sniff* so... heartless, cruel to me."

The woman couldn't control her emotions. It seemed like an unknown magnetism was attracting her towards this man, not allowing her to hate him or want to distance herself.

"Hey, look, do I look cruel to you?"

The man took her face and looked directly into her tear-filled eyes. Before the woman could comprehend, man looked at the woman's wet lips, which seemed even more alluring now. Her face had returned to a beauty even more mesmerizing than her prime. He wanted to have a hold on this woman, and the thought crossed his mind - 'I guess I have to plan a child soon.'

He began to devour those rosy, succulent lips, which seemed at his mercy. Slowly, as if savoring each delicate taste, he savored every moment, not allowing the woman to even struggle. In his embrace, she was nothing more than a rabbit at the mercy of a predator. He held back from letting his tongue enter her mouth, wanting to savor every bite of those rosy, dew-like lips that felt delicious. After a moment, he retreated and looked into the woman's eyes.

"Now, do I still seem cruel to you?"

His lips bore the marks of her lipstick, evidence of the assault. The woman's lips showed slight signs of the encounter, a subtle swell that made them look even more alluring as her breasts slightly gasped for air. Her teary eyes remained wide open, locked in a moment of intense vulnerability .

"So, now you shouldn't have a problem with me being with another woman," the man said, slightly gasping, seeking confirmation from the woman. He considered this a crucial moment, hoping she wouldn't reject his words. However, he heard something that confused him.

"You remember your promise, right?" the woman suddenly asked, her usual demeanor shifting. She looked at the man, wasting no time after sensing an otherworldly sensation.

He seemed to struggle to recall, prompting her to remind him, "About how you promised to fulfill any of my wishes."

"Oh, yes, how could I forget,"

Though his thoughts were racing, contemplating if she might ask him to refrain from being with another woman. He wondered if he would have to start hiding things from her.

In this moment, she had become more important than any other due to investment of divine energy he did on her, and he felt the need to make her happy.

"I will not ask you to avoid being with another woman,"

Her long eyelashes slightly covering her eyes. The man, not willing to take any risks, asked the cat, sensing its readiness to depart somewhere, 'Wait, did you give her mind-reading abilities too?'

[Human, you're the one who told me to increase her brain capacity. Handle it yourself and don't disturb me for five hours, as I need to go somewhere urgently]

'Before you go, at least arrange the first thing I asked for'

The cat narrowed its eyes, recalling the man's initial 'request' and choose to fulfill his 'request' due the immense ocean-like divine energy it had received. This energy was sufficient for the man to transmigrate into two worlds using his own power. However, the cat chose not to reveal this to anyone.

{A/n : More like Order}

[Human, I've upgraded your genes to an extreme level. Your offspring will possess superior genes. This will be the last time I help]

The man's eyes darkened with Void Energy slightly before returning to their usual state. A thought crossed his mind, 'We will see,' before he turned to the woman.

"Then, what is it?"

He asked, not hiding his thoughts.

"Officially marry me."

The man seemed to grasp where the woman was coming from and couldn't help but smile. He teased, "I miss my naive Lisia. How did she become such a calculating woman?"

"N-No, it's not like that,"

The woman flinched upon hearing his voice, realizing the man's strategy to tease her. She didn't fully comprehend what was happening; it felt as if her mind was freed from all restraints. She could understand everything happening around her.

Was it really a dream, or was her previous life the dream? She remained confused. As her mind became clearer, she felt she could achieve anything using her intellect except being close to the one she desired the most—him.

She was willing to do anything to be with him, regardless of whom he loved or what obstacles they faced. She needed him, as if he had become the air she breathed. Yet, she also realized that his approaching her in that desolate country was not a mere coincidence. There had to be many reasons, but she didn't care.

A single corner in his heart was enough for her, and she knew she would be the happiest woman there.

"You have to fulfill your wifelly duties you know"

Man looked towards the woman whose face slightly got red hue before mickly she said ".... okayy".