
Chapter 17

"Who was the businessman that you offended?" 

The man asked, peering out of the car's side window as he listened to the woman recounting how her company went bankrupt due to offending someone.

"He's from the Caroleeia Family—Malveer Caroleeia," she replied. "He asked me for one night stand, or he would destroy my business. I rejected his offer and, as a result, ended up in this situation—having to choose between him and 'fatso', rather than that bastard I chose sleeping with that 'fatso'. Malveer's the one who caused my father's condition," she explained, attempting to clarify her predicament.

The man contemplated her words, and she quickly corrected herself as pressed the breaks , "I mean, nothing happened between fatso and me. So..." 

She felt a tad bewildered, uncertain why she felt compelled to clear this misunderstanding in front of a man she had only met today.

Normally, she didn't care about what others thought of her, but strangely, she sensed that this man's opinion did matter.

The man was bewildered as the car abruptly came to a stop. However, upon hearing her words, his eyes widened, and a genuine smile graced his face. He gently placed his hands on the woman's trembling ones that were clutching the steering wheel.

"It's okay, I understand you're in a difficult situation. I hope you know you can ask me for help in the future," he reassured her.

Seeing the warmth in the man's smile, her heart felt a glimmer of comfort. As a woman navigating the challenging terrain of the business world, she knew all too well how she had managed to survive. If not for her father, she might have faced the same fate as other women forced to compromise their integrity to ascend the hierarchical ladder.

Her eyes moistened, and she pursed her lips, looking down. Then, she experienced a tender embrace that seemed to wash away all her suffering. In a world where she had felt so alone, she clung to this embrace, finding solace in it. Overwhelmed, she let her tears flow like a vulnerable child.she burst into tears like a little girl, her cries muffled and broken.

"Waaahh...it...was...hard.....*sniff*...waahhh," she wept, her voice catching with emotion.

"Hey, don't cry. Tears don't suit you. If you keep going like that, my shirt will be wet," 

The man consoled, hearing her child-like cry. He gently caressed her head and leaned his head against hers, only to be slightly surprised when two hands pushed him away.

"I-i... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," 

The woman stammered in a panic, concerned about her tears and wetting his shirt. Anxiety welled in her as she feared he might now see her as a child. Big tear drops started to form in her eyes before she heard a laugh.

"Hahaha, aren't you something else?" the man chuckled.

"I take those words back. You look alluring with those pearl-like tears of yours, dear Henna," 

The man shamelessly remarked, bending to gently touch his lips to her eyes, first surprising her with his laugh and then with the intimate act. 

Her face flushed crimson, and her heart raced. *Badump Badump*

She could hear her own heartbeat. Even so, she couldn't move her body, not wanting to interfere with the man's actions. She had held on for so long, and it felt different when someone cared for her.


The man continued his gentle act, savoring her both eyes, erasing the tear stains. He then placed his fingers on her lips, halting any further movement. 

"Not yet, Henna. Not like this. I want you to slowly know about me, and if you find I am an eligible person, then you can do whatever you want."

"Ah... okay, um," she faltered, gathering her thoughts.

"you can call me, Aven" 

"Aven, I... I understand,"

She bit her lip, not entirely sure why she felt a pang of disappointment, even though warmth enveloped her. The concern and care he showed about her feelings touched her, making her heart feel a bit lighter.

Man retreated with a small smile on his face ,and sat back as he asked the cat that was on back seat , 'Why this name seems familiar '

[Human, He is the same man, I pointed, at Auction house]

Cat replied ignoring man's act that seemed genuine, knowing him more better than anyone. 

As man heard the voice , he narrowed his eyes before a smile formed on his face, 'Guess, he could be of some use'. 


As the car approached the grand mansion gates, the guards stood at attention, ready to thwart any unauthorized intrusion. Their stern expressions relaxed as the vehicle, a pink Fiat, came into view. Intrigued, they exchanged puzzled glances, their thoughts racing with curiosity. 

It was evident from the transportation means that this was no typical threat, considering the reputation of cultivators or armed individuals.

"Halt, you cannot move furthe....*Smack*"

"Forgive us sir, Hey open the gates, right now"

The Guard before could speak got a head slap from his superior, identifying the man in the Car.

The grandeur of the mansion welcomed the approaching car, drawing the gaze of curious onlookers. The atmosphere buzzed with whispers as a man emerged from the vehicle, his clothes marked with ominous stains that sent a ripple of GASPS. A flurry of servants hurried towards him, concern etched on their faces.

