
Chapter 21

As if a wave of Excitement and Awe spread all over the High Society in the world, Avendial Croceus, the world's most revered magnate, declared his intention to bind his fate with another in the sacred bond of matrimony.

This proclamation set the globe ablaze, particularly the prominent countries, each stirring with an unparalleled fervor as they received the distinguished invitation.

Country A, the zenith of opulence and affluence, witnessed a palpable buzz of excitement amongst its elite members.

The grandiose family heads and affluent tycoons wasted no time in commanding their entourages to prepare for the imminent marital celebration.

"Ready the fleet of luxury cars and expedite our arrangements; we cannot afford to be tardy for Mr. Croceus,"

Directed the patriarch of a prominent family, exuding a sense of prestige and urgency.

In country B, known for its lavish lifestyles and influential elite, the news of the impending nuptials set off a similar frenzy.

The Richest among them and High Ranking one's who received the invitation promptly convened in their lavish abodes, meticulously planning their entourages' swift journey to partake in the grand festivities.

"Summon the private jets and ensure impeccable accommodations. We must make a statement at this prestigious occasion,"

Commanded a prominent business tycoon, embodying the privilege that came with their station, leaving all the business deals' that is about to be made, as they can't not give face to the man known a Avendial and increase their face value in front of him

Across the seas, country C was a blend of opulence and aspiration.

The elite members wasted no time in coordinating their plans upon receiving the esteemed invitation, intent on gracing the auspicious event.

"Dispatch messages to the estate, notifying them of our imminent departure. Our presence at the Country A shall be nothing short of regal,"

Declared a noble, his words echoing with an aristocratic air.

In country D, known for its influential families and prosperous magnates, the announcement was met with an equally enthusiastic response.

The privileged families and affluent dignitaries hurriedly gathered, organizing the logistics for their journey to this grand celebration.

"Prepare the convoy and secure the private planes. We shall leave an indelible mark on this auspicious occasion,"

Stated a magnate, his demeanor exuding the pride that accompanied being part of this elite gathering.

Lastly, in country E, the humblest among the nations, excitement was tinged with a sense of awe and anticipation.

The selected few who received the invitation were fervently preparing, eager to partake in this grand matrimonial celebration.

"Ensure our modest entourage is ready; we shall make our presence felt at this prestigious event," a man with silver hair ordered his butler, exuding quiet determination that characterized the privileged of this nation.

"But Father, how can we leave Mother like this?" a twelve-year-old boy asked his father, his concern evident as he looked at his mother's deteriorating condition as she sat with her slighty big belly evident of carrying a child.

"It's okay, my son. Your father knows what is necessary right now, and I will be fine,"

The woman with a kind smile assured her child, seeking to comfort him and help him understand his father's decision. The man realized again why he fell for this woman—wise and kind.

"I understand," the boy replied, though still worried.

"We will arrive as fast as we can, is that right?" the man asked, looking towards his son, who seemed slightly relieved yet still saddened.

"It's also a good opportunity to meet some good doctors,"

The man added, coming up beside his wife as their child joined in, and they hugged each other, finding solace in their close bond.

As the sun descended, painting the urban skyline with hues of amber and gold, private jets and planes from across the globe converged on the destination. The elite of each country had arrived at the airport of Country A, greeted by a bustling scene. Dignitaries and important figures from various nations stepped out, accompanied by their entourages.

The airport of Country A was alive with activity, adorned with an array of opulent vehicles. Luxurious cars, from the distinguished Rolls Royce Phantom to the sleek Limousines, were elegantly lined up, waiting to escort the esteemed elites.

The meticulous arrangement had been orchestrated by Croceus Groups, ensuring a grand and seamless welcome for each distinguished guest.


The wedding venue, befitting the stature of the richest man, was a breathtaking display of opulence and grandeur. Nestled in the heart of the city, the venue stood as a marvel of modern architecture and lavish design.

A grandiose ballroom, adorned with cascading crystal chandeliers and intricate gold filigree, captured the essence of extravagance.

The walls were embellished with intricate tapestries and fine art, depicting tales of love and prosperity.

An expansive glass atrium brought the beauty of the outdoors inside, creating an ethereal ambiance. Lush, meticulously landscaped gardens surrounded the venue, serving as an oasis of serenity amidst the urban hustle.

Guests were greeted by a red carpet that led to the entrance, lined with a guard of honor and attendants offering the finest champagne and hors d'oeuvres.

Every corner of the venue was meticulously designed, from the magnificent stage where the ceremony would take place to the intimate seating arrangements for the attendees.

As the night descended and the stars came alive, the venue was bathed in a soft, golden glow. Avendial made his entrance with his wife, Lisia Croceus.

The title had already been registered; it was merely a formality to hold the marriage. After all, he wanted his wife to have some good moments on this special night.

"Congratulations, Mr. Croceus and Mrs. Croceus too," greeted many high-ranking individuals, seeking a moment of Avendial Croceus' attention.