"S-sir, are you okay? What happened?" 

Anastasia, known for her unyielding dedication, asked with a mix of worry and caution, her eyes focusing on her boss's blood-spattered attire.

"It's nothing. Let's keep this from reaching Lisia," 

The man not wanting the blood stains anymore on his body, he casually loosened his tie, the fabric slipping through his fingers effortlessly, revealing the subtle flex of his strong, sinewy neck. The loosened knot hung in a casual yet captivating manner.

Not giving attention to onlookers, he began unbuttoning his shirt. Each released button revealed a glimpse of his tanned, well-defined chest, drawing the eye to the tantalizing contours of his muscles.

 His allure grew with every unbuttoned section, the sunlight dancing on his bare skin, accentuating the shadows playing on the ridges of his abdomen.

As the last button surrendered, he shrugged off the shirt, exposing his sculpted torso and the ripples of muscles moving gracefully beneath his skin. 

The maids seemed to hold their breath, enchanted by the sight. His confident posture and the way the sunlight caressed his form made it impossible to look away.

The air seemed to sizzle with an electric charge. Suddenly, a sound broke through the awestruck moment:


The man looked towards the owner of the sound—a woman with creamy hair and sapphire eyes looking at him. 'Here I was thinking of helping her and she is lusting over me.'

"Dispose this shirt and also Handle Jacob case"

Man looked towards his secretary as a servant gave him new shirt , Anastasia as a professional secretary understanding what it means urgently done a call, completely sealing the case that didn't even meant to start due to involvement of Avendial captured in CCTV cameras, Government would have done everything in their power to close this case, as with his money he can switch to another country giving a huge blow to their economy.

"Thank you, Henna, Talk with Anastasia about your company, she will give you full support"

Man looked towards Henna and then Anastasia who nodded in understanding before he entered the mansion.


"Yes, madam, he removed his shirt, leaving everyone in shock, including the lady accompanying him, who couldn't help but gulp "

Amidst the commotion, a particular maid gossiped about the day's event. The blonde woman sat there with a weak posture, thin hands, and a pale face, her expression imbued with sadness. It was not due to the disease slowly taking away her life, but rather the incident the maid was informing her about. Of course, the maid didn't tell all the information. 

"Guess I caught a spy," 

A stern voice resounded in the room, causing the gossiping maid's heart to race as she kowtowed before a man whose black eyes looked as if it were her last day.

 "P-please, f-forgive me, sir," 

She fidgeted and begged for mercy, her eyes slowly welling up. Yet, she heard a voice that gave her hope. "Please... don't blame her. I was the one who inquired,"

 The blonde woman weakly said to the man, hoping he would not get mad at the maid.

"Sigh... hope you didn't tell her everything," the man sighed, clearly exasperated.

"Of course not, sir. I didn't mention the blood-stained shirt. It was not allowed to speak about,"

 The maid said before the man rubbed his forehead. He went to console the blonde woman, who started to panic upon hearing this news. Before she could exert any more pressure, he hugged her and gestured for the maid to leave.

"W-what... blood? Are you okay?"

 She panicked, checking his body before being held by the man's palms, her face in front of him. 

"I am fine. What about you? You don't look good," the man inquired.

The woman slightly dropped her head before she said, "I-it... is becoming harder."

The man's eyes shifted towards the woman before he closed them, taking a moment to compose himself. After a steadying breath, he gently spoke to the woman, his voice laden with a mix of desperation and love.

"Just one more day, please. Tomorrow is the last day, until midnight. Please, Lisia, do this for me," he implored.

The woman remained silent this time, fully aware of her deteriorating situation. Things were slipping beyond her control, and even standing on her own was becoming an insurmountable challenge. Her disease was slowly consuming her.

Seeing her lack of response, the man sat down beside her and pulled her into his embrace. Her frail body made her bones distinctly noticeable.

'Is there really nothing that can prolong her life?' 

He wondered, addressing his thoughts to the indifferent feline nearby. The cat didn't reply, simply looking at the man. He hadn't expected an answer; it was a rhetorical question, born out of frustration, as he grappled with the reality of the woman's condition, a reality that constantly scratched the surface of past memories, leaving him with a lingering sense of anger and helplessness, he can just wait and try to win his first bet.