Yet, his eyes were fixed on someone he had been waiting for for many hours—the Kieran Family. Among the gathering, they were the humblest. Two individuals stood out, a man and a child, both with silver hair. The boy had striking blue eyes that didn't match the man's, perhaps inherited from the boy's mother.

'Jeorge Kieran, the villain-to-be who would become the richest man after Avendial. He is also the brother of the soon-to-be-born heroine. Their mother's tragic fate will shape the path of these characters, weaving a dramatic story,' Avendial contemplated.

Lisia also noticed Avendial looking towards a young child, but she dismissed it, preoccupied with the high-society ladies vying for her attention and hoping to establish connections.

Avendial made his way towards the gathering of people, noticing some looking downcast and attempting to form bonds with the elites from other countries.

"Hello, Mr. Kieran. It's nice to see you here,"

Avendial Croceus greeted with a warm but calculated smile. The power of that name, Avendial Croceus, reverberated through the business circles, often opening doors and sealing deals with a mere utterance. It held within it a reputation for success, wealth, and influence that few could rival.


Trying to persuade uninterested high elites about his business proposals, Kieran was already losing hope. He needed to acquire high-quality doctors for his wife's critical delivery, a situation that had drained him emotionally and financially.

Despite being the wealthiest in Country E, his funds were tied up and it would take a year to access them, potentially yielding five times the profit. This situation left him in a desperate predicament, feeling trapped and powerless against the ticking clock.

Feeling disheartened and desperate, Kieran approached every businessman, seeking financial support. But fate seemed unkind, as none of the business elites showed interest or had accessible funds.

It was as if God himself did not want him to receive any support. He blamed his destiny, feeling trapped and powerless, until he heard a voice that seemed to cut through the despair, offering a glimmer of hope in his darkest moment.

"Hello, Mr. Kieran. It's nice to see you here,"

Avendial greeted with a friendly smile, noticing the man lost in his thoughts.

Kieran, slightly taken aback by the sudden attention, responded with a warm, "Pleasure is all mine, Mr. Croceus."

Avendial then glanced towards Kieran's son,who also seemed to noticed his gaze as he introduced his son, "Oh, he is my son, George Kieran"

The boy, George, with his sharp eyes and perceptive nature, greeted Avendial politely,

"Hello, Sir Croceus. My name is George Kieran"

Avendial couldn't help but 'genuinely' laugh at George's confidence and responded warmly,

"Haha... it's indeed a good name you have there, George."

He then turned his attention back to Mr. Kieran, expressing his genuine interest, "Mr. Kieran, your child is clearly bright and promising. I approached you because I'd like to invest in your orphanage project. I truly appreciate the idea of creating the country's largest orphanage. I hope you will not reject my offer."

Kieran, already grappling with his own dilemma about the lack of funds for his wife's critical situation, was taken by surprise. A smile of relief and hope spread across his face as he responded, "Of course not, Mr. Croceus. Rather, it is my privilege if you invest in that project."

George, with his sapphire eyes reflecting gratitude, observed everything keenly. It was evident that Avendial's offer had turned the tables, leaving everyone present in awe of the unexpected turn of events.

"And I hope Lady Agatha is in good health,"

Avendial added with a genuine smile, referring to George's mother. The remark caught both George and his father off guard.

"I saw her some years ago at Mr. Carlo's party. I remember her for the way she proposed a deal in front of him. I was highly impressed by her presentation. She is indeed a wise lady," Avendial continued, tapping into his constructed memories to weave a convincing narrative. While he hadn't actually met Lady Agatha, Zyrglax's insights provided ample information about her acumen and her pivotal role in Kieran's success.

"Indeed, Lady Agatha is a wise woman,"

Meanwhile, some of the elites in the vicinity who were familiar with Lady Agatha's reputation were drawn to the conversation, intrigued despite their own financial constraints that stopped from helping kierans.

"Oh, She is slight...."

Before Mr. Kieran could complete his sentence, George interjected, seizing the opportunity to save his mother's life.

"Mother's health is not good at all. We came here to find a good doctor."

Murmurs spread through the gathering, evoking both sympathy and knowing nods from those in the know.

Avendial wore a slight smile, his eyes slightly narrowed, silently conveying, 'Caught you.'

But as he felt his wife gaze who seems curious too.

He swiftly took action, instructing his secretary, Anastasia, to arrange the same hospital for Lady Agatha and manage all the necessary formalities.

With a courteous excuse, he left the scene, making it appear as if he had just coincidentally found an opportunity to seal a business deal with the Kierans through this event.

Avendial and Lisia then made their way to greet and accommodate the rest of the guests, leaving a lasting impression on everyone they met.

"What was that?" Lisia asked, perplexed by her husband's sudden interest.

"Nothing, I just liked that child. Let's make one too, what do you say?" Avendial suggested with a slight smile, attempting to divert her attention from the events of the day.

It worked like a charm, as her face flushed with a delightful blush. They both made their way into their bedroom,

where the night was long, and his stamina even longer